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The Severodonetsk Institute hosted a conference on the development of Ukrainian society and the state

01 June 2017 21:57

A fruitful exchange of views on the problems of the development of Ukrainian society and state occurred during the XVI All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference, organized in late May by the Severodonetsk Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Its participants by tradition became representatives of student and student youth, graduate students, university professors and scientists from Severodonetsk, Mariupol, Lisichansk, Kiev and other cities of Ukraine.

With a salutatory word to the audience, Io. First Deputy Mayor of our city S.V. Zaretsky. Sergey Viktorovich emphasized the high level of education of students and students of the educational institutions of Severodonetsk, their success in scientific events and wished a successful representation of the results of scientific research to all participants of the conference.
The range of issues discussed included the problems of innovations in the legislation of Ukraine, the protection of citizens' rights, the fight against corruption, energy efficiency and energy saving, the psychological aspects of the work of the work collective, the development of national sports in Ukraine.

Head of the Department of Jurisprudence of SI MAUP, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor S.A. Lysenko disclosed aspects of the organization of private executive and detective activities in the country, students of the law department of the Institute under the guidance of Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Agafonov O.I. Prepared a presentation of materials on the history of the native land during the Second World War, and the student Shcheglov Vitaly suggested even his own theory of motivation of the organization's personnel.

Actual was the speech of a student of the Lisichansk State Mining and Industrial College of Wholesale Vladislav, the topic of his report concerned the banning of social networks in Ukraine.

Traditionally interesting was the performance of the school № 6. Pupil Matrenin Andrey under the guidance of teacher-methodologist Moskalenko A.Yu. Represented the research work on the creative work of the People's Artist of Lugansk Region V.I. Tyutyunnik.

All the presentations aroused the interest of the audience, and sometimes even a real discussion. Its active participants were representatives of the Center for Social Services for the Family, Youth and Children, the head of the Daugavpils N. A. Naumova, senior teacher of the SI MAUP R.A. Gavrilyuk, a student of  VNU the V. Dalia K. Kisil and future lawyer - student of MAUP D. Leonova.

The conference ended with the awarding of certificates and a traditional photo for memory.

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