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In Poltava, topical issues of legal formation of Ukraine were discussed

31 March 2016 13:56

On March 30, Poltava distance learning center held a student scientific-practical seminar "Modern development of the state and law-making in Ukraine: problems of theory and practice".

Law students of III and IV courses discussed topical issues of the modern development of the Ukrainian state. In particular, the legal side of student employment after graduation in high school. We were pleased with optimistic stance of IAPM students who believe that first of all it depends on the person, where they can get a job. Unfortunately, our young people will have to overcome many obstacles on the way of their own professional development. But teachers of Poltava branch of IAPM are always ready to help both theoretically and practically.

Natalia Nesterenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor of MES, Associate Professor of Commercial and Labour Law at IAPM, who represents the interests of Ukrainian citizens in the courts of Poltava region, invites students Poltava branch to its meetings.

"Practice, experience - are necessary to consolidate the theoretical knowledge. Especially for lawyers, - says Natalia, referring to the students. - You can know the law perfectly well, but the people who give you a job, you to show some practice skills. It is important to realize their potential, to be able to find their place: in courts or legal offices, or in the enterprises".

Other important issues were discussed at the workshop, - the activities of the UN Security Council, the reform of the judiciary, the legal aspect of marriage with foreign elements, etc.

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