Educational and Scientific Institute of Law


Building No. 7, Phone: 490-95-21

A lawyer is one of the most common,
necessary and high-paying professions
in a civilized society.
Everyone needs a lawyer, just like a doctor.

The Institute was founded in 1994 by a decision of the Inter- sectoral Accreditation Commission of October 20, 1994, Protocol No. 14, and by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of November 9, 1994, No. 310. The Institute was created with the participation of the National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine.

In 2001, building No. 7 of the Institute of Law was built. Which has a total area of 2850.2 sq.m., auditorium of 1280 sq.m. of these: 3 streaming audiences for 150-200 seats each. 14 classrooms for practical classes for 30-60 seats.

The director of the institute is Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor Anatoliy Kisliy.

He started his professional career from the position of inspector and ended at the position of  the first deputy chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv region. From 2004 to 2007 he held the executive positions of the Dean of the Faculty and Vice-Rector of the Kyiv Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Scientific and pedagogical work experience is more than 20 years. He has over 150 scientific works.

Deputy Director - Tymoshenko Yuriy Petrovich - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor.

In 1999 he graduated with honors from the National Academy of Internal Affairs. From 1995 to 2019 he served in the police and DKVD of Ukraine. Scientific and pedagogical experience is 20 years. He has more than 50 scientific works.

The main educational unit of the Institute is the faculty of stationary and correspondence forms of study.

The Dean of the Faculty is Irina Muravyova. Doctor of Philosophy in Law.

In 2004, she graduated from the IAUP Law Institute in the field of law studies.

The main goal of the institute is to prepare new generation of lawyers who are able to realize at the high professional level the acquired knowledge in all spheres of multifaceted legal science and practice, who are conscious, honest, not indifferent, creative personalities, capable of thinking independently and responsibly in accordance with the principles of good and fair development of an open and democratic society.

Educational and Scientific Institute of Law. Prince Vladimir the Great MAUP provides full-time and part-time training in the following specialties:

  • 081 Law;
  • 262 Law enforcement.

Highly professional scientific and pedagogical staff of the departments involved in conducting the classes ensure a high level of teaching of disciplines based on the experience of practical work in the bodies of public authorities, the judiciary and law enforcement agencies. The eminent legal scholars and practitioners are hired to teach the disciplines too.

There are five departments within the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law:

  • Law Enforcement and Anti-Corruption Activities
  • Civil and Commercial Law
  • Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law
  • National Security Administrative
  • Financial and Banking Law

Three specialized scientific councils have been created and are effective at the institute:

  • Specialized Academic Council К 26.142.01 with the right of admission to the consideration and defense of the dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Law in specialty 12.00.04 “Business Law, Economic Procedure Law”.
  • Specialized Academic Council D 26.142.02 with the right of admission to the consideration and defense of the dissertations for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Law in specialty 12.00.07 “Administrative Law and Administrative Process; Finance Law; Information Law."
  • Specialized Scientific Council К 26.142.05 with the right to admit to the consideration and defense of the dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Law in specialty 12.00.08 “Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal Enforcement Law ”and 12.00.09“ Criminal Procedure and Forensic Science; Forensic Examination; Search Operations."

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Institute are the authors of textbooks and monographs that have taken a prominent place in higher legal education in Ukraine.

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Student Legal Consulting Center "Central Law Clinic", headed by Candidate of Law, lawyer Mykhaylo Stankovych, has been established and is working  at the Institute of Law.

The students of the institute take part in the work of a legal clinic, where they gain experience of counseling work and provide free assistance to socially disadvantaged citizens in matters of civil, housing, labor and family law.

The Institute has student self-government. Students are directly involved in the management of the institute, the protection of students' rights and interests, the solution of issues of study, life and leisure.

Head of the Student Council of the Educational and Scientific Law Institute named after the Prince Vladimir the Great - Karina Artyukh.

Students are actively involved in the research, sports and creative work of the Faculty and the Academy as a whole.

  • Chairmen of the Student Council of the Institute (2016-2018)

  • Excursion

  • Embroidery day

  • Bachelor's Degree finishing study

  • Competition "Dancing with Teachers"

  • The Art Palette Festival

  • Excursion

  • Football Competition

  • Mr IAPM Contest

  • Volleyball Competition

  • Miss IAPM Contest

  • Scientific Conference

Some Photos from the Life of Educational and Scientific Institute of Law