Expert: Paradigm of Legal Sciences and Public Administration
To the edition assigned the International Standard Serial Number ISSN 2617-9660.
Аccording to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine # 1643 of 28.12.2019 (Appendix 4), the category “B” is assigned to the electronic scientific journal “Expert: Paradigms of Legal Sciences and Public Administration” in the fields of public administration and law.
The electronic scientific periodical edition "Expert: Paradigm of Legal Sciences and Public Administration" (hereinafter - Electronic Scientific Edition) was launched with the purpose of developing the national scientific potential in the field of law and public administration and its integration into the world scientific space, by publishing the results of research.
Periodicity of the magazine - 6 times per year.
The Electronic Scientific Edition is formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine "On printed mass media (press) in Ukraine", "On publishing business", "On copyright and related rights", the Procedure for the formation of the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 15.01. 2018 No. 32, Statute of the Research Center for Forensic Examination on Intellectual Property, orders of the Director of the Research Center for Forensic Examination on Intellectual Property, the Charter of the Private Joint-Stock Company "Higher educational establishment the "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management", this Regulation and other documents.
The publication of the materials in the Electronic Scientific Edition is subject to the authors' compliance with editorial requirements for scientific professional editions of Ukraine.
Directions of Legal Sciences:
- State-building and law-making.
- Problems of Contemporary Constitutionalism.
- Issues of public law.
- Private law questions.
- Procedural law.
- Criminology
- Criminalistics and forensic expertise.
- Forensic examination of objects of intellectual property.
- International law.
Directions of Public Administration:
- Theory and history of public administration;
- Functioning and development of mechanisms of public administration;
- The Conceptual Principles of the Civil Service;
- Regional administration and local government;
- Public administration in the field of education;
- Modern state-of-the-art technology.
The electronic scientific periodical “Expert: Paradigms of Law and Public Administration”, founded by the IAPM and the Intellectual Property Forensic Research Center is included in Google Scholar, as well as in the international scientometric base: Turkish Education İndex (Turkey), Polish Scholarly Bibliography (Poland), Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, ResearchBib.
Google Scholar is a free search engine of full texts of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. The system has been operating since November 2004, first in beta status. The Google Scholar index includes data on most of the peer-reviewed online journals of the largest scientific publishers in Europe and America. | |
Turkish Education İndex accumulates scientific and academic data using a comprehensive quality management system. | |
The Eurasian Scientific Journal Index is a database of the most important scientific journals in Europe and Asia, where the most authoritative research is published. | |
Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN) is a scientific database of the Polish Ministry of Science and the Supreme Council. | |
ResearchBib is an academic database that indexes and provides open access to peer-reviewed journals, full-text documents, and research conferences. ResearchBib is the largest database of journals that are freely available on the Internet. The database contains information about 402 356 journals from various publishers from around the world. |