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Training - a way to change stereotypes

26 April 2017 13:27

Psychological students of the Pridunai branch IAPM Victoria Tarasenko and Kristina Kucherenko conducted a training in teamwork with students from the Izmail School of Mechanization and Electrification and Agriculture.

The principles of training work do not differ from the moral principles of psychological assistance in general. They are based on a humanistic-oriented and personal approach, based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, activity, research position.

For students working in the training group, there is a great opportunity to understand the individual structure of norms and beliefs, its expansion and transformation to enhance adaptive capabilities. Students liked that it was possible to reveal their creative abilities, to acquire skills of new behavior and to observe the changes in their reactions and reactions of the surrounding participants of the training.

The students thanked for the organization of the training of the organizers and for information about the specialties that can continue their studies at the IAPM Pridunai branch.


Diana Kaliga


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