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"20 best" and project of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine - the first step towards a future career

10 March 2016 13:28

March 9 at the concert hall "Ukraine" presentation of the pilot project of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine "Top 20" and the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine on the employment of college graduates was held.

The pilot project "Top 20" introduced the director of the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency Valentina Belyakova. "Top-20" was initiated by the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine with the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency, aiming to attract initiative youth for innovative projects in the energy sector. Valentina Belyakova told the students of the Academy and Economics and Law College at IAPM, that project provides selection of candidates, which will take place in several stages and will last for four months:

Stage 1 - Announcement of the contest period, getiing resumes and motivational videos. From February 22 to March 22 all wishing to participate in the project must submit a resume and motivational videos on Ukrainian or English.

Stage 2 - Students work on individual tasks of the Ministry. After receiving an application organizing committee sends the task from the Ministry, which is an essay on a particular topic, that should be written in a 2-day period.

Stage 3 - Teambuilding with participants under the guidance of the Ministry and formation of focus groups. According to the results of the 2nd stage selected participants take part in teambuilding activities, from 2 to 3 April.

Stage 4 - Work in groups on projects led by the Department Directors. At the end of teambuilding participants work with the Ministry on the projects, which are formed on the 3rd stage.

Stage 5 - August 20, 2016 there will be a solemn ceremony of project completion and announcement of Top-20 students.

Valentina Belyakoav also noted that all participants receive: experience of working in a team under supervision of qualified departmental directors, opportunity to contribute to the development of the country, training with leading industry experts, corporate executives, embassies, non-governmental organizations, prospect of working on innovative projects in Reformation office or in the public service.

Also, another interesting project from the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine was presented on that day. On the employment of college graduates has discovered the official representative of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine Oleg Semenchuk. First Semenchuk said that FISU is a public body, which carries out intelligence activities in political, economic, military-technical, scientific-technical, information and ecological spheres. The main units are the secret-service, and technical information and analytical intelligence.

"The main weapon is our professional knowledge and professional experience," - the official representative of the Foreign Intelligence Service said.

Oleg Semenchuk told students about the main stages that one needs to go through to become a member of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine:

  • Recognition of applicants health;
  • Passage of psychological testing;
  • Special verification of identity;
  • Internship Service for 12 months.

When students asked about the long term of internship, Semenchuk said that such a long period ensures that students can determine the interest for working in this structure.

"Community projects such as these help to establish and maintain contacts with potential employers in order for further employment of students and Academy graduates - the director of the IAPM Practice organization and employment Center Xenia Lovetskaya said, - Thanks to the database of undergraduates and graduates of IAPM the Centre holds search and selection of candidates among the students and graduates of the Academy for the timely replacement of vacant positions at our university, also this ensures a continuous cooperation with organizations and institutions in order to open new jobs for IAPM graduates and organization of practices for students of the Academy".

For more information on the above projects, databases and employment practices, please contact the Center: tel. 496-97-65, E-mail: [email protected] or learn the information on the page of the Center on the Academy website http://maup.com.ua/ua/navchannya-u-maup/centri-ta-kursi/praktika-pracevlashtuvannya-studentiv-ta-robota-z-vipusknikami.html