IAPM’s Provost Ihor Piliayev participated in a roundtable on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Azerbaijan
OnFebruary6, 20 yearspassedsincethe date of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Azerbaijan. AroundtableattheDiplomaticAcademyofUkraineundertheMinistryofForeignAffairsofUkrainewasdevotedtothisremarkable date and centered on the historic significance, current state and development prospects ofthe Ukrainian-Azerbaijani bilateral relations.
TheRoundtablewasopenedbyChancellor of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Borys Humeniuk and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Ukraine Einulla Madatli.
TheRoundtablewasaddressedbyDeputyForeignMinisterofUkrainePavloKlimkin, ex-ForeignMinisterofUkraineHennadiyUdovenko, AmbassadorExtraordinaryandPlenipotentiaryoftheRepublicofTurkeytoUkraineMehmetSamsar, SecretaryGeneral of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM ValeryChechelashvili, professor, Dr.h.c. of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, Ambassador Extraordinary and PlenipotentiaryYuriy Kochubey, other noted scholars and public figures.
Intheirspeeches, theRoundtableparticipantsemphasizedtheremotehistoricaloriginsandhugepotentialfordevelopmentoftheUkrainian-Azerbaijanirelationsinthepolitical, economic(forexample, 20% ofUkrainianoildemandiscurrentlymetdue to imports from Azerbaijan), cultural-humanitarian spheres, in particularin view of the numerous Azerbaijani diaspora in Ukraine numbering some 500,000 persons.
Theyalsostressedtheimportanceoffurtherintensificationanddeepeningofregionalcooperation, involving Ukraine and Azerbaijan, given joint opportunities for development of energy and transport corridors.
IAPM’sProvostforInternationalRelationsIhorPiliayevalso tookpartinthework of the Roundtable. Inhisspeech, henotedAcademy’smorethanten-yearexperienceintheareaoftrainingof Azerbaijanistudents many of whom already completed the Bachelor’s, Master’s programs, while some successfully defended theses. WithIAPMdegrees, they work back home, many of them – at leading governmental institutions of Azerbaijan. However, the Academy’s ties with Azerbaijan are even deeper, since in 2000 the IAPM’s Ukrainian-Azerbaijani Institute of Social Sciences was given, upon consultation with the Government of Azerbaijan, the name of the national leader of this state Geidar Aliev.
Todate, IAPM– thelargestnon-governmental tertiary institution of Ukraine – is training about 600 Azerbaijani students. Theymainlychoosesuchmajorsas“InternationalEconomicsandFinance,” “InternationalCommercialLaw,” “InternationalRelationsandDiplomacy,” “PoliticalScienceofInternationalRelations,” “Management of Foreign Economic Activity,” “Management of Travel and Hotel Business,” and “Business Economics and Management.”
TheRoundtabletook place inan atmosphere of friendship, mutual understanding and constructive dialog and, to the best of its participants’ belief, will promote and facilitate further deepening and all-round development of the relations between Ukraine and Azerbaijan.