Mikhail Goncharenko

Position: Vice-President of MAUP

Titles, academic degrees, awards, etc

Doctor of Economic Sciences (2021), Professor (2023), Associate Professor (2014), Candidate of Economic Sciences (2011), Order of Merit III degree (2014), Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2019), Acknowledgment of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2022) ).

Date and place of birth: December 15, 1975, city Stebliv, Korsun-Shevchenkiv district, Cherkasy region.

Education: State Academy of Light Industry (1998), Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (2002)

1998 - 2011 - work in the state service (State Patent Office, State Agency of Ukraine for Investments and Innovations and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine);

2011 – 2014 – Head of the State Inspection of Educational Institutions of Ukraine;

April - July 2014 - director of the Institute of Business Education and Communications of Kyiv National University of Technology and Design;

August - October 2014 - first deputy director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;

October 2014 - October 2016 - vice-rector for regional development of the MAUP

October 2016 - February 2020 – the first vice-rector of MAUP

February 2020 - March 2024 - rector of the MAUP

March 2024 – vice-president of the MAUP

Scientific interests: regional economy, sustainable development and issues of innovation and investment development.

Scientific works and publications

Author (co-author) of more than 40 scientific publications and articles, including
monographs: "Paths of innovative development of Ukraine" (2004), "Prospects of development of the investment process in the housing market" (2011) and "Theory and practice of regulation of investment and innovative development" (2013), "Sustainable development: modern paradigm, realities and prospects" (2023);
textbooks: "Economics and organization of innovative activity" (2005); educational manual "Accreditation from A to Z. Glossary of accreditation" (2012); "Development of public management mechanisms in the context of the implementation of the European integration vector of Ukraine" (2023).

Hobbies: Swimming and checkers

Business phone: (044) 490 95 00