Student Life
What is a student council? Each of us has asked ourselves this question, what is a student council and why is it needed.
A student council is a union. First of all, a union of students. A union of opinions. A union of ideas. A union of educational and creative work. A union of diverse, completely different areas of work.
A student council is students. Students are smart, responsible, organized, purposeful, ambitious, cheerful. Students who want to can also learn to organize, listen, and manage.
Student Council – this is help. Help is multifaceted, but necessary. Helping students in solving educational processes, uniting and organizing the work of a group, different courses, and faculties. Helping teachers in finding a common language with students. Helping in creating the image of the university.
Student Council – this is organization. Organizing festive events, business meetings, intellectual games, sports competitions, etc. Organizing students' leisure time. Organizing your future.
Student Council – this is ideas. Ideas that are bubbling, flow into projects and are implemented. Ideas on which student events depend.
Student Council – is a desire. The desire to succeed. The desire to work and get pleasure from it. The desire to be the center of attention. The desire to learn. The desire to keep pace with the times.
Student Council – is a team. A team united by a common goal, work, idea, desires. The main thing in a team – trust. Without this, there will be no work, no flight of thought, no community of interests. And this is the main thing in a team.
If you are active, purposeful, creative, have a lot of ideas and energy, then join us - the Student Council of IAPM. We are always happy to welcome new people.