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In Severodonetsk Institute IAPM held an open session on the organization of security systems

13 October 2016 11:03

October 8 in Severodonetsk Institute IAPM held an open lesson "The organization of security of individuals according to social systems, organizations and the state." The event which was dedicated to the professional holiday of lawyers, was attended by teachers and students of law faculties of educational institutions, law enforcement, representatives of enterprises and institutions of Luhansk region. Lecturer, Professor IAPM, Doctor of Law Serhii Lysenko presented his views about the security situation of different social levels, described European scientifical research in this field, presented unique methods and diagnosis, detection, containment and prevention of security threats.
The particular interest was aroused with demonstrations of lie detector polygraph and methods of combating the survey.


During the event, took a presentation of the book by Lysenko S.: "Theory of managing the security in  systems (organizations)," "Self-teacher of a trap, or how to disclose the crime on yor own", " Corporate conflicts and methods of its permission." These books and questions which were covered up in class, aroused great interest with the audience. That is why lecture ended with lively discussions between lecturer and audience.

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