Psychological Laboratory
Psychological laboratory of Department of General psychology of the Aliev Institute of Social Sciences and Self-government was established in May 1, 2011.
Regulations about Psychological laboratory
The Laboratory of Practical Psychology is governed by the Laws of Ukraine “About scientific and scientific-technical activity”, “About priority directions of science development and technology”, “On education”, “On higher education”, “On protection of rights to inventions and utility models”, “On copyright and related rights”, Concept of scientific-technological and innovation development of Ukraine, other normative-legal acts of Ukraine, Charter of IAPM, Provisions of the Academy and the Provision about psychological laboratory.
The purpose of the laboratory is conduction of psychological counseling sessions, group psychotherapy, training work with teachers, students and masters.
Laboratory is headed by Lyudmila Fedosova — an experienced psychologist, teacher, who headed Center of psychological assessment and counseling at IAPM from 2008 to 2011.
Teachers, doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduates and students are attracted to work in the Laboratory on the terms of employment contracts according to contract agreements. Psychological trainings and group consultations carried out by trainers with experience of coaching work – Kovalenko Tatiana Nikolaevna (coach of perinatal psychology, leads the internship at the workplace of psychologist in psychiatric hospitals), Tarasov Vladimir Mikhailovich (Gestalt therapist, leads trainings in confidence), Sapozhnikova Vera Aleksandrovna (coach of sand-therapy, leads trainings for trainers), Kovalska Tatiana Leonidivna (trainer of art-therapy, leads trainings for work with children and adolescents), Stoykov Irina Yurievna (leads the basics of psychological counseling) and others. In Psychological laboratory the young trainers (students-psychologists) can gain practical experience. Their projects prepare: Verkhoshanska Ludmila and Godun Jana – new developments in the direction of art-therapy and training "Therapy of marital and parent-child pairs".
Also you can get professional psychological help on various issues in Psychological laboratory. Involvement of physicians of relevant profile is possible. We offer advices on career guidance and professional consultation (Gurtovenko Oksana Sergeevna).
We would like to cooperate!
Call us: 050 699-16-23, 063 817-58-37, 050 241-70-34,
E-mail: [email protected]
Psychological laboratory at IAPM invites for trainings:
- Techniques of negotiations in business (Nikitin Y. I.)
- HE and SHE (technology of relationships) (Nikitin Y. I.)
- Business communications (Nikitin Y. I.)
- Psychosomatic medicine (Fedosova L. A.)
- Symboldrama (Fedosova L. A.)
- Family therapy (Fedosova L. A.)
- Crisis counseling (Stoykov I. Y.)
- Basics of consulting, technology of dialogue (Stoykov I. Y.)
- Organization and conducting of socio-psychological training (Fedosova L. A.)
- Psychotherapy of marital and parent-child relationship (Fedosova L. A.)
- Sand psychotherapy (Sapozhnikova V. A.)
- Theory and practice of group work, training for trainers (Sapozhnikova V. A.)
- Neuro-linguistic programming (Kovalenko T. M.)
- Perinatal psychology or Preparing to become a mother (Kovalenko T. M.)
- Psychodiagnostics (Kovalenko T. M.)
- Children’s fear and aggression (Kovalenko T. M.)
- Conflictology (Kovalenko T. M.)
- Art therapy (Kowalska T. L., Stoykov I. Y.)
- Work with children and adolescents (Kowalska T. L., Fedosova L. O.)
- Public speaking skills (Zolotukhin Is.G.)
- New sexology (Tkachev R. V.)
- Gestalt therapy (Tarasov V. M. and Stoykov I. Y.)
- Self-confidence training (Tarasov V. M.)
- Business-training (Tkachev G. V.)
- Directions of psychotherapy and psychocorrection (by methods of Gestalt, symboldrama, art-therapy, sand-therapy, etc.) (Stoykov I. Y.)
- Working with fears and unsolved problems – individual and group methods of correction (Stoykov I. Y.)
- Individual counseling (Stoykov I. Y.)
- Psychology of emotions (Stoykov I. Y.)
Record by phones: 050-699-16-23, 0638175837, 0982182368
e-mail: [email protected]