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Staff of the Department of Public underwent an international internship

20 September 2019 18:41

The Assembly’s colleagues and the staff of the Department of Public Administration of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management underwent an international internship as part of the IV International Scientific and Practical Forum “Innovations in Science: Challenges of the Present”, currently taking place in Varna, Bulgaria.

The purpose of the forum is to intensify cooperation between the scientific community of the partner countries, to study the best European practices in the development of modern education and science, to identify ways and directions of forming an effective educational and scientific system of Ukraine, taking into account European experience and national priorities.

On September 17, a plenary meeting was held at Varna Free University of Chernorizets Khrabra, co-organizer of the Forum together with Chernihiv National Technological University (Ukraine) and Center for Strategic Initiatives and Progressive Development. has repeatedly emphasized the deepening of international cooperation.