Department of Tourism Organization
03039, Kyiv, str. Frometivska, 2, building, room 44
phone: +38 (044) 490-95-00, ext. 11-55
[email protected]
The task of the department is to train specialists in the fields of knowledge 24 "Sphere of service" specialty 242 "Tourism and recreation" and 07 "Management and administration" specialty 073 "Management" (specialization "Management of tourism and hotel business") by educational levels.
- Bachelor's degree in specialty 242 "Tourism and recreation" (educational program "Tourism") and 073 "Management" (educational program "Management of tourism and hotel business");
- Master's degree in specialty 242 "Tourism and recreation" (educational program "Tourism")
The department prepares specialists in geography and history of tourism, tourism local history and country studies, recreology, organization of tourism and excursion activities, organization of hotel and restaurant business, transport service, information systems and technologies in tourism, economy of tourism, tour operating, management and marketing of tourism, legal regulation and safety of tourist activity, the ability to comprehensively solve complex professional tasks and practical problems in the field of tourism and recreation both in the process of learning and in the process of work, which involves the application of theories and methods of the system of sciences that form tourism science, and are characterized by complexity and uncertainty conditions
A possible place of work for graduates of specialty 242 "Tourism and recreation" can be: enterprises, organizations and state institutions engaged in activities in the field of tourism (travel agencies, tour operators, excursion bureaus, information and local history centers, etc.).
The department was founded in 2013 as a department of tourism organization. Its first director was Doctor of Economic Sciences, senior researcher Oleksandr Ivanovych Radzievskyi. In 2016, the department was headed by candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Vadim Viktorovych Baev. In August 2018, by merging with the Department of International Relations, the department was renamed the Department of International Relations and Organization of Tourism Activities, which was headed by Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Borynska Olga Leonidivna. Since 2019, the head of the department has been Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Andrii Gennadiyovych Goltsov. In 2021, the department was renamed to the Department of Tourism Organization, which was headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Alisa Ivanivna Lukashenko.
Since November 2022, the head of the department is candidate of economic sciences Kryvoberets Maryna Mykolaivna.
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Diploma of State University No. 058787 dated February 9, 2021, specialty 08.00.04 - economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity), thesis topic: "Management of competitive advantages of tourism operators of Ukraine").
Scientific and methodological work of the department
Scientific research of the department is carried out in accordance with the topic of the scientific research work "Management of organizational changes in post-military tourism activity in Ukraine in conditions of acceleration of European integration processes" number 0121U108233, approved for 2022-2024.
The scientific work of students of the specialty 242 "Tourism and recreation" is reflected in diploma (master's, bachelor's) theses, speeches at scientific and practical conferences, round tables and seminars. Students are involved in the work of student scientific circles: "Young tourist" (head - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor M. Kryvoberets) and "Azimut" (head - Doctor of Philology in the field of State Administration Levchenko M.O. .).
The department provides teaching of 54 disciplines, the main ones of which are: "Introduction to the specialty "Tourism", "Geography of tourism", "History of tourism", "Tourist country studies", "Fundamentals of international tourism", "Information systems and technologies in tourism", "Fundamentals of hotel business management", "Business training on the organizational work of tourist enterprises", "Organization of tourist trips", "Legal support in tourism", "Organization of excursion activities", "Management in tourism", "Recreational complexes of the world". "History of the hotel and tourism industry", "Fundamentals of tourism", "Organization of the work of hospitality establishments", "Business training on the organizational work of tourist enterprises", "Legal support of hotel and tourism activities", "Advertising activities in tourism", etc.
The specialty "Tourism and recreation" is a promising direction for the training of highly qualified personnel for the tourism sector who are fluent in foreign languages, know how to use tourist navigation programs, GPS technologies and geo-informational support of the tourism industry in practice. Tourism specialists study the principles of the organization of commercial activities, the methodology of marketing research, the tax system, accounting, and the peculiarities of management in the field of tourism services.
Specialists of the specialty are prepared to carry out the following main types of economic activity: determination of forms, types, directions and specialization of tourism and recreation activities; development and economic justification of a tourist project or product; analysis of activities, planning, forecasting and development of promising directions for the development of a tourist enterprise; organization of development, implementation and marketing of a tourist product; organization of partnership relations and foreign economic activities of the tourist enterprise; participation in the organization of scientific research, its conduct and implementation of the obtained results; personnel training.
The main goal is the training of highly qualified senior and middle-level personnel for the formation of general and professional competencies for the successful implementation of professional activities in the field of recreation and tourism.
The object of the graduate's professional activity is the formation, promotion, implementation and organization of the consumption of tourist products, services of subjects of tourist activity from the organization of complex tourist services in the tourism and recreation industry.
Famous graduates
Kateryna Istomina is a Ukrainian swimmer, champion and silver medalist of the 2012 and 2016 Summer Paralympic Games, master of sports of Ukraine of international class, holder of the Order of Princess Olga Ⅱ-Ⅲ degree; Education at MAUP: Studied in the specialty "Tourism". She graduated in 2017. |
Olena Mokhova is the head of the department of external projects of the digital marketing company "CIENCE". Education at MAUP: Studied by specialty "Tourism". Graduated in 2022. |
Standard of higher education (bachelor's) in the specialty 073 Management
Standard of higher education (master's) in the specialty 073 Management
Standard of higher education (bachelor's) in specialty 242 "Tourism"