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ХІІІ Всеукраинская студенческая научно-практическая конференция «Украина в современном геополитическом пространстве: взгляд молодежи» (English)

20 May 2016 11:42

May 19, in the framework of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "History, culture and education: the Christian dimension (to the 20 anniversary of the Khmelnytsky Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management) was held the XIII All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Ukraine in a modern geopolitical space".

This scientific event was attended by students of the Khmelnitsky Institute of IAPM, Khmelnytsky National University, Vinnytsia Socio-Economic Institute of Higher educational establishment "Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine" and pupils of secondary schools, including school №7, №10.

Winners of research projects were noted by the diplomas of I, II, III degrees,  certificates and books.

Each participant of scientific event got the conference program and a certificate.

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