Regulations on psychological laboratory
1. General regulations
1.1. Psychological laboratory, next — Laboratory, is a scientific structural division of Institute of Social sciences and Self-government that is created as a Department of IAPM, and is governed by the Laws of Ukraine «About scientific and scientific-technical activity», «About priority directions of science and technology development», «On education», «On higher education», «On protection of rights on inventions and utility models», «On copyright and related rights», Concept of scientific-technological and innovation development of Ukraine, other normative-legal acts of Ukraine, Charter of IAPM, Provisions of the Academy and these regulations.
1.2. The purposes of the psychological laboratory are:
- Acquisition of new knowledge, formulation and solution of actual problems of humanities, social and natural profiles and those areas that develop on the brink of related sciences and interdisciplinary connections;
- Dissemination of results of scientific research, scientific works;
- Connection with educational process, involvement of teachers, doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduates and students for solving important scientific problems.
Psychological laboratory systematically creates, experiments, tests, develops and maintains scientific and socially valuable innovations, conditions of their provision and implementation.
1.3. The laboratory operates in a single complex educational, scientific and research activities of IAPM and reports to Head of Department of Practical psychology, Director Institute of Social sciences and Self-government and Rector of the Academy.
1.4. Changes and additions to Provisions of the Laboratory shall be approved by relevant order of Rector of IAPM for the Director of Institute of Social sciences and Self-government.
2. Tasks and functions of the Laboratory
2.1. Organization, coordination and conduction of scientific research in accordance with the thematic plan of scientific research of IAPM and plans of Department of Practical psychology.
2.2. Creation of organizational and methodical conditions for practical application of experience; development of technologies for product implementation activities of the Laboratory.
2.3. Organization of implementing results of research and development in the production and learning process.
2.4. Organization and holding of scientific-technical research and educational exhibitions, seminars, meetings, conferences, schools, ensures the promotion of scientific, research and educational achievements of IAPM.
2.5. Promoting the quality of training: bachelors, masters, graduate and doctoral students.
2.6. Assistance in organizing information technology, advertising and publishing activity.
2.7. Performing other functions in accordance with the objectives and purposes of the establishment of the Laboratory.
3. Structure and Management of the Laboratory
3.1. Laboratory structure and its changes have to be approved by Rector of IAPM on the proposal of Director of the Institute of Social sciences and Self-government.
3.2. The Laboratory is headed by Chairman, who organizes the work and is responsible for the content and performance activity, supports innovative search of teaching staff.
3.3. Staff of the Laboratory is determined by the IAPM staffing and is approved by the Rector.
3.4. To the staff of Laboratory is included Head of the Laboratory (without a regular salary).
3.5. Teachers, doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduates and students are attracted to work in the Laboratory on the terms of employment contracts according to contract agreements.
3.6. For execution of certain projects and implementation of the results, the Lab can create temporary creative (work) teams on a contract basis or on labor agreements.
3.7. The Lab can organize the work of involving highly qualified consultants, certified research organizations that work in the Laboratory on a contractual basis.
3.8. Organizational support for the Laboratory activities and coordination of its work is carried out according to working requirements.
4. Financial provision of activity of the Laboratory
4.1. The Laboratory is not a legal entity and has an independent balance, in relations with legal entities and in individuals, acting on behalf of the Academy.
4.2. The Laboratory does not require additional funding.
4.3. The Laboratory has the right to render paid services in accordance with the established order of IAPM.
4.4. The Laboratory has the right to carry out contractual works under direct contracts, international projects and grants in accordance with the procedure that is in order of IAPM.
4.5. The Laboratory ensures its activities, receives in to use all University facilities, modern office equipment, inventory and other assets of the Academy.
4.6. The Laboratory engages equipment and facilities of organizations, institutions, companies, which signed the agreements to perform its tasks.
5. Organization of activity of the Laboratory
5.1. The laboratory has the right to:
- receive all the necessary documents for the Laboratory of the Academy and its structural divisions due the course;
- attract workers of IAPM for performing work within the competence of the Laboratory with payment, estimated by the Laboratory;
- submit for consideration of the Academy headship offers on perfection of activity of the Laboratory.
5.2. Responsibilities of the Laboratory:
- Define strategic goals and objectives to achieve the strategic goals of socio-economic development and the development strategy of Academy;
- Identify research topics, scientific research;
- Form a creative team of scientists;
- Actively participate in competitions and contests, including young researchers and students;
- Develop a modern shape of work of the Laboratory, including means of the Internet.
5.3. The Laboratory develops regulations, plans, instructions, etc., concludes agreements on cooperation with research institutions, educational institutions on study with approval of the Academic Council.
5.4. According to the results of activity of the Laboratory, it organizes publishing of the monographs, training manuals, handbooks, recommendations, articles, theses, creates and updates an information-resource data bank, information-analytical environment, conductes scientific-methodical activities.
5.5. Laboratory can be formed, reorganized and liquidated by order of Rector of IAPM on proposal of Director of Institute of Social sciences and Self-governments.