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Students visited Izmail Detention Center

20 November 2019 08:49

Studying the course "Legal Interviewing and Counseling" (lecturer V. Shchokinа) law students of the third year visited the state institution "Ismail pre-trial detention center". We have learned a lot of interesting and useful information for future lawyers about the appointment of an institution, the supervision of compliance with the regime, including the protection of prisoners, their supervision and compliance with the requirements of separate detention and more.

Representatives of the administration of the institution told how material, social, food, medical care of prisoners, control of visits, correspondence of detainees, adherence to the daily schedule were carried out.

The issue of detention of minors, their education, and educational activities were of interest.

With excitement, we inspected the premises where the sanctions are imposed on persons who have conflicts with the criminal law, especially the accumulation, primary sanitary treatment, the penitentiary. The story about the activities of the rapid response group made a great impression.

Yulia Kaminska, IAPM student

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