Center of Practice Organization, Employment of Students and Graduates Signed a Practice Agreement with the North Office of the State Judicial Service
The State Audit Office is the central body of executive power, whose activity is directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and which ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in the sphere of state financial control.
The State Audit Office and its inter-regional territorial bodies are legal entities of public law, they have seals with the image of the State Emblem of Ukraine and their name, their own forms and accounts in the bodies of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine.
The legal acts regulating the activity of the bodies of the State Audit Office of Ukraine are the Budget Code of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine of January 26, 1993 No. 2939-XII "On Basic Principles of Exercising State Financial Control in Ukraine", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 03, 2016 No. 43 "On Approval of the Regulations on the State Audit Service of Ukraine" and the like.
The main purpose of the cooperation is to establish long-term joint activities in the organization of the placement of higher education students at the Northern Office of the State Audit Office and the formation of modern scientific, practical and theoretical and methodological support in the field of public finance management, public financial control and audit.