Address of the International Personnel Academy Concerning Offensive Caricatures in European Publications
UN Secretary-General
Mr. Kofi Annan
The Presidium of the International Personnel Academy – international public organization in the sphere of culture, science and education, which unites representatives from more than 60 countries of the world – expresses its anxiety in connection with caricatures in various publications of European countries that offense dignity of religious Moslems and Christians. Danish, Polish, French, Spanish and other publications, venturing to mock at the religion of hundreds of millions of people, are mentioned. At that, one notes that the activities of the mentioned publications are coordinated. This may show that the provocative action, aimed at kindling international and religious dissention in the spirit of a notorious “clash of civilizations” concept, has been prearranged.
The Presidium of the Academy is asking the UN to investigate thoroughly who actually owns printings that create hostility among religions since it is known that approximately 70 % of world mass media is possessed or controlled by representatives of the Jewish Diaspora with its ruling centers - World Jewish Congress, World Zionist Organization and so on. For example, it was reported that mass media in Russia, the USA, Poland, Ukraine and many European countries are controlled by the above mentioned Diaspora, which probably is being used today for causing a clash between Arabic and European worlds. Nowadays, as is well known, the world is witnessing mass protest actions of Moslems against European states, when their state flags are being burned down, embassies are being piqueted, hatred against the Europeans is being kindled. At the same time it may be found that all these Danish, French, Polish, Spanish and other European prints belong to representatives of only one Diaspora ruled from a single center.
Taking into account the scale and seriousness of the intensively untwisted provocation in European publications for the affair of the whole world, we are asking the UN to carry out investigation and publish information about national identity of owners of the mentioned mass media and also check whether this provocation is organized from a single center.
With regard,
On instruction
of the IPA Presidium
President of the Academy Mr. Schokin
February 6, 2006, City of Kyiv