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Сборник «Публичное управление» продолжает вхождение в международные наукометрические базы (English)

22 January 2019 10:15

The collection "Public management" founded by IAPM and theUkrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in Public Administration, continues  enter to the international scientific bases. The collection is included in the international CiteFactor databases (USA) https://www.citefactor.org/journal/index/15378/public-management#.XES4UWtzDIV, Turkish Education İndex (Turkey) http://www.turkegitimindeksi.com/Search.aspx?where=journal&field=all&text=Public% 20Management, Electronic Journals Library (Netherlands) (http://ezb.uni-regensburg.de/detail.phtml?bibid=SUBHH&colors=7&lang=en&jour_id=431272), Polish Scholarly Bibliography (Poland) https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/journals/57457 and the Eurasian Scientific Journal Index http://esjindex.org/search.php?id=title&ids=Public+management&S1=submit.

CiteFactor provides indexing of major international journals and scientific works gives an opportunity to get information on the international impact factor of journals, scientific works (research works).
Turkish Education İndex accumulates scientific and academic data using a comprehensive quality management system.
Eurasian Scientific Journal Index - the database of the most important scientific journals in Europe and Asia, where the most authoritative researches are published.
Electronic Journals Library, founded in 1997 within the framework of the Regensburg University Library Project, in collaboration with the Library of the Munich Technical University, which offers fast, structured and unified access (in English and German) to full-length scientific journals.
Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN) is a scientific database of the Polish Ministry of Science and the Supreme Council.
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