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The faculty of Severodonetsk Institute took part in the events on Victory Day

12 May 2016 10:56

The Second World War (1939-1945) was the largest armed conflict in the world and at the same time serious tragedy in the history of mankind.

Gala Day of Victory over Nazi invaders and will always have a reason to be proud of each of the Ukrainians. Probably, there is no family that would not be affected by a tragic war, not a single person who would not remember the horror of previous years and there is a child who would not be proud of his heroic ancestors.

The faculty of the Severodonetsk Institute took an active part in local and regional events.

May 7 in the framework of civil-military cooperation of the Ministry of Defence in the Luhansk region, visited the exhibition of military equipment. Participants of the event included representatives of the National Military History Museum of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military music management of Armed Forces of Ukraine's Land Forces, volunteers, artists, re-enactors.

The exhibition featured truck "Chevrolet", motorcycles, models of small arms and sample of uniforms from World War II.

On May 8, SI IAPM faculty participated in the event on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation which was attended by the regional administration and the city, representatives of the clergy, the power structures of the region, war veterans, participants of the anti-terrorist operation, representatives of political parties and public organizations, citizens.

Participants of the rally-requiem laid garland and flowers to the Glory of the mass grave.

May 9, in Severodonetsk celebrations on the occasion of the seventy-first anniversary of the victory over Nazism in Europe were held.

The celebration began with a solemn meeting on the Peace Square in front of the Severodonetsk City Council. It was attended by veterans, the regional administration and local government, students and teachers of Severodonetsk Institute, citizens and guests of the city. By the end of the meeting participants of the event moved towards the mass grave "Memorial of Glory".

Activities continued on Victory Square. There veterans concert Congratulations on city and regional creative teams. Also, the participants of the Second World were fed with delicious field porridge.