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IAPM has completed the work of the School of Young Psychologist

04 May 2017 18:17

Within the framework of the social project "The Way to the Future", in particular the cooperation of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management with general educational institutions in Kyiv, the "School of a Young Psychologist" in the 2016-2017 school year was completed.

 «School of a Young Psychologist is a project that is designed to improve the psychological culture of high school students," - Irina Zubenko, head of the Center for Coordination of Work with Institutions of the IAPM, said.

For the period of the "School" work the pupils of the 10th and 11th grades learned about:

  • The possibilities of psychology;
  • Profession of psychologist;
  • Components of the competence of a specialist in psychological services;
  • Outstanding psychologists of the past and present;
  • Interests of modern youth.

According to the heads of career-oriented projects of IAPM, attending classes significantly affected the adoption of a conscious decision by schoolchildren about the future choice of a professional path.

All students received certificates from participants in the vocational guidance project "School of a Young Psychologist".

Olga Korobіy