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Signed an Agreement on participation in the UNESCO-Unitwin program

11 December 2018 16:30

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management signed an Agreement on participation in the UNESCO-Unitwin program (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").

The UNITWIN / UNESCO program, which has been operating since 1992, is one of the most successful programs of UNESCO - the United Nations special agency for education, science, culture and communication. This is the program of the UNESCO Chairs, through which comprehensive support is provided to international cooperation in the field of higher education. The program pays special attention to the development of strategies and mechanisms necessary for the rapid and effective transfer of knowledge, as well as for their effective use in modern conditions.

The aim of UNESCO-UNITWIN is to promote an international integrated research, training and program system (education, science, social sciences, humanities, culture, communication and information) and cooperation between leading universities around the world on the basis of transfer of knowledge "across borders".

The Agreement provides for the development of open training courses and free access to educational materials in the field of science and technology from universities around the world, as well as participation in the creation of a bank open educational electronic courses for free use.