Postgraduate Studies
Postgraduate study is a form of training scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel of higher qualification.
Код та найменування галузі знань |
Шифр та найменування спеціальності |
05 Соціальні та поведінкові науки |
051 Економіка |
05 Соціальні та поведінкові науки |
053 Психологія |
07 Управління та адміністрування |
073 Менеджмент |
08 Право |
081 Право |
12 Інформаційні технології |
121 Інженерія програмного забезпечення |
28 Публічне управління та адміністрування |
281 Публічне управління та адміністрування |
Forms and terms of education
- full-time - 3 years,
- part-time - 4 years.
At Interregional Academy of Personnel Management specialized academic Councils act:
- With the right to consider and protect dissertations for a scientific degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Legal Science in specialties: 12.00.04 - Business law, economic and procedural law; 12.00.07 - administrative law and process; finance; information law;
- Candidate of Economics in specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by economic activity).
In case of successful thesis defense by decision of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, applicants receive a diploma of Doctor (Candidate) of Science.
Postgraduate of IAPM provides the attachment of competitors with Candidate of Sciences scientific degree to profile departments of the Academy institutions according to the chosen specialty.
Applicants of IAPM and other educational institutions have the opportunity to pass candidate examinations in the specialties:
- 12.00.04 – Economic law; Economic procedural law;
- 12.00.07 – Administrative law and process; Financial law; Information law.
- 08.00.04 – Economy and management of enterprises (economic activities)
- 12.00.08 - Criminal law and criminology; penal law.
- 12.00.09 - Criminal procedure and criminalistics; forensic examination; operational search activity.
- 25.00.01 - Theory and history of public administration.
- 25.00.02 - Mechanisms of public administration.
Candidate examinations are held twice a year in the form of sessions (November-December; May-June of the current year).
Teaching and scientific practice
Graduate students, receive support from highly qualified scientists of the Academy during educational process.
IAPM Graduate students have the opportunity to participate in conferences and seminars held by the Interregional Academy of Personnel on economics, education, politology, law and so on.
Graduate student of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management has an opportunity to work in IAPM Library and Information Center while studying, as well as in leading academic libraries in Ukraine.
To The Postgraduate citizens of Ukraine and other countries that have higher education at a specialist/masters' degree are accepted.
During the training graduate passes candidate examinations in a foreign language, philosophy, and specialty. Postgraduate training for candidate examinations are carried out in accordance with programs approved by Ministry of education and science of Ukraine.
Graduate students are passing the annual assessment in accordance with the approved program.
Documents for admission to graduate school:
- Application addressed to the rector of IAPM;
- A personal form of accounting personnel;
- Autobiography;
- Copy of diploma (master);
- Copy of passport;
- Four photographs (3x4);
- Essay on the chosen specialty or list of published scientific works (submitted to the Department of graduate school before the first exam).
Applicants must pass the following exams:
- Philosophy;
- Foreign language (elective);
- Specialty.
The enrollment of graduate students is held 2 times a year:
- Until October 20 (November of the current year);
- Until April 20 (May of this year).
Training is paid (cost of services)
03039 Kyiv, Suvorova str.2, IAPM, Building 24, Room 13.
Tel.: (044) 490-95-12
E-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]