In Institute of Advertising problems and prospects of development of marketing and design were discussed
March 24 at Institute of Advertising the V All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Problems and prospects of development of marketing, public relations and design in the context of globalization and development of the Ukrainian state" was held.
At the beginning of the conference the Director of Institute of Advertising Valery Zahozhaj said:
"Today, for the first time at Institute of Advertising, we will hold a conference in such a format. Subject of problems and prospects of development of marketing, public relations and design are very interesting and extensive. I hope that today's event will give all the participants not only the opportunity to exchange their scientific ideas and best practices, but also to create strong scientific ties for further cooperation".
Research topics of the conference included the discussion of topical issues in following areas:
Section 1: Advertising and public relations in modern conditions;
Section 2: Management in the advertising industry in context of globalization;
Section 3: Market research and communication technologies in the activity of enterprises, organizations and institutions;
Section 4: Design: Theory, methodology, practice;
Section 5: Design Education in the European educational space.
"In today's environment, no institution can not properly function without advertising, printed materials, and well-established relationships with the media and the public. Without these components any structure is doomed to be non-competitive", - noted the head of section №1, Ph.D., Associate Professor Irina Kalina.
During the meeting of the section "Advertising and PR in modern conditions" interesting presentations were also made by:
- PhD in Social Communications, Associate Professor, Department of Social Communication of Lesya Ukrainka East National uversity Sergey Hominsky;
- Ph.D., Assistant Professor of marketing and behavioral economics at University of Economics and Law "KROK" Andrewy Horoshenyuk;
- PhD, Assistant Professor of marketing at Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University Gennady Hmurkovsky;
- Ukrainian poet, lawyer, journalist, social activist Lilia Zolotonosha.
In section "Management in the advertising industry in the context of globalization" have touched such interesting questions: features of brand management in modern conditions, crisis management, modern trends of development of creative management in the advertising effectiveness of the organization.
Interesting reports were made by the participants of the conference during the 3rd section "Market research and communication technologies in the activity of enterprises, organizations, institutions", among them:
- "Marketing warfare of well-known brands", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of advertising and exhibition business at Institute of Advertising Svetlana Merkulova;
- "Innovative approaches in marketing communications" Lecturer of advertising and exhibition business at Institute of Advertising Christina Vorushilo;
- "Marketing competitive strategy of enterprises" 2-course student of Institute of Advertising Anastasia Konobas;
- "Methods of assessing customer loyalty as one of the elements of marketing audition" student of Institute of Advertising Alexei Makhov.
During the meeting at section number 4 "Design theory, methodology, practice" discussed the issue of corporate styles and identities, visual standards, development of design ideas, design concepts and other sites.
"Design education in the European educational space" - the fifth section, which touched the propedeutics design, 3-D visualization of formation of design education.
As a result of V All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Problems and prospects of development of marketing, public relations and design in the context of globalization and the development of the Ukrainian state" abstracts will be published.
Olga Korobiy