
Academy celebrates Lawyers Day

11 October 2016 13:57

7 October, the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management celebrated National Lawyers Day.

By the rule, the celebration began with the conference. This year the IV International scientific-practical conference was devoted to the role of law in conformation of modern society. The conference was opened by Victor Lytvynenko, the director of the instituteof Law named after Prince Volodymyr the Great . The event was attended by students, teachers and employees of IAPM. The main theme areas that were considered were: administrative and legal aspects of the concept of rule of law, criminal law issues in terms of activation the Euro Integration processes and problems of the rule of law and development of civil rights in Ukraine, prospects of development in financial sphere, international legal issues on integration Ukraine into the European community and others.

During the conference were voiced great amount of interesting reports:

  • "Features of legal regulation of concluding economic agreements" by Iryna Andriychuk;
  • "Changes to the Constitution of Ukraine in the conditions of a" de facto "war between Ukraine and Russia": a step forward or a deliberate path into the abyss ?! " by Oksana Dyachenko;

  • "The new Ukrainian police: problems and prospects" by Ruslana Nagorna.

The conference was held in the context of the overall research work IAPM.  

Second part of celebration was a concert.

"It has become a tradition every year October 8 to celebrate professional holiday of lawyers, people whose lives are based on the motto" Know Law, serve the law, protect the law. " Lawyers Day appeared in the calendar of Ukraine by decree of President Kuchma, September 16, 1997. This holiday is a string of union of lawyers of different areas that stand to protect the rights and liberties of Ukrainian citizens "- these words welcomed and greeted students and teachers in the cinema hall" Ukraine ". 

Mykola Kurko greeted attendants with such words:

"Today, Ukraine celebrates National Lawyers Day. This Day is a holiday for those who already possessed the legal profession of a lawyer and those who are still studying. You have chosen a profession that is quite demanded by today's labor market. To become a master of this profession, you, students should study hard to get the knowledge and after will build a highely proffessional inside of you! ".

By congratulations joined Deputy head of the department of civil law disciplines of the Institute of Law. rince VolodyPmyr the Great IAPM Elena Mihatulina and wished everyone peace, success in professional activities and exercise cherished dreams. Elena also gave everyone a poem that is dedicated Academy

The Head Deputy, of the department of civil law disciplines from the Law institute named after Prince Volodymyr the Great, Olena Mikhatulina wished everyone peace, success in professional activities and exercise cherished dreams. Elena also presented everyone a poem that is dedicated to the Academy:

«Академіє, Віват!

Ти в моїм житті єдина

Як єдина Україна

І її соборний лад.

Академіє, Віват!

Ти готуєш фахівців

Для держави і народу,

Як великий корабель

В стінах знань не втратиш воду.

Тож гуртуйсь,

Неси у світ

Всі здобутки нескінченні

Академіє, Віват!

На майбутнє й сьогодення»


In the opening concert of the ceremony of awarding diplomas to the teachers for contribution to the development of modern legal science, and many years of dedication to work with students, and students for excellent academic skills and active role in the research activities of the Institute of Law. Rector of the Academy Mykola Kyrko and Director of the Institute of Law Victor Lytvynenko awarded experts.

The students congratulated each other on their professional holiday. Everyone got real pleasure with listening to to the singers who are studying in the academy. All participants received a memorable holiday event, which always will be in their heart and mind.

Ольга Коробій

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