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The head of the Department of Professional Education and Management of the Educational Institution has been awarded by the Kyiv City Mayor's

23 May 2019 13:14

The head of the Department of Professional Education and Management of the Educational Institution of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor Irina V. Chaplay has been awarded by the Kyiv City Mayor's Prize for the special achievements of youth in the development of the capital of Ukraine - the hero of Kyiv in 2019 (Order No. 436 dated May 21, 2019).

The prize is awarded for outstanding scientific and creative achievements of youth, for the contribution to the development of the youth movement, for the implementation of social projects aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle and development of sport, patriotic education of youth, etc.

Congratulations to the dear Irina Vitaliyevna and we wish her no rest on the achievement!

Good luck!

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