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Table tennis competitions were held at IAPM: college students are leaders again

28 February 2018 16:44

On February 28, the Academy hosted table tennis competitions among students. Each team had 2 boys and 1 girl. In total, 15 students participated in the competition.

Teams took the following places:

the first - the team №2 of the Economics and Law Technical College at the IAUP;

the second is the team №1 of the Economic and Law Technical College at IAPM;

the third is the team of the Educational-Scientific Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences;

the fourth - a team of the Educational Institute of Management, Economics and Finance;

fifth - the team of the Institute of Advertising.

For the first three places, prizes, the teams received diplomas and medals. And in the first place the winners received a transition cup. However, since the winners have become the third time the team №2 of the Economic and Legal Technical School at IAPM, the cup remains forever.

According to Svetlana Yakovlevna Kumskova, organizer of sports work and physical education, the best chances to become the winner in the competition are the most delicate ones, those participants in whom a good reaction is most observant.

Congratulations to the winners!

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