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Conference "Actual problems of modern governance in socio-economic, humanitarian and technical systems"

16 November 2019 15:23

November 14, Odessa Institute together with the Institute for Market and Economic and Environmental Research of the NAS of Ukraine held the annual XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical Issues of Modern Management in Socio-Economic, Humanitarian and Technical Systems".

Speakers at the plenary meeting: Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor Volodymyr Marushchak; Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Market Problems Volodymyr Lysyuk; student of the Preparatory Faculty from Turkey Bilal Ceyhan.

After the break, the conference continued its work in three sections. The conference was attended by research and teaching staff, researchers, practitioners, undergraduates and students from Ukraine, Germany, Sweden, USA and Turkey.

The participants received certificates and were photographed on memory. According to the conference materials, a collection of scientific papers was published.

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