Student advisor


Tourism is an extremely dynamic and promising branch of human activity. The importance of tourism in the world economy is growing more and more. The tourist industry has great prospects in Ukraine. Our country has a vast field for the development of both domestic and international tourism. Tourist trips enrich a person's intellect, contribute to the restoration of his physical and emotional and psychological health. Tourism contributes to the development of international mutual understanding, a tolerant attitude towards other civilizations, peoples, and cultures. A specialist with a higher education (bachelor's, master's) majoring in "Tourism" has great prospects for professional development and a brilliant business career!


Specialty 242 "Tourism" is part of the field of knowledge 24 "Sphere of service"

Those seeking higher education in the specialty "Tourism" study at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management at the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels. Training of future specialists is carried out by the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences, Department of International Relations and Tourism Organization.


What is tourism? Who are tourists?

" Tourism is a temporary departure of a person from his place of residence for recreational, educational, professional, business or other purposes without carrying out paid activities in the place where the person is leaving"

" Tourist - a person who travels around Ukraine or to another country with the purpose of staying for a period of 24 hours to one year without any paid activity and with the obligation to leave the country or place of stay within the specified period"

 (Law of Ukraine "On Tourism")



At the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, students study under the "Tourism" educational program. In general, " a comprehensive program is a single complex of educational components (subjects of study, disciplines, individual tasks, control measures, etc.), planned and organized to achieve specified learning outcomes" ( Law of Ukraine "On Education" dated September 5, 2017 ). So, in essence, the educational program is a system of educational components at the appropriate level of higher education within the specialty, which determines the requirements for the level of education of persons who can start studying under this program, the list of educational disciplines and the logical sequence of their study, the number of ECTS credits required for the implementation of this program, as well as the expected learning outcomes (competencies) that the recipient of the corresponding degree of higher education should master.

The educational and professional program "Tourism" operating at MAUP for training students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in specialty 242 "Tourism" was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education". The program corresponds to the first (bachelor) level of higher education and the seventh qualification level according to the National Qualifications Framework.

Qualification - bachelor's degree in tourism .

Graduates of the "Tourism" specialty are able to conduct information-analytical, advisory, expert activities in the field of tourism (both domestic and international), work in public administration institutions, private or public organizations.

Graduates of the specialty 242 "Tourism" can hold the following positions:

  • tour guide - 3414;
  • health and sports tourism instructor (by types of tourism) – 3414;
  • organizer of trips (excursions) - 3414;
  • organizer of tourist and hotel activities - 3414;
  • hotel service specialist - 3414;
  • rural tourism development specialist - 3414;
  • tourist service specialist - 3414;
  • leisure organization specialist - 3414;
  • rural tourism development specialist - 3414;
  • conference service specialist - 3414;
  • specialized service specialist - 3414;
  • tourist security specialist - 3414.

Description of the subject area (in accordance with the Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 242 "Tourism" of the field of knowledge 24 "Sphere of service" for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education from 2018):

Object : - tourism as a social phenomenon, a complex socio-ecological and economic system that covers geographical, socio-cultural, ecological, economic, organizational and legal aspects, processes and phenomena related to comfortable and safe travel;

 - tourism as a field of professional activity, which involves the formation, promotion, implementation and organization of the consumption of a tourist product, services of subjects of tourist activity from the organization of complex tourist services in the tourism industry.

The purpose of training : the formation of general and professional competencies for the successful implementation of professional activities in the field of recreation and tourism.

Theoretical content of the subject area . Concepts: tourism, tourist, sphere of tourism, forms and types of tourism, recreational and tourist resources, objects and attractions of tourism; tourist product, excursion, tourist destination, tourist activity, tourist service, tourism industry, tourist infrastructure, tourist services market, tourism business subjects; concepts: 1) humanistic, patriotic-educational, national identity; 2) globalization and glocalization of tourism; 3) geo-regionality of tourism, geospatial organization of the tourist process; 4) sustainable tourism for development; 5) information technology; 6) holistic marketing, 7) service; 8) socially responsible business; principles that determine the patterns of training of specialists: student-centered, competency-oriented, scientific, systematic and sequence of training, practice-oriented, interdisciplinary.

The subject area includes knowledge of geography and history of tourism, tourist local history and country studies, recreation, organization of tourism and excursion activities, organization of hotel and restaurant business, transport service, information systems and technologies in tourism, economy of tourism, tour operating, management and marketing of tourism, legal regulation and safety of tourist activities.

Methods, techniques and technologies : general and special scientific methods: geographical, economic, sociological, psychological, informational, tourist service methods (technological-production, interactive, service).

Tools and equipment : technical equipment and equipment for information processing, compliance with safety in tourism and tourism activities of tourism market entities, specialized applied licensed programs, maps, atlases, sports equipment

Software competencies

"Competence is a dynamic combination of knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking, views, values, and other personal qualities that determine a person's ability to successfully socialize, conduct professional and/or further educational activities" ( Law of Ukraine "On Education" dated 09.05.2017 )

Integral competence:

The ability to comprehensively solve complex professional tasks and practical problems in the field of tourism and recreation both in the process of learning and in the process of work, which involves the application of theories and methods of the system of sciences that form tourism science, and are characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions.

General competences (CG):

ZK1. The ability to realize one's rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to be aware of the values ​​of a civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in Ukraine

ZK2. The ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values ​​and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technologies, to use various types and forms of motor activity for active recreation and leading a healthy lifestyle

ZK3. The ability to act socially responsibly and consciously

ZK4. Ability to critical thinking, analysis and synthesis

ZK5. The desire to preserve the environment

ZK6. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources

ZK7. Ability to work in an international context

ZK8. Skills in using information and communication technologies

ZK9. The ability to identify, pose and solve problems

ZK10. Ability to communicate in the national language both orally and in writing

ZK11 Ability to communicate in a foreign language 

ZK12. Interpersonal skills

ZK13. Ability to plan and manage time

ZK14. Ability to work in a team and autonomously


Professional competences (FC):

FK1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of the specifics of professional activity

FC2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations

FK3. The ability to analyze the recreational and touristic potential of territories

FK4. The ability to analyze the activities of tourism industry subjects at all levels of management

FC5. Understanding of modern trends and regional priorities of the development of tourism in general and its individual forms and types

FC6. Understanding the processes of organizing tourist trips and complex tourist services (hotel, restaurant, transport, excursion, recreation)

FC7. The ability to develop, promote, implement and organize the consumption of a tourist product

FC8. Understanding the principles, processes and technologies of organizing the work of the subject of the tourism industry and its subsystems

FC9. The ability to ensure the safety of tourists in normal and complex force majeure circumstances

FC10. The ability to monitor, interpret, analyze and systematize tourist information, the ability to present tourist information material

FC11. The ability to use information technologies and office equipment in the work of tourist enterprises

FC12. The ability to determine individual tourist needs, use modern tourist service technologies and conduct claim work

FC13. The ability to cooperate with business partners and clients, the ability to ensure effective communication with them

FC14. The ability to work in an international environment based on a positive attitude towards differences in other cultures, respect for diversity and multiculturalism, understanding of local and professional traditions of other countries, recognition of intercultural problems in professional practice

FC15. The ability to act in the legal field, to be guided by the norms of legislation

FC16. The ability to work with documentation and carry out settlement operations as a tourist business entity


Program learning outcomes :

PRN1. Know, understand and be able to use in practice the main provisions of tourism legislation, national and international standards for tourist services.

PRN2. To know, understand and be able to use in practice the basic concepts of the theory of tourism, the organization of the tourist process and tourist activities of the subjects of the market of tourist services, as well as worldview and related sciences.

PRN3. Know and understand the main forms and types of tourism, their division.

PRN4. Explain the peculiarities of the organization of recreational and tourist space.

PRN5. To analyze the recreational and touristic potential of the territory.

PRN6. Apply the principles and methods of organization and technology of tourist service in practical activities.

PRN7. Develop, promote and implement a tourist product.

PRN8. Identify tourist documentation and be able to use it correctly.

PRN9. To organize the process of serving consumers of tourist services based on the use of modern information, communication and service technologies and compliance with quality standards and safety norms.

PRN10. To understand the principles, processes and technologies of organizing the work of a tourist business entity and its individual subsystems (administrative-management, social-psychological, economic, technical-technological).

PRN11. Possess the state and foreign language(s), at a level sufficient for professional activity.

PRN12. Apply the skills of productive communication with consumers of tourist services.

PRN13. To establish contacts with experts in tourism and other industries.

PRN14. Show respect for individual and cultural diversity.

PRN15. Demonstrate tolerance for alternative principles and methods of performing professional tasks.

PRN16. To act in accordance with the principles of social responsibility and civic consciousness.

PRN17. Manage your studies for the purpose of self-realization in the professional tourism field.

PRN18. Adequately evaluate your knowledge and apply it in various professional situations.

PRN19. It is reasonable to defend one's views in solving professional tasks.

PRN20. Identify problem situations and propose ways to solve them.

PRN21. Make informed decisions and bear responsibility for the results of your professional activity.

PRN22. Perform tasks professionally in uncertain and extreme situations.



Forms of attestation of applicants of higher education

After completion of training at the "bachelor" level of higher education, in order to assess the actual knowledge and practical readiness of the graduate to work in the specialty, in accordance with the requirements of the educational and professional program, an attestation is carried out.

Attestation of graduates of the educational and professional program "Tourism" specialty 242 "Tourism" is conducted in the form of a complex test exam in the specialty, consisting of the following disciplines: "Organization of tourist trips", "Tour operation", "Market of tourist services", "Management in tourism", "Fundamentals of quality management of tourist services" and public defense of qualification (diploma) work. Students who have fully completed the curriculum are allowed to take the comprehensive test exam in the specialty and defend the qualification work. The certification process at the first (bachelor) level of higher education is carried out by the Examination Commission.

The program of the comprehensive test examination by specialty gives an opportunity to reveal the ability of a graduate of the first (bachelor) level of higher education to demonstrate the acquired theoretical knowledge of the problems of international and domestic tourism, understanding of the basic laws of the functioning of the international tourism market, skills and abilities to analyze the main components of tourism activity, to organize one's own work as component of the collective activity of the tourist enterprise.

The content of the graduation qualification work should correspond to professional tasks in the field of international tourism. The qualification work should be aimed at the performance of a specific professional task using the theoretical and methodological tools of modern tourism science. The qualifying work must be checked for academic plagiarism. The qualification work must be published on the official website of the institution of higher education (or in the repository of the institution of higher education). Attestation is completed by issuing to the student a document of the established model on awarding him the educational level of "bachelor" in the specialty "Tourism".



(in accordance with the "Regulations on the organization of the educational process in the PrJSC "UZ "MAUP")

The educational process at the Academy is an intellectual, creative activity in the field of higher education and science, which is carried out through a system of scientific-methodical and pedagogical measures and is aimed at the transfer, acquisition, assimilation, multiplication and use of knowledge, abilities, skills and other competences in individuals, who are studying, as well as for the education (formation) of a harmoniously developed personality.

The goal of the educational process is to prepare competent and highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the economy and spheres of social life, competitive on the national and international labor market.

The educational process at the Academy is based on the principles defined by the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education" - scientificity, humanism, democracy, continuity and continuity of education, organic unity of educational and scientific activities, independence from the interference of any political parties, others public and religious organizations and aimed at implementing the student-centered learning paradigm.

The duration of studies at the Academy is regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and the "List of fields of knowledge and specialties for which higher education candidates are recruited and trained at MAUP University of Applied Sciences" PrJSC (posted on the official website of MAUP: .ua).

The total volume of credits of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and the term of study at the first (bachelor's level):

240 credits (7200 hours) – 4 years

The total volume of credits of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and the term of study at the second (master's level):

90 credits (2700 hours) – 1.6 years




The Academy develops study plans for each specialty based on the educational program.

The curriculum is a normative document of the Academy, which is drawn up on the basis of the educational-professional (educational-scientific) program for each specialty and specialization. The curriculum is developed for the entire standard term of study.

The curriculum for a certain specialty must specify a list of mandatory subjects (maximum – 75% of the total amount of ECTS credits). The total amount of optional subjects should be at least 25% of the total amount of ECTS credits.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and for the purpose of specifying the procedure for forming the list and further study by students of higher education of educational disciplines from the cycle of free choice, in accordance with the decision of the academic council of the Academy (protocol No. 5 of May 25, 2016), put into effect "Regulations on the procedure and conditions for choosing subjects of choice by students at MAUP University of Applied Sciences PrJSC (posted on the official website of MAUP:


The procedure for choosing academic disciplines by students of higher education (excerpt)

The terms of procedures for the selection of educational disciplines by applicants are determined by the need for timely (for planning and organization of the educational process, its methodical and personnel support) formation of the contingent of applicants in groups. Students of higher education exercise their right to choose academic disciplines by February 1 of the academic year that precedes the academic year in which their study is planned.

The procedure for students' selection of academic disciplines includes six stages .

The first stage is to acquaint applicants with the procedure, terms and features of registration and formation of groups to study freely chosen academic disciplines at the Academy, as well as with the features of assigning professional qualifications according to the educational program in which the applicant is studying (responsible curators of groups, deans). The events of the first stage are organized until October 1 of the current academic year .

The second stage is to acquaint applicants with the lists of optional disciplines offered both by the educational program they are studying and by other educational programs. Familiarization takes place by organizing meetings with representatives of departments and guarantors of educational programs, representatives of deanships, group curators, etc. The events of the second stage are organized until November 15 of the current academic year.

The third stage - registration of applicants for study of educational disciplines (packages, blocks, etc.) is carried out by December 30 of the current academic year . A sample application is provided in Appendix 1 of the relevant Regulation.

The fourth stage is the processing of applications of applicants for higher education, verification of the contingent of applicants and preliminary formation of groups by specializations (profiles), as well as mobile groups for the study of selective disciplines. The events of the fourth stage are organized until January 15 of the current academic year .

According to the results of the stage, applicants whose selection cannot be satisfied for the reasons listed in clause 2.4 of the relevant Regulation are notified of the refusal (with an indication of the reason) and are offered to make a selection from the adjusted list. The duration of the stage does not exceed 5 working days (until January 20).

The fifth stage is re-enrollment of students to study academic disciplines (packages, blocks, etc.). The duration is one week.

The sixth stage is the final processing of student applications by faculties/institutes/guarantors of educational programs, decision-making regarding students who did not use the right of free choice, verification of the student contingent and the formation of groups for specializations (profiles), as well as mobile groups for studying optional disciplines. Activities of the sixth stage are organized until February 1 of the current academic year .

Copies of the approved lists of specialization groups (profiles) and mobile groups are submitted to the Academy's Educational Process Organization Office.

Students of higher education have the right to choose elective subjects for the entire period of study.

Students of higher education enrolled in correspondence education have the right to choose individual disciplines from the curriculum when writing an application for admission to the chosen educational program and from the list - only from the next year of study.

The list of subjects of free choice for the next academic year may change.

Elective academic disciplines provided for in the educational training program are included in the individual curriculum of the student of higher education and are mandatory for study.


The curriculum for the correspondence form of education contains a list of disciplines, similar to the curriculum for the full-time form of education, has a smaller number of classroom classes, due to an increase in the amount of independent work. The percentage of reduction in the volume of classroom classes (compared to the full-time curriculum) is proportional for all disciplines of the curriculum.


The study of all academic disciplines ends with a test or an exam. The total number of exams and assessments (without practicals and coursework/projects) per semester does not exceed 8 (but no more than 5 exams per exam session).

Individual study plan of a student of higher education (INPZVO) is a normative document of the Academy, according to which training is carried out based on the requirements of educational programs in accordance with the levels of higher education, with maximum consideration of individual needs, personal educational and professional interests of students of higher education in relation to their professional training and market requirements labor INPZVO at the Academy is regulated by the "Regulations on the individual study plan of the applicant of higher education and the results of its implementation" (posted on the official website of MAUP:

An individual study plan is drawn up for each academic year and approved by the director of the institute/dean of the faculty. The implementation of the individual study plan of the student of higher education is carried out within a period of time that does not exceed the period of his studies. The student of higher education is responsible for the implementation of the individual study plan. The director of the institute/dean of the faculty supervises the implementation of the individual study plan of the student of higher education.


Applicants of higher education who studied in foreign higher educational institutions may be granted permission to study according to individual study plans with the crediting of grades from the disciplines studied by them at the specified higher education institutions, if these disciplines correspond (in terms of content and scope) to the list of disciplines of the study plan selected by in the Academy of specialties (specializations). The procedure is regulated by the "Regulations on academic mobility of participants in the educational process of the PJSC "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management" (located on the official website of MAUP:



The schedule of the educational process is a normative document of the Academy, which reflects the specific terms of examination sessions, the duration of vacations, the terms of liquidation of the academic difference and academic debt, determines the terms of practical training and attestation by students of higher education.

In the academic year, the Academy plans, as a rule, 40 weeks of theoretical training (including credit and examination sessions). The specific duration of theoretical training each year is determined taking into account the specifics of a particular specialty.

The educational process in full-time and extramural forms of education is organized according to the semester system. Credit-examination sessions are planned twice per academic year, lasting two to three weeks. All types of practices are conducted outside of theoretical training.

Vacations are set twice a year with a total duration of 8–12 weeks. Their terms are determined by the schedule of the educational process for each academic year.

1-2 weeks are planned in the schedule of the educational process for certification of higher education applicants, depending on the form of certification of higher education applicants.



The educational process at the Academy is carried out in the following forms:

  • educational (auditory) classes;
  • independent work;
  • · practical training;
  • · control measures.

The main types of training classes at the Academy are:

  • · lecture;
  • · laboratory, practical, seminar, individual class;
  • · consultation.

Other forms of the educational process and types of training may be established at the Academy.

A lecture is the main type of educational classes at the Academy, designed for the assimilation of theoretical material. A lecture, as a rule, is an element of a course of lectures that covers the main theoretical material of a single or several topics of an academic discipline. The topic of the lecture course is determined by the working curriculum of the discipline.

Lectures are conducted by lecturers - professors and associate professors (senior teachers) of the Academy, as well as leading scientists or specialists invited to give lectures. Lecture classes are held in appropriately equipped premises - auditoriums for one or more academic groups of higher education seekers.

A laboratory session is an organizational form of an educational session in which students of higher education, under the guidance of a teacher, conduct experiments or research in educational laboratories using appropriate educational and methodological support, equipment, and computer technology for the purpose of practical confirmation of certain theoretical provisions of the relevant science (discipline). , acquire practical skills in working with laboratory equipment, equipment, computer technology, experimental research methods in a specific subject area.

Practical lesson - a type of educational lesson, in which the teacher organizes a detailed examination by students of higher education of individual theoretical provisions of the academic discipline and develops the skills and abilities of their practical application through the individual performance of the tasks formulated accordingly by the student of higher education.

Practical classes are held in classrooms or in educational laboratories equipped with the necessary technical teaching aids and computing equipment.

Conducting a practical lesson is based on previously prepared methodical material - tests to determine the degree of mastery of the students of higher education with the necessary theoretical provisions, a set of tasks of varying complexity to be solved by students of higher education during the lesson.

The practical session includes the current control of knowledge and skills of students of higher education, posing a general problem by the teacher and discussing it with the participation of students of higher education, solving tasks with their discussion, solving control tasks, checking them, and evaluating them. The grades obtained by the student of higher education for individual practical classes are taken into account when determining the semester grade for the academic discipline.

A seminar class is a type of educational class in which the teacher organizes a discussion around predetermined topics, for which students prepare abstracts of speeches based on individually completed tasks (abstracts).

At each seminar session, the teacher evaluates the essays prepared by the students of higher education and their performance of other tasks, their speeches, activity in the discussion, the ability to formulate and defend their position, etc.

The final grades for each seminar session are entered in the "Journal of the work of the academic group", which is calculated for the academic year. The grades received by the student of higher education for individual seminar classes are taken into account when issuing the semester grade for the academic discipline.

An individual study session is a type of study session conducted with individual students of higher education in order to improve their level of training and reveal their individual creative abilities.

Individual training sessions are organized according to a separate schedule, taking into account the individual training plan of the student of higher education and may cover a part or the full volume of training from one or more educational disciplines, and in some cases - the full volume of training sessions for a specific degree of higher education.

Types of individual training classes, their scope, forms and methods of conducting, forms and methods of current and final control (except certification) are determined by the student's individual study plan.

Consultation is a type of educational session in which the student receives answers from the teacher to specific questions or explanations of certain theoretical provisions or aspects of their practical application.

Consultation can be individual or conducted for a group of students, depending on whether the teacher advises students on issues related to the performance of individual tasks or on theoretical issues of the academic discipline.

Individual tasks from individual disciplines (abstracts, calculations, graphics, calculation-graphics, term papers (projects), qualifications (diploma theses/projects) are issued to students of higher education within the terms provided for in the working curriculum. Individual tasks are completed by students of higher education independently during counseling the teacher

Term papers/projects are a type of scientific work that involves independent research by a student of higher education of actual problems and their theoretical presentation in accordance with the requirements for the registration of the results of scientific research.

They are carried out with the aim of consolidating, deepening and generalizing the knowledge acquired by students of higher education during their studies and their application to the complex solution of a specific professional task. The number of term papers/projects should not exceed one per semester (no more than one per academic year is recommended). Coursework/projects are not planned for students of higher education in the first year of study, in the graduation semester they can be planned only if there is no qualifying work (diploma work/project) in the curriculum.

The topics of coursework/projects correspond to the tasks of the academic discipline and are closely related to the practical needs of a specific profession. Management of coursework/projects is carried out by teachers of the graduation department and other scientific and pedagogical workers with a scientific degree and/or academic title.

The defense of a coursework/project by a student of higher education is conducted before a committee consisting of two or three teachers of the department with the participation of the head of the coursework/project. The composition of the commission is determined by the head of the department.

Qualification works (diploma theses/projects) are performed at the final stage of the education of higher education applicants under educational programs of master's training and include:

  • systematization, consolidation, expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge of the specialty (specialization) and their application in solving specific scientific, technical, economic, industrial and other tasks;
  • development of independent work skills and mastering research and experiment methods related to the topic of the work (project).

The thesis/project is an independent individual qualification work, with elements of research and innovation, which is the result of theoretical and practical training within the framework of normative and selective components of educational programs for the preparation of higher education applicants.

The purpose of the qualification work (thesis/project) is to conduct theoretical and practical research, in-depth understanding of a professional problem, development of innovative proposals in a certain field of production or scientific activity and recommendations for their implementation.

One year before the end of full-time studies and 6 months after part-time studies, the student of higher education is given the right to choose a thesis/project topic determined by the graduation departments, or to propose his own topic with justification of the feasibility of its development.

Before the preliminary defense of the qualification work (diploma thesis/project), the applicant of higher education is obliged to provide the graduation department with its electronic version, in order to prevent and detect academic plagiarism in the diploma theses of applicants of higher education, which is the responsibility of the heads of departments and scientific supervisors of qualification works ( theses/projects) of graduates of all educational levels.

Completion and defense of the qualification work (diploma thesis/project) is the final stage of training according to the educational training program and the form of attestation of higher education applicants.

Qualification papers (diploma theses/projects) of higher education graduates after their defense are transferred to the Academy's archive by the graduation department, where they are stored in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

Practical training of persons studying at the Academy is a mandatory component of the educational program for obtaining a certain degree of higher education.

The purpose of the practical training of higher education applicants of the Academy is to generalize the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, to acquire professional skills and abilities that form specialists with a higher education of the appropriate degree and contribute to the improvement of the quality of training of specialists.

Practical training of students of higher education provides for the continuity and sequence of its implementation during training, which contributes to the consolidation of relevant competencies in future specialists. Practical training of students of higher education involves conducting practical classes and types of practices provided for in the curriculum.

The practical training of persons studying at the Academy is carried out through their internship at enterprises, institutions and organizations in accordance with the contracts concluded by the Academy.

Applicants of higher education from other countries, who study at the Academy without interruption from production, can undergo practice on the basis of national enterprises, institutions and organizations (with their consent and the consent of the corresponding graduation department of the Academy) with unconditional compliance with the requirements of the schedule of the educational process, curriculum and program practice

Managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations are obliged to ensure the creation of appropriate conditions for practical training in production, compliance with the rules and norms of labor protection, safety equipment and industrial sanitation in accordance with the legislation.

Completion and protection of internships for students of higher education of all forms of education is regulated by the "Regulations on the internship of MAUP students".

Control measures

The types of knowledge control of students of higher education are:

  • current control,
  • final certification.

Current control is carried out during practical and seminar classes. Current control is used to check knowledge of individual components of the curriculum of this discipline, namely: the material presented in lectures; issues considered and discussed at seminars (practical, laboratory, individual) classes and material developed independently.

The tasks of the current control are: checking the understanding and assimilation of certain material, the developed skills of performing calculation works; the ability to independently process texts; the ability to understand the content of a topic or section; the ability to present certain material publicly or in writing. Forms and methods of current control are determined by departments.

The final certification includes:

  • semester certification;
  • certification of a higher education applicant.

Semester certification is conducted in the form of a semester exam or a semester credit for a specific academic discipline.

The semester exam/credit is a form of final attestation, which consists in evaluating the assimilation of the student of higher education of theoretical and practical material (performed by him in certain types of work in practical, seminar classes and during independent work) from the academic discipline for the semester.

The number of exams in an exam session, as a rule, does not exceed 4-5. Applicants of higher education are obliged to take tests and exams in accordance with the requirements of the working curriculum within the time limits provided by the schedule of the educational process. The content of tests and exams is determined by the working training programs of the disciplines.

A student of higher education is allowed to take a test and/or a discipline exam if he has fully completed all types of work provided for by the work curriculum and the work curriculum. Compilation of credits is carried out at the last laboratory, practical, seminar classes in the disciplines and is completed before the beginning of the examination session. Students of higher education who, without valid reasons, did not pass the tests in the disciplines provided for in the curriculum are not allowed to take the examination session.

The schedule of examinations is approved by the director of the institute/dean of the faculty no later than a month before the beginning of the examination session and is brought to the attention of scientific-pedagogical/pedagogical workers and students of higher education.

The schedule of the examination session provides time for preparation for each examination lasting at least three days, including weekends. Making changes to the schedules of credit and examination sessions is possible only with the written consent of the Academy management (vice-rector/rector).

During the exam/credit, students of higher education have the right to use training programs in the discipline. With the permission of the examiners, students of higher education can use reference literature and technical educational tools. The use of any informational materials by the student of higher education during the examination/scoring without the permission of the persons conducting the control event entails its termination. At the same time, the entry "Unsatisfactory"/"Not enrolled" and the appropriate signature of the teacher are placed against the name of the student of higher education in the credit and examination information.

Examinations for students of full-time and part-time higher education can be conducted in oral and written (electronic) form according to examination tickets developed by the department teacher and approved in accordance with the requirements. The set consists of 30 examination tickets, regardless of the number of academic groups.

The exam ticket may include a combination of exam questions and test tasks of various types (open, closed, selective, matching).

The number of examination questions, practical and test tasks of various types in the examination ticket and the criteria for evaluating the answers to them are determined by the scientific-pedagogical/pedagogical worker who is responsible for teaching the academic discipline.

After the completion of the semester attestation in the discipline, the assessment of the student of higher education on mastering the discipline on a 100-point scale (as well as evaluations for the performance of other types of educational work) is converted into national evaluations (“Excellent”, “Good”, “Satisfactory”, “Unsatisfactory”) and ECTS grades (" A ", " B ", " C ", " D ", " E ", " FX ", " F ").

The results of the exams are evaluated according to the national two-point scale: "Passed" or "Not credited" and the corresponding ECTS grades. The grade for the internship, regardless of its type, is issued based on the results of the higher education student's defense of a written report in front of the department's commission, whose composition is formed by its head (no more than three people), within the specified time. Participation in the work of the commission of the head of production practice is mandatory.

Applicants of higher education who, according to the results of the examination session, have debts in 1-2 disciplines, may be granted the right to liquidate them within the specified time.

In case of receiving an unsatisfactory grade, retaking the exam (credit) is allowed no more than twice. During the second re-sit of the exam (credit), a higher education applicant may be accepted by a commission created by the director of the institute/dean of the faculty. The commission's assessment is final.

If the student of higher education was admitted to the semester control, but did not appear without a good reason, then it is considered that he used the first attempt to pass the exam (credit) and has a debt.

In cases of a conflict situation, based on a motivated application of a higher education applicant or a scientific and pedagogical worker, the director of the institute/dean of the faculty creates a commission for accepting the exam (credit), which includes the head of the department, teachers of the relevant department, representatives of the dean's office and the student council.

The procedure for converting the indicators of the standardized 100-point rating scale into the traditional 4-point scale and the European ECTS scale is established (indicated in the table):


Assessment on the 100-point scale of the Academy

Assessment on a national scale

Evaluation on the ECTS scale



5 (excellent)

A (excellent)


4 (good)

B (very good, above average, but with some errors)


C (good, with a few significant errors)


3 (satisfactory)

D (mediocre with significant shortcomings)


E (sufficient, the performance meets the minimum evaluation criteria)


not counted

2 (unsatisfactory)

FX (unsatisfactory, with the possibility of reassembly


F (unsatisfactory, with mandatory re-study)


In the presence of valid reasons (illness, family circumstances, etc.), which are documented, the director of the institute/dean of the faculty may set an individual schedule for taking exams (credits) or liquidating academic debt for individual higher education students, lasting no more than one month from the beginning of the next academic semester. If this term is insufficient to fulfill the individual schedule, the issue of granting the higher education applicant an academic leave or a repeated course of study is considered.

Students of higher education who have fully met the requirements of the current course curriculum and the terms of the study contract are transferred to the next course by order of the rector of the Academy.

During the examination sessions, an independent test assessment of the knowledge of higher education students can be conducted as a quality control of the educational process of the departments, the completion of which is mandatory for all higher education students.

The results of the semester control should be regularly discussed at the meetings of the departments, academic councils of institutes/faculties and the academic council of the Academy and is one of the important factors of the quality management of the educational process at MAUP.



Independent work of a student (hereinafter - SRS) - a means of independent assimilation by a student of higher education in extracurricular time, which is included in the curriculum for studying a certain discipline, or in the classroom under the direct supervision of a teacher; is more than 50% of the time budget allocated to a specific discipline in the working curriculum, taking into account the specifics and content of a certain educational discipline, its place, significance and didactic purpose in the implementation of the educational program.

The goal of SRS is the systematic and consistent assimilation of the full scope of the educational material within the scope of the educational discipline program and the formation of independence in students as a character trait, which plays an important role in the formation of a modern specialist capable of creative thinking, free orientation in the information space and making important independent decisions in non-standard professional situations.

Forms of SRS:

  • independent work in the classroom under the direct supervision of the teacher and in his presence;
  • extracurricular work, which is carried out by the student independently, without a teacher, but under his general guidance and control, including remotely

The content of the SRS for a specific academic discipline is determined by the work program and methodical recommendations and may consist of the following types of work:

  • preparation for classroom classes (lectures, practical, seminars, laboratories, etc.);
  • performance of practical tasks in the academic discipline during the semester;
  • independent study of individual topics of the academic discipline according to the working curriculum;
  • translation of foreign texts of prescribed volumes;
  • performance of control tasks by correspondence students;
  • preparation for all types of control tests, including course, module and complex control tests;
  • performance of tasks provided for in the internship program;
  • work in student scientific circles, seminars, etc.;
  • participation in electives, special seminars, etc.;
  • participation in scientific and scientific-methodical work of departments, faculties and the academy;
  • participation in scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, competitions, Olympiads, etc.;
  • preparation for the final attestation, including completion of the final qualification work for obtaining the corresponding degree of higher education;
  • other types of activities initiated by the academy, faculty, department and student self-government bodies.

For correspondence students, tasks must be formulated in such a way that the student has the opportunity to independently study the content of the discipline.

Organizational types of independent student work. The student's work, which is performed independently in the free time from classes, as a rule, outside the classroom, however, sometimes, taking into account the specifics of the discipline - in a laboratory or workshop;

- a student's individual work is classroom independent work on individual tasks under the guidance of a teacher, during which the student can receive methodological assistance in the form of consultations on the performance of this work, while the consultations are of an individual nature. It may include the study of individual sections of the academic discipline, classroom design, work with the use of computer technology, etc. and take into account the specific requirements of a specific discipline.

Individual educational tasks from individual disciplines represent an extracurricular SRS of an educational, educational and research nature. They are aimed at deepening, generalizing and consolidating the knowledge that students receive in the process of learning, as well as applying this knowledge in practice. Individual tasks are given to students in the terms stipulated by the work plan of the discipline, and are completed by each student independently under the guidance of a teacher. In cases where tasks are of a complex nature, several students, including those of other specialties or faculties, are involved in their implementation.

Individual educational tasks can have the following types:

  • synopsis of the topic according to the plan set or developed by the student himself;
  • an essay on a topic or a narrow problem;
  • performance of calculation or practical (situational) tasks of various levels of complexity on any topic;
  • development of theoretical or applied functional (working) models, phenomena, processes, structures, etc.;
  • comprehensive description of the structure, properties, functions, phenomena, objects, structures;
  • abstract of read additional literature on the discipline, bibliographic description, etc.;
  • abstracting of foreign texts on professional topics;
  • development of educational and diagnostic test tasks.

One of the types of individual and independent work with students is the use of modern learning technologies introduced in the academy. This is a modular learning environment Moodle, which is created by teachers to help students and is based on the use of modern information technologies and computer learning tools.

The SRS methods , which contribute to the individualization and intensification of the educational process, include: problem-search methods; project training; collective mental activity; application of the latest information and communication technologies in education.

Problem-searching methods are aimed at activating the cognitive activity of students. Their use encourages students to conduct independent research, increases the motivation for further work, promotes the development of logical thinking, as a result, the development of their creative independent activity:

  • work with information sources: study of primary sources (educational books, periodical and scientific literature, reference books, video materials, etc.) when preparing for practical classes and performing individual tasks in accordance with the work program; study of the normative-legislative and legal framework; development of Internet resources on certain issues of the educational discipline,
  • working out the theoretical foundations of the lecture material listened to;
  • independent solution of practical tasks ( performance of analytical tasks; solution and written design of tasks, diagrams, diagrams, other graphic works; practice of trainings; independent processing of tests according to the topic of the practical lesson; independent solution of typical problems, situational exercises; preparation for the current and final controls);
  • translation of foreign professional texts, etc.

The methods of project-based learning are aimed at achieving the predicted results of SRS based on already gained experience. Their use is impractical and impossible without a clear definition of didactic tasks that students solve in educational activities according to various types of projects:

  • preparation of a critical essay, a digest on articles by foreign and domestic authors on a specific topic;
  • preparation of a report, presentation, portfolio on the chosen topic;
  • writing a term paper (project);
  • writing a graduation qualification project (work);
  • carrying out own research in preparation for Olympiads and conferences, competitions of scientific works, participation in round tables and forums;
  • preparation of reports for scientific seminars, meetings of scientific circles, clubs;
  • preparation of prescriptions for laboratory work, as well as preparation of relevant protocols and preparation for their protection;
  • analysis of a specific production, technological, problem situation and preparation of relevant analytical materials.

The development of individual project tasks by the teacher should be based on a personally oriented approach based on the principles of partnership between teachers and students.

Methods of collective mental activity. The essence of the methods lies in the collective creativity of students, aimed at solving certain tasks of increased complexity. Their use contributes to the identification and development of students' creative thinking and abilities, increasing the level of their independence and intellectual development, forming collective work skills, improving communication skills, and the emotional state of students. The methods of collective mental activity are distinguished by novelty, greater mobility in the choice of directions for solving the problem, and creativity of the participants. Such methods include:

  • formation of collective projects;
  • group situational tasks;
  • business games;
  • trainings;
  • brain rings;
  • etc.

The methods of applying the latest information and communication technologies in education provide the opportunity for differentiation, deepening the individualization of education, expanding the possibilities of control and self-control, and the use of creative tasks.

Computer technologies act as a convenient and powerful means of obtaining a certain result, and also contribute to:

  • visualization of the educational material proposed by the teacher;
  • combination of different ways of perceiving information;
  • increasing students' motivation for independent work due to its approximation to the real conditions of future professional activity.

The main form of control and assessment of students' independent work is conducting control measures. Control measures include current and final control. Current control is carried out during practical, laboratory and seminar classes and is aimed at checking the level of the student's readiness to perform specific work. The form of ongoing control during training sessions and the system of assessing the level of knowledge are determined by the relevant department. The final control is carried out in order to evaluate the results of training at a certain educational (qualification) level or at individual completed stages. Final control includes semester control and student certification.

SRS control is carried out depending on the type of independent work and includes the following forms : testing; control and calculation and graphic works; control questions after each lecture; interview; protection of term papers and projects; checking the performance of individual tasks during practice; business games and creative scientific conferences; colloquiums; tasks involving non-standard solutions; reports on the performance of laboratory and other types of work; filling in a notebook for independent work; other forms.

Grades (points) received by students for the performance of various types of independent work can be taken into account when calculating the student's overall rating score for the discipline.

At the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, students have rights and, at the same time, responsibilities:

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education":

Article 62. Rights of persons studying in institutions of higher education

1. Persons studying in institutions of higher education have the right to:

1) choosing a form of education during admission to a higher education institution;

2) safe and harmless conditions of study, work and life;

3) work outside of school hours;

4) additional paid leave in connection with studies at the main place of work, reduced working hours and other benefits provided by law for persons who combine work with studies;

5) free use of libraries, information funds, educational, scientific and sports facilities of the institution of higher education;

6) free provision of information for training in accessible formats using technologies that take into account limitations of life activities caused by health conditions (for persons with special educational needs);

7) use of industrial, cultural and educational, household, health facilities of the institution of higher education in the manner prescribed by the statute of the institution of higher education;

8) provision of a dormitory and round-the-clock access to it for the duration of studies in accordance with the procedure established by legislation;

9) participation in research and development works, conferences, symposia, exhibitions, competitions, presentation of one's works for publication;

10) participation in educational, scientific, research, sports, artistic, public activities held in Ukraine and abroad, in accordance with the procedure established by law;

11) participation in the discussion and resolution of issues of improvement of the educational process, research work, awarding of scholarships, organization of leisure time, life, health improvement;

12) making proposals regarding the terms and amount of tuition fees;

13) participation in public associations;

14) participation in the activities of the public self-government bodies of the higher education institution, institutes, faculties, branches, academic council of the higher education institution, student self-government bodies;

15) the choice of academic disciplines within the limits stipulated by the relevant educational program and curriculum, in the amount of at least 25 percent of the total number of ECTS credits provided for a given level of higher education. At the same time, applicants of a certain level of higher education have the right to choose academic disciplines offered for other levels of higher education, in agreement with the head of the relevant faculty or unit;

16) studying at the same time in several educational programs, as well as in several institutions of higher education, provided that only one higher education is obtained for each degree at the expense of the state (local) budget;

17) academic mobility, including international mobility;

18) receiving social assistance in cases established by law;

19) enrollment in the insurance period in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance" of periods of full-time study in institutions of higher education, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, internships, residency, on the condition of voluntary payment of insurance contributions;

20) an academic leave or a break in studies with the preservation of individual rights of a student of higher education, as well as for the renewal of studies in accordance with the procedure established by the central executive body in the field of education and science;

21) participation in the formation of an individual study plan;

22) moral and/or material encouragement for success in studies, research and public work, for artistic and sports achievements, etc.;

23) protection against all forms of exploitation, physical and mental violence;

24) free internship at enterprises, institutions, institutions, and organizations, as well as for payment of labor during the performance of production functions in accordance with the law;

25) vacation leave lasting at least eight calendar weeks per academic year;

26) obtaining targeted preferential state loans for obtaining higher education in accordance with the procedure determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

27) contesting the actions of the management bodies of the higher education institution and their officials, teaching and scientific-pedagogical employees;

28) special educational and rehabilitation support and free access to the infrastructure of the institution of higher education in accordance with medical and social indications in the presence of limitations of life activities caused by the state of health.


Article 63. Obligations of persons studying in institutions of higher education

1. Persons studying in institutions of higher education are obliged to:

1) comply with the requirements of the legislation, the statute and the rules of the internal procedure of the institution of higher education;

2) comply with the requirements for labor protection, safety technology, industrial sanitation, and fire safety provided for by the relevant rules and instructions;

3) fulfill the requirements of the educational (scientific) program (individual curriculum (if available), observing academic integrity, and achieve the study results determined for the corresponding level of higher education.




(from scientists and teachers of Princeton, Harvard and Yale universities)


This advice can be expressed in two words: " Think for yourself" .

It may sound simple. But you'll find - and you've probably experienced this in high school - thinking for yourself can be quite a challenge. It has always required self-discipline, and nowadays it also requires courage.

Especially now, I really want to form my views in unison with the views of those around me. Conformism, bending and stereotyped thinking are a danger not only for the student, but also for the teacher.

In many universities, what John Stuart Mill  called "the tyranny of public opinion" effectively discourages students from challenging dominant views on moral, political, and other issues.

As a result, dominant views are perceived as so obviously correct that it seems as if only fanatics or weirdos can question them.

And no one wants to be labeled a fanatic or a weirdo, so a simple, lazy reaction is to succumb to the views and traditions accepted in the environment.

Don't do this. Think independently .

Thinking for oneself involves questioning dominant ideas, even when others insist they are unquestionable.

Thinking for yourself means deciding what to believe, not by conforming to trendy opinions, but based on some effort to study the situation and honestly evaluate the arguments on both or all sides of an issue - including arguments for opinions that others seek to either stigmatize or, on the contrary, protect from criticism .

Love for the truth and the desire to understand it should motivate you to think independently. The main purpose of higher education is the search for truth and the acquisition of relevant skills and virtues that help one become a seeker of truth for life.

Open-mindedness, critical thinking and debate are essential to the search for truth.

Moreover, they are our best antidote to bigotry .

The first definition given by the Merriam-Webster dictionary for the concept of " bigot" is a person who is "zealously and fanatically devoted to one's own attitudes and prejudices."

The only ones who are afraid of open inquiry and criticism, of deep constructive debate, are those zealots, whether in university settings or in the wider society, who try to protect the hegemony of their beliefs by blaming others as if questioning these beliefs is bigotry.

So don't succumb to the tyranny of public opinion. Do not lock yourself in a sealed environment. When accepting or rejecting a certain opinion, make sure that you do so as a result of a critical evaluation of the arguments.

Think for yourself!