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President of the International Society of Education, Science and Technology of Nigeria defended his thesis at the IAPM

23 March 2017 20:43

On March 23, in the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in public administration of Azayek Stephen Senikem was defended.

Stephen Senikem is President of the International Society for Education, Science and Technology of Nigeria, Director of the Museum of African Art, President of the Institute of Science and Technology in Enagoa (Nigeria).

In 1986, the applicant graduated from the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy in the specialty "Plant Protection" and received a master's degree in agricultural sciences. In 1992 he graduated from the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy and defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of agricultural sciences.

In 2015, Azayka Stephen Senikem entered the IAPM doctoral studies. During the training he prepared a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration on the topic: "Economic, social and psychological factors of overcoming poverty in the countries of the world in conditions of transformation of market relations." On the topic of dissertational research, five publications in Ukrainian publications, 11 publications in foreign publications and 3 books were published.

Olga Korobiy




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