Specialized academic councils
Specialized Scientific Council D 26.142.01 with the right to consider and conduct defense of thesis for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Jurisprudence on the specialty 12.00.04 "Economic Law, Economic and Procedural Law".
Specialized Scientific Council D 26.142.02 with the right to consider and conduct defense of thesis for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Jurisprudence on the specialty 12.00.07 "Administrative Law and Process; Financial Law; Information Law".
The specialized academic Council K 26.142.03 on the specialty 08.00.04 "Economics and Management of Enterprises (by economic activities)".
Specialized Academic Council D 26.142.04 with the right to accept and hold the defense of dissertations for obtaining a scientific degree of a doctor (candidate) of science in state administration from specialties 25.00.01 "Theory and history of state administration", 25.00.02 "Mechanisms of state administration" and 25.00.05 "State administration in the sphere of state security and public order protection".
Specialized Academic Council K 26.142.06 with the right to accept and conduct defense of theses for obtaining a scientific degree of the candidate of sciences in public administration in the specialty 25.00.02 "Mechanisms of public administration" for the period until December 31, 2020 (Annex 1 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Ukraine, 11.07.2019 number 975).
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