Guest from the Region of Kurdistan (Iraq) was Conferred the Degree of Honorable Doctor of the IPA
Recently, during a meeting of the Presidium of the International Personnel Academy, Mr. Taha Rasul, Academy’s partner from the Region of Kurdistan (Iraq), curator of the Margaret Institute (Suleimania), received the diploma of an Honorable Doctor of the IPA. Chairman of the IAPM Supervisory Board George Shchokin conferred on him this distinction.
In the nearest future it is planned to set up in Suleimania, which is the second largest city of this country, an IAPM open education center under the auspices of the computer-linguistic school of the Margaret Institute recently licensed by the regional Ministry of Education. The issue of Kurdish students’ enrolment for their training at the IAPM in Kyiv was also discussed during a preliminary meeting.
Mr. Taha Rasul graduated from the M. Lomonosov Moscow State University as a professional historian. He was for a long time a deputy of the National Congress in exile. In addition, he is a well-known public figure, entrepreneur, as well as philanthropist – he has assisted in opening in Kurdistan of many cultural facilities and monuments. Today, Mr. Taha Rasul deals with the matters of deepening cooperation in the economic, educational and cultural-humanitarian areas between the Region of Kurdistan of the Iraqi Republic and Ukraine.