Sports World of IAPM
The Academy, which has about 20,000 students, a lot of those, who combines learning process with active sports. IAPM students are part of teams of Ukraine and gain awards of the highest quality at the most prestigious world forums. Our students are champions of Europe, the world and Olympic Games.
Sports and Recreation Activities at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management conducted in the following areas:
- engaging students in sports and sports activities for the creative assimilation of values of physical education and sports with a view to harmonious development and strengthening of physical and spiritual health, preparation for future profession;
- formation of students' humanistic outlook, systematic and well-organized body, covering philosophical, social, scientific, psychological and environmental topics, which are closely related to the theoretical and practical means of physical culture;
- formation of students' need to improve their health, physical perfection in many ways and forms of physical education, culture, healthy lifestyle skills, exercise throughout life, the foundations of family physical education;
- development and implementation of new tools and techniques that promote physical - education and sport improvement of students;
- preparation and publication of textbooks, teaching materials, recommendations, guidelines, material on physical education and sports for students;
- conducting scientific and methodological research on topical problems of physical education that will further improve the system of physical education.
Department of Physical Education and Sports conducts sports and cultural, sports and recreational activities for their close contact with the Department of Physical Education, institutions of Presidential University and higher educational institutions of Ukraine and state administration of Holosiivskyi district in Kyiv.
The main activities of the Department of Physical Education and Sports aim to: organization and conduction of 16 sports and recreational sections: fighting (male, female, mixed groups and national team), aikido, table tennis, orienteering and hiking, aerobics (students, staff and national team), shaping, athletic gymnastics (students, staff and national team), athletics, volleyball, football, Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, sports dancing and kapueyro, a special medical team; organizing and conducting training process for national teams of IAPM in various sports; providing the educational process of physical education with necessary sports facilities, sports equipment for the proper classes conduction.
Based on the above sections, teams of IAPM, participating in local, national and international competitions aerobics, weightlifting, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, swimming, athletics, table tennis, volleyball, football, basketball, unarmed combat and other sports are created. Training sessions are conducted by 16 qualified coaches, 6 of which are Honored coaches of Ukraine and Honored Masters of Sports, International Masters of Sports: Honored coach of Ukraine on sports walking Solomin A.V., International Master of Sports, Honored coach of Ukraine on football Konovalov A.B., International Master of Sports, Honored coach of Ukraine on Weightlifting Kulak V.G., International Master of Sports, Honored coach of Ukraine on Football Lozynskyi V.F. and others.
More than 645 students and 70 employees of the Academy attend Sports and fitness section.
IAPM athletes-student participate in competitions at various levels. For example, members of the national team in freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling tournament participated in the championship, which was held in Kyiv. And on Wrestling Championship of Ukraine in Kharkiv students Irina Hariv and Nikolay Ayvazyan took the first place, Andrew Kwiatkowski, Andrew Nagorny, Eugene Dzyubak - third place. In Wrestling Championship of Ukraine between youth, students of IAPM Arsen Yediharov and Muradin Kushhov won the championship and ticket to the World Championship, which took place in Bucharest (Romania), where Kushhov Muradin became the winner. IAPM football team became the third time champion of Ukraine championship on football among universities at the tenth anniversary of Ukrainian football championship among the students. National soccer team, took the fifth place in IX European Championship among universities and then – the first place in the table of results of European championships.
World's first Ukrainian who won the title of world champion in professional boxing in two versions IBO and IBF in the weight category up to 69.9 in 2010 year was the student of IAPM Alexandr Spirko. Now Alexander has a title of champion of Europe WBO, the world champion in versions IBF, IBO, WBC among youth, world champion according to UBA.
Department of Physical Education and Sports participated in the XIII International Tournament in freestyle wrestling (Kyiv), in which more than 500 of the world's strongest athletes from 29 countries fought for awards.
Members of the IAPM team on Orienteering and Tourism participated in holiday devoted to the Day of tourism in the Holosiivskyi district in Kyiv. Organized an expedition to the "Atlantis" caves (Kamenets), "Optimistic" (Lviv), "Mills" (Ternopil), training and sport climbing in Deneshi, Zhytomyr region. IAPM students also participated in the first national competition of riding sports. Members of the IAPM swimming team regularly take part in the Holosiivskyi area championship among universities.
Department of Physical Education and Sports systematically organizes and conductes IAPM championships in football, basketball, aerobics, table tennis and many other sports. Student Olympics is aimed on development of physical and sports culture, health promotion between students and their involvement in systematic physical and sports training, and also healthy lifestyles.
Діяльність Департаменту фізичного виховання та спорту спрямована на організацію та проведення рекламно-інформаційної роботи. Постійно ведеться робота із залучення до навчання в МАУП перспективної спортивної зміни з відомих спортивних навчальних закладів та відомих спортсменів. Диплом Академії про вищу освіту мають такі видатні спортсмени, як Володимир Шацьких — майстер спорту міжнародного класу, чемпіон світу з греко-римської боротьби; Ельбрус Тедеєв — заслужений майстер спорту України, дворазовий чемпіон світу, срібний призер Олімпійських ігор в Атланті та олімпійський чемпіон з вільної боротьби 2004 р. в Афінах; Ігор Разорьонов — заслужений майстер спорту, чемпіон Європи серед юніорів, двократний чемпіон світу з важкої атлетики, срібний призер Олімпійських ігор в Афінах та учасник Олімпійських ігор в Пекіні; Наталія Скакун — заслужений майстер спорту, олімпійська чемпіонка з важкої атлетики 2004 р. в Афінах; Василь Федоришин — срібний призер Олімпійських ігор 2008 р. в Пекіні з вільної боротьби, заслужений майстер спорту, триразовий чемпіон Європи, кращий борець світу 2008 року; Дмитро Проневич — чемпіон Всесвітньої універсіади з футболу 2007 р., бронзовий призер чемпіонату Європи з футболу серед ВНЗ 2006 р., майстер спорту міжнародного класу; Василь Вірастюк — володар титулу “Найсильніша людина світу” (2004 р.), член збірної важкоатлетів України, яка виборола титул “Найсильніша нація світу” 2003 і 2004 р., заслужений майстер спорту; Іріні Мерлені (Микульчин) — дворазова чемпіонка Європи, триразова чемпіонка світу, бронзовий призер Олімпійських ігор в Пекіні та олімпійська чемпіонка з вільної боротьби 2004 р. ігор в Афінах, заслужений майстер спорту; Дмитро Безверхий — володар Кубку світу з кікбоксингу 2009 р. та багато ін.
In periodicals sporting achievements of IAPM students are highlighted.
In order to summarize the annual results Director of the Department Myron Ilnytskyy, teachers and students of the Physical education Department, members of the scientific group are involved in preparing scientific papers and reports on scientific conferences.
Each semester final scientific and methodological conference for IAPM teachers and students is held. Student scientific group is working under the direction of the Head of Department of Physical education Polyanychko O.M.
In HAC collections scientific works of teachers and students are published continuously. Faculty of Physical Education regularly takes part in scientific seminars, national and international conferences: III International Scientific Conference "(Ivan Ogienko Kamenetz-Podolsk National University); III International scientific conference "Problems of experiencing life crisis" (Nikolai Gogol Nizhyn State University); III International scientific-practical conference "Modern problems and prospects of development of physical education, health and training of future specialists in physical education and sport" (Dragomanov National Pedagogical University).
Head of the Department of Physical education and sports, Associate Professor Polyanychko O.M. now works on her Ph.D. thesis, she is a member of the Specialized Academic Council of International Personnel Academy (IPA), Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM), International Open University (IOU) on Psychological and Pedagogical sciences (specialties: psychology, education).
As for the educational work of the Department, teachers are actively involved in the preparation and holding of competitions in various sports. Educational process and educational work is the only sphere of influence on the students’ attitudes. Faculty of Physical Education is always trying to bring to students mind the need of healthy lifestyle and to instill the need for self-knowledge, to cultivate confidence in their own ability.
Visual sports information for students is updated regularly.
Talented, motivated and active students are the pride of our Academy!