For authors

In order to verify the compliance with the requirements for the design of a scientific article of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the scientific and metric database "Scopus", it necessarily undergoes a preliminary review procedure, which includes: the review procedure and verification of compliance with the rules of academic integrity and editorial ethics .

To post an article to the author, you must submit the following supporting materials to the following address: [email protected].

the Editorial Board:

1. Article. Submitted in separate blocks in Ukrainian, Russian and English before the article, in font Times New Roman 14 size).

2. A shortened version (extended abstract) of a scientific article in English not less than 2000 characters.

3. Application.

4. Information about the author and co-authors.

5. Review of the article (for authors without a scientific degree).

Articles drawn up in violation of these requirements are not accepted for placement.

The author is responsible for the content of the submitted materials.

An indispensable condition for the publication of an article in the collection is an indication, by each author, in the Information about authors, of personal numbers in the ORCID system (

The name of the file with the electronic version of the article must necessarily contain the author's surname and name.

Preparation of a scientific article

The article should be written on an actual topic, contain the results of an in-depth scientific study and justification of the scientific results obtained for the purpose of an article that was not previously published in other publications and was not considered by the editorial boards of other publishers.

Requirements for the article:

- in the upper left corner of the first page there is a code UDC (bold)

- surname, name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, full title of the post and institution where the author (co-authors) works or studies. The title of

the article (bold, capital) is not less than 1800 characters, including key words (the above information is submitted in separate blocks in Ukrainian and English before the article, font Times New Roman 14 size)

- the text of the article should be structured in accordance with the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine of January 15, 2003, No. 7-05 / 1 "On raising the requirements for professional publications listed in the HAC of Ukraine," which states that, prior to publication in professional publications Only scientific articles that have such mandatory elements are accepted (they are highlighted in the text as bold)

- statement of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks;

- analysis of the latest research and publications in which the solution of this problem has been initiated and on which the author relies, highlighting the previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted;

- formulation of the purpose of the article (statement of the problem);

- presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results obtained;

- conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this area;

- the list of sources used is not less than 10 items in the original language (the reference to the literature sources is given in alphabetical order, only the literature referred to in the article is indicated in the bibliographic index and is made in accordance with GOST 8302: 2015 Bibliographic references. General provisions and rules for the compilation (information and documentation)

- References (transliteration) is made in accordance with the ARA standard.

- an abbreviated version of the scientific article in English should be submitted separately, it should include all the mandatory structural elements of the professional article (problem formulation, analysis of the latest research and publications, formulation of the purpose of the article, presentation of the main research material, conclusions of this study). The volume of the English-language version of the article should be 2 pages (up to 4000 characters).

The English version of the article must be confirmed by one of the following methods:

- translation agency;

- Department of foreign languages ​​of universities;

- signature of the author if he has a document confirming the right to a professional translation (a photocopy of the document is added).

Technical requirements:

the text of the article should be typed on the computer (WORD editor (version 1998-2003) for WINDOWS) in Times New Roman font number 14 with a line spacing of 1.5, leaving the banks: on the left - 3 cm, on the right - 1.5 cm, at the top and bottom - 2 cm.

The volume of the article should be 12-15 pages (up to 25,000 characters).
It is not allowed to use scanned or photographed charts, drawings, tables, etc. in materials.

An example of an article in Ukrainian can be downloaded here.

Registration of the list of literature:

1. Literary sources cited should be numbered according to the order of reference to them in the text. A reference to the source is given in square brackets, for example: "... it is known from [4]. ... "or" ... considered in [4, p. 203] ... ";

2. The list of literature is given at the end of the article in accordance with the procedure for addressing the text in the original language and in accordance with GOST 7.1: 2006 "The system of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation ";

3. The list of literature in English should be made in accordance with the international bibliographic standard APA (

If the scientific work is written in a language that uses the Cyrillic alphabet, then its bibliographic description must be transliterated in Latin letters. After the title of labor in Latin letters, a translation into English in brackets is noted.
The article is accepted for review and submitted for review only if there is a complete package of documents and complete authorial data. The editors reserve the right to minor editing and reduction, while retaining the main conclusions and author's style. The editorial position may not coincide with the opinion of the individual author expressed in the article. All articles are placed on a fee basis. The average waiting time for publication (from the date of filing to the day of publication) is an average of 1-2 months (depending on the seasonal load). Articles of authors in arrears are accepted only after the debt is repaid.