Krasnov Volodymyr Yuriiovych

Krasnov Volodymyr Yuriiovych – Associate Professor of Dentistry, Candidate of Medical Sciences. n., dentist-orthopedist



 He graduated from the O. Bohomolets National Medical University in 2002, majoring in dentistry.

He defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences in 2009.

Fluent in English and teaching methods to foreign English-speaking students.

Since 2019 – Associate Professor of Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, IAPM.

Research interests: dental prosthetics in children and adolescents on the background of somatic pathology, dental implantation in childhood, pediatric prosthetics, digital technologies in dentistry, comprehensive treatment of patients with bruxism.

Research work: executor of the research topic "Digital technologies in orthopedic dentistry"



Patents of Ukraine for utility model:

1. Patent 33869, Ukraine, IPC A 61 C 19/04. Device for registration of masticatory movements of the lower jaw / VP Nespryadko, V. Yu. Krasnov; applicant and patent owner National Medical University. OO Bogomolets. - № U200803983; declared 31.03.2008; publ. 10.07.2008, Bull. № 13.

2. Patent 41044, Ukraine, IPC A 61 C 19/04. Method of measuring the mobility of a complete removable denture during chewing / VP Nespryadko, V. Yu. Krasnov, OV Buzovsky; applicant and patent owner National Medical University. OO Bogomolets. - № U200900823; declared 04.02.2009; publ. 27.04.2009, Bull. № 8.

3. Patent 44362, Ukraine, IPC A 61 C 7/00. Method of choosing an occlusal scheme in the manufacture of complete removable dentures / V. Yu. Krasnov; applicant and patent owner Bogomolets National Medical University. - № п200908058; declared 31.07.2009; publ. 25.09.2009, Bull. №18.


Articles in professional journals

1. V.P. Nespryadko, Yu. V. Klitinsky, V. Yu. Krasnov. Features of a technique of preparation of teeth under integral designs of fixed dental prostheses. clinical observation. Part I. Preparation of front teeth. Modern dentistry. - 2005. - № 3 - P.149-153

2. V.P. Nespryadko, Yu. V. Klitinskii, V. Yu. Krasnov Peculiarities of the technique of tooth preparation for integral structures of fixed dentures. Clinical observation. Part 2. Preparation of lateral teeth. Modern dentistry. - 2005. - № 4. - P.148-150

3. V.P Nespryadko, V. Yu. Krasnov. Influence of the occlusal scheme on the mobility of complete removable dentures during chewing / // Modern dentistry. - 2009. - № 2. - P. 128-131.

4. V. Krasnov. Influence of occlusal scheme on the structure of chewing in the treatment of patients with complete absence of teeth with removable dentures / V. Yu. Krasnov // Ukrainian Dental Almanac. - 2009. - № 1. - P. 28-31.

5. V. Krasnov. Research of the structure of chewing of patients with intact dentition and with full removable dentures by the method of computer kinesiography / V. Yu. Krasnov // Ukrainian dental almanac. - 2008. - № 4. - P. 45-48.

6. V. Krasnov. Influence of the occlusal scheme on the structure of chewing of patients using full removable prostheses and V. Yu. Krasnov // Ukrainian scientific and medical youth journal: collection. thesis I (62) International. congress stud. and young scientists "Actual problems of modern medicine". - K., 2008. - № 3. - P. 226.

7. V. Krasnov. Influence of the occlusal scheme on the structure of chewing in the treatment of patients with complete absence of teeth with removable dentures / V. Yu. Krasnov // Actual problems of modern medicine: collection. thesis science-practice. conf. "Dentistry - yesterday, today and tomorrow - promising areas of development", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Dentistry of Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical University. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2009. - P. 189.

8. V. Nespryadko, V. Krasnov, P.V. Kuts. Investigation of changes in the occlusal scheme due to abrasion of artificial teeth of removable dentures in patients with complete loss of teeth and adverse conditions of the prosthetic bed on the lower jaw. Ukrainian Dental Almanac. 2015. № 5.-S. 37 - 43.

Advanced training

In 2012 he graduated with honors from the faculty of advanced training of teachers in the cycle "Psychological and pedagogical foundations of higher medical education."

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