Mental Health: Global challenges of XXI century




Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Ukraine)

 International Academic Mobility Center



Mohamed Lamine Debaghine, Sétif 2 University


University of Manitoba

Canadian Centre on Disability Studies (CCDS)


Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg (Germany)

Faculty of Human Sciences Sports

Center Contact and Information Service Center for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses


Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly


NDSAN Network


Kyiv  National  Economic  University named after Vadym Hetman

Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)

Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences

International “Integration” Centre for Professional Partnerships

Department of Sociology and Social Work

Department of Physical Education

Mental Health Institute of Ukrainian Catholic University


“Mental Health: Global challenges of XXI century”

The problem of Mental Health Care in the contemporary world becomes global with many negative consequences. Thus, according to the World Health Organization, mental and behavioral disorders are extremely common and affect up to 25% of all people in certain periods of their lives. The WHO notes that in the future, given the aging population and worsening social problems, the number of cases of this category will increase considerably.

Each country in the world faces significant hindrances in both socio-psychological and economic aspects of the Mental Health Care system. No country has yet completely solved this problem in full. This create an urgent need in joint efforts to solve this problem.

The conference aims:

  • To attract attention of world researchers to problems of MHC in developing countries and to global MHC problems
  • To investigate perspectives and solutions of specific issues of MHC in multidisciplinary and multicultural aspects. To facilitate pooling researches to effectively solve global MHC problems
  • To provide the platform for exchanging of ideas, building of academic networks, developing of future collaborations between researchers across the different regions of the world.

Special guests:

  • German Culture Centre “Widerstrahl”
  • Team of the Sports Center, University of Würzburg (Germany)



  • Social welfare and human wellbeing in the context of globalization transformation
  • Specific issues of MHC: child neuropsychiatry, support of disabled people, elderly age people; MHC in rural areas
  • Innovations and developing of MHC in multicultural society
  • Interdisciplinary approach in MHC

Topics covered:

Medcine, Social Science, Economic, Law, Inter- and Multi-disciplinary studies

Content (program)

  • oral and e-poster presentations of research studies
  • Seminar, workshops
  • 2 round tables

Attending Types:

Regular Presenter  Virtual Presenter  Non-Presenter  


  • conference proceedings with ISBN.
  • Scientific Journal “Likarska sprava”.Indexed inScopusEMBASEMEDLINE
  • Scientific Journal “Interscientific Health Care” (publishers Medical School University of Thessaly and Nursing Department TEI of Thessaly, Greece)
  • Hellenic Journal of Nursing Science (official publication of the Hellenic Regulatory Board of Nurses). Indexed by Google Scholar, ResearchBib, Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek, Doaj, Academic Keys

 Style Guideline:

Proposals, Abstracts (up to 3-5 pages) and Full Papers (9-12 pages) should be formatted as follows:

  • Microsoft Word or compatible file
  • Paper size A4: Letter (210 х 297 mm)
  • Times New Roman, 14 points
  • 1,5-spaced, 1,5 column

Proposals, Abstracts and Full Papers should include the following (for all authors):

  • Name Surname
  • Institute affiliation
  • E-mail addresses
  • Text  (Structure: Abstract, Introduction, Theoretical part, Methodology, Results and discussion, Conclusions, References)
  • Resume (1/2 page)
  • Key words

Acceptance/Rejection (for publication in scientific journal)

We will send you an email notification of acceptance or rejection within one-two week of receiving your proposal/abstract or full paper and conference fee. If your paper is accepted, you can submit the publication fee. All accepted papers/abstracts will be published (unless otherwise requested) in:

  • Journal “Likarska Sprava” Indexed in ScopusEMBASEMEDLINE
  • International journal “Interscientific Health Care”

The conference registration fee includes:

  • Admission to the conference
  • 20-25 minutes time slot to present one paper at the conference
  • Publication in the conference proceedings (available in Google Academy)
  • Possible publication in one of international journals
  • A copy of the conference program
  • A copy of the proceedings
  • A certificate of presentation
  • Admission to all receptions, coffee breaks, etc

Types of conference fee:

  • Conference fee (publication only in conference proceedings)   20 USD
  • Conference fee (publication in scientific journal “Likarska sprava” indexed in Scopus) 30 (before) + 60 USD (after acceptance of paper)
  • Conference fee (publication in scientific journal “Interscientific Health Care”) 30 (before) + 0 USD (after acceptance of paper)


1. Lunch -  7 USD per person (one day)

2. Dinner. Networking – 12 USD per person

3. Cultural network. The sightseeing excursion on Kyiv – 7 USD per person

Registration and Submission details:

1. The deadline for:

  • submission of papers to scientific journal
  • registration and submission of abstract

is September  20

2. The registration form is available on

Please make your submission online or send to the e-mail  [email protected]

3. Make your payment via SWIFT to card of Privat Bank № 4731217106587171 with remark “conference fee”

Conference Venue

Conference Venue: Presidental Institute of IAPM

Address: 2, Frometivska str., Kyiv, Ukraine


As recommendable:

Date: October 26-27.  2017


October 26

9.30 – 10.00

Time for registration of participants

10.00 – 12.00

Conference Opening Plenary

12.00 – 12.30

Coffee break. Networking

12.30 – 14.00

Information Plenary (keynote speakers)

14.00 – 15.00

Lunch time (Registration required)

15.00- 17.00 


19.00 -

Dinner time. Networking (Registration required)


October 27

10.00 – 13.00

Sessions and Roundtables

11.00 – 11.30

Coffee break. Networking

11.30 – 13.00

Sessions and Roundtables

13.00 – 14.00

Conference closes. Panel discussion

14.00 – 15.00

Lunch time. Networking (Registration required)

15.00 -

Cultural network. The sightseeing excursion (Registration required)


For further information, please contact

 Dr. Viktor Vus,
PhD in psychology, Head of International Academic Mobility Centre
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

e-mail: (W) [email protected];

cell: +38 067 74 08 429