Department of General Medical Disciplines

The department is located in the building № 3, 1st floor, office №1

The Department of General Medical Disciplines is a general academic department that provides teaching of basic fundamental medical disciplines at the Institute of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, as well as prepares students majoring in 221 "Dentistry" and 225 "Medical Psychology".

Developed at the department program of basic professional training of future medical dentists and psychologists is focused on modern world standards of doctors' training, is based on modern basic and applied researches in medicine, in particular dentistry and medical psychology, understanding of psychosomatic relations, theoretical medicine, health care organization; it takes into account the specifics of clinical medical-psychological or dental practice, uses a comprehensive approach in the training of future doctors - dentists and medical psychologists.

During their studies, students have modern technological opportunities to master the latest technologies in dental or medical and psychological care.

In addition to providing comprehensive training in basic professionally-oriented disciplines, much attention is paid to the study of foreign languages, extracurricular work with students in research circles, student participation in national competitions, conferences, competitions of scientific student works, publication of student scientific journal "Academic Studio".

The main task of the department is to prepare students for the independent integrated exam "Krok 1" ("Dentistry" – for students majoring in 221 and "General medical training" – for students majoring in 225 "Medical Psychology").

Students are given the opportunity to pursue professional interests by participating in student research groups, gaining practical skills and conducting research under the guidance of teachers.

General medical disciplines have their special place in the educational process of training future doctors, as they aim to provide students with basic knowledge of the basics of medical science and practice, understanding the holistic approach to the patient based on his personal qualities and internal picture of the disease; development of motivational and value sphere, awareness of the norms of professional ethics and deontology, preparing not just a future specialist, but, above all, a highly educated person and citizen.


Today, the department provides teaching such disciplines as: "Anatomy", "Physiology", "Biochemistry", "Medical Chemistry", "Biological and Medical Physics", "Medical Biology", "Histology, Cytology and Embryology", "Pathomorphology", "Microbiology, virology and immunology", "Pathological physiology", "Pathological anatomy", "History of medicine" and others.


In the process of learning, students master the disciplines of the following cycles:


natural science training Medical Biology, Human Anatomy, Medical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Botany, Effective and safe methods of chemical research;

professional training: Ethics and Deontology in Pharmacy, Drug Technology, Introduction to Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Organization and Economics of Pharmacy.


Scientific and pedagogical staff of the department

The department is headed by Skybinska Tetyana Rostislavivna - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. He has proof of scientific and pedagogical work for over 20 years.

  • DYCHKO Alina Olehivna - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

    DYCHKO Alina Olehivna - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


    Email: [email protected]




    In 1996 she graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies and received a qualification of biotechnology engineer, diploma LA № 001154.


    1996-2000 she studied in graduate school at the Department of Biochemistry and Ecology of UDUHT.


    Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2002 in the specialty 03.00.20 - Biotechnology. The dissertation was defended on April 10, 2002 in the specialized scientific council D 26.058.03 of the Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Decision of the Presidium of the High Attestation Commission of Ukraine of June 12, 2002, diploma of the State Committee № 014795.


    Doctor of Technical Sciences since 2017 in the specialty 21.06.01 - environmental safety. The dissertation was defended on March 30, 2017 in the specialized scientific council D 26.880.01 of the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. Decision of the Attestation Board dated June 26, 2017, diploma DD № 006692. The academic title of Professor of the Department of Engineering Ecology was awarded in 2018.


    Total experience of 29 years. Experience of scientific and pedagogical work in higher educational institutions - 17 years.


    He has more than 120 scientific works. He is a co-author of 3 textbooks, 5 patents for inventions. Google Scholar Index - 4.


    Advanced training:


    British council, Certificate, Academic Teaching Excellence, 12.07.2017


    International Charitable Organization "Ecology-Law-Human", Certificate, Training for ATS trainers 03/15/2018


    Municipal Extracurricular Educational Institution "First Kyiv State Courses of Foreign Languages". Certificate № 24447. Date: 04/27/2018


    University of Tartu in Kyiv. Certificate, Workshop for Entrepreneurship Teachers. Teaching Best Practice. Creative Teaching Methods ”; 05/21/2018


    Deloitte, Green Business School, Certificate, International Summer School “Green Economy” 31.08.18


    Biomass, Certificate 181218-10, National training for OVSN consultants, 18.12.18


    Research interests:


    The main directions of scientific research: management of ecological safety of environment in the conditions of European integration.




    Training manuals


    Yeremeev IS, Dychko AO Environmental monitoring. Tutorial. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2016. - 500 p.

    Dichko AO, TB Kudryavska, OG Lemeshko, LI Evteeva. Bioindication and biometrics of natural ecosystems. - K .: NTUU "KPI", 2016.



    List of scientific publications included in the list of professional publications of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

    1. Дичко А.О. Інтенсифікація процесу біоенергетичної трансформації біомаси у біогаз / А.О. Дичко, Л.І. Євтєєва, І.О. Ополінський // Управління розвитком складних систем. – 2015. – № 22 (1). – С. 193-198.
    2. Дичко А.О. Екологічний моніторинг при добуванні метану з піддонних газогідратів// Сучасні ресурсоенергозберігаючі технології гірничого виробництва.– 2015, №2, - С. 118-125.
    3. Dychko A. Dependence of biochemical treatment of wastewater from process factors / A. Dychko // Вісник Кременчуцького національного університету ім. Михайла Остроградського. – 2016. – №1. – С. 115–120.
    4. Dychko A. Wastewater biochemical treatment management by biotic factors effect / A. Dychko // Управління розвитком складних систем. – 2016. ‑ № 25 (1). – С. 186‑191.
    5. Dychko A. Waste and wastewater treatment bottleneck management / A. Dychko, I. Opolinskyi, L. Yevtieieva // Екологічна безпека. – 2016. – №21 (1). – С.123-126.
    6. Vorobiov V. Calculating main parameters of pollutants removal created on basis of mathematical model of biochemical wastewater treatment process / V. Vorobiov, A. Dychko // Вісник Кременчуцького національного університету ім. Михайла Остроградського. – 2016. – №2. – С. 96–101.
    7. Дичко А. О. Еколого-економічна оцінка технологій отримання біогазу / А.О. Дичко, І.О. Ополінський // Вісник Кременчуцького національного університету ім. Михайла Остроградського. – 2016. – №4. – С. 88–93.
    8. Еремеев И. С. Проблема неопределенности при мониторинге окружающей среды / И. С. Еремеев, А. О. Дичко  // Системи обробки інформації. –  2016. –  № 6. –  С. 45-47.
    9. Єремєєв І. С. Проблеми системного аналізу процесів очищення стічних вод / І. С. Єремєєв, А. О. Дичко. // Управління розвитком складних систем. – 2016. – №27.  – С. 170-175.
    10. Воробйов В.Д. Підвищення ефективності біотрансформації екологічно небезпечних полютантів стічних вод у біогаз  / В.Д. Воробйов, А.О. Дичко, І.О. Ополінський // Вісник Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут». Серія «Гірництво». – 2016. – №30. – С.153-159.
    11. Дичко А. О. Еколого-економічне обґрунтування впровадження технології отримання біогазу з відходів / А.О. Дичко, І.О. Ополінський // Наукоємні технології. – 2016. - №3(31). - С. 335–339.
    12. Dychko A.O., Minaieva Yu.Yu., Hrebeniuk Т.V. TECHNOLOGY OF BIOMASS CHEMICAL DISINTEGRATION IN ANAEROBIC DIGESTION OF ORGANIC WASTE// «Вчені записки ТНУ імені В.І. Вернадського. Серія: Технічні науки. - Том 28 (67) № 1 2017.- с.6-10.
    13. Dychko AO, Opolinskyi IO (2017) Analysis of Methods Increasing the Productivity of Biomass Anaerobic Processing to Biogas. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 05 (49): P.211-216. DOI:
    14. І. С. Єремєєв, Дичко А.О. «Вузькі місця» - джерела ризиків виникнення надзвичайних ситуацій// Вісник Міжнародної академії безпеки життєдіяльності. 2017, Вип.2, с.  215-221.
    15. Dychko A., Yeremeev I. RISKS ANALISYS AND MANAGEMENT OF WATER ECOSYSTEMS // Вісник КрНУ імені Михайла Остроградського. Випуск 4, 2018 (11). DOI: 10.30929/1995-0519.2018.4.115-121.
    16. Hrebeniuk T.V., Dychko A.O., Bronytskyi V.O. Modelling of process of adsorption at wastewater treatment from phenol // Екологічні науки: науково-практичний журнал. - 2019. – № 5(24). Т. 2. – С.5-7.


    Articles in international scientometric databases SCOPUS

    1. Dychko, A., Remez, N., Kraychuk, S., Ostapchuk, N., Yevtieieva, L. Modelling of Two-Stage Methane Digestion with Pretreatment of Biomass // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. 2018, 2, 37-44. DOI -
    2. N. Remez, A. Dychko, L. Yevtieieva, S. Kraychuk, N. Ostapchuk and J. Oliinyk. Modeling of Synergetic Action of Radiation and Chemical Pollution on the Environmental Safety// Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. 2019, 2, 24–32. DOI:
    3. I. Yeremeyev, A. Dychko, V. Kyselov, N. Remez, S. Kraychuk and N. Ostapchuk. Model Monitoring and Evaluation of Radioactive Contamination // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. 2019, 4,  57-67. DOI: 10.2478/lpts-2019-0025
    4. A. Dychko, I. Yeremeyev, N. Remez, S. Kraychuk and N. Ostapchuk. Structural redundancy as robustness assurance of complex geoengineering systems // E3S Web of Conferences, 2020, 166, 11003.
    5. Dychko, A., Yeremeyev, I., Kyselov, V., Remez, N., Kniazevych, A. Ensuring reliability of control data in engineering systems // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2019, 56(6), 57-69.
    6. Dychko, A., Remez, N., Kyselov, V., Ostapchuk, N., Kniazevych, A. Monitoring and biochemical treatment of wastewater // Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2020, 21(4), 150-159.



    I.Yeremeev, A. Dychko.  Problems of ecological monitoring of urban ecosystems / Problems of chemotology / K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2017, p.374-377.

    A. Dychko, I. Opolinsky. Strategic ecological assessment and development of biogas technologies in terms of European integration Strategic estimation and vectors of Ukraine’s social and economic development in the conditions of European integration and the world partnership / UK, 2017, p.97-105.

    S. Popov, R. Tymchenko, D.. Krishko et. al. Development of scientific foundations of source-saving technologies of mineral mining and processing. Sofia: Publishing house "St.Ivan Rilski", 2018, 264 p.

    A. Dychko, I. Yeremeev, N. Remez, L. Yevtieieva. Reliability of monitoring of aviation influence on the environment / Selected aspects of ensuring chemical reliability of technology. 2019, K .: NAU, p. 215-225.


    Work as a member of the jury of the competition-defense of the Academy of Sciences, section Technical Sciences, "Ecologically safe technologies of energy saving"


    Work in the jury "Future of Ukraine", section Ecology

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  • LAGODYCH Tetyana Serhiivna – lecturer of the department of general medical disciplines, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

    LAGODYCH Tetyana Serhiivna – lecturer of the department of general medical disciplines, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.




    In 1994 she graduated from the Ukrainian State Medical University (National Medical University since 1995), 1-st Medical Faculty (specialty – medical business, Diploma LM №002282). She was recommended for scientific work.


    Since 2003 he has been working as an associate professor of the Department of Physiology. In June 2005 was awarded the academic title of "Associate Professor". T. Lagodich conducts practical classes with students of medical-psychological, dental faculty. She lectures on physiology.


    T. Lagodich takes an active part in the work of the department. She treats the performance of functional duties honestly, constantly improving research and professional level of knowledge. She has 30 scientific papers published in professional scientific journals, 26 of them are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, 5 of them are indexed by the abstract database Scopus, and 19 theses in the materials of scientific congresses and conferences. She is a co-author of 25 textbooks. Google Scholar Index – 2.


    Total experience of 27 years. The total pedagogical experience is 26 years. Enjoys well-deserved respect among colleagues and students, honest, responsible.


    In 2014, there was a long-term professional development of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions – Modern innovative technologies of higher medical education. (certificate № 225).


    In November 2017, a short-term professional development of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions (1 ECTS credit) took place. (certificate № 102 dated 21.11.2017 Topic: "Test tasks of multiple choice").


    In November 2017, a short-term professional development of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions (1 ECTS credit) took place. (certificate № 110 dated 28.11.2017 Subject: "Modern lecture").


    Research interests:


    Research interests are devoted to the problems of physiology, methodological issues, problems of higher school pedagogy.




    Training manuals


    "Physiology of childhood" recommended by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for students of higher medical educational institutions. І.М. Karvatsky, N.P. Verko, T.S. Lagodych et al. Tutorial. Book-Plus Publishing House, Kyiv, 2017, 160 p.

    "Guide to practical classes and independent work of students" on physiology 2019 edition in Ukrainian, Russian and English. І.М. Karvatsky, T.S. Lagodych et al. Book-plus Publishing House, 2019. Vol.1. - 270 p.

    "Guide to practical classes and independent work of students" on physiology 2020 edition in Ukrainian, English. І.М. Karvatsky, T.S. Lagodych et al. Book-plus Publishing House, 2020. Vol.1 - 276 p.



    List of scientific publications included in the list of professional publications of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


    Tuberculosis. Textbook. V.F. Moskalenko, V.I. Petrenko, T.S. Lagodich et al. Kyiv, ALL MEDICINE, 2012, 214 p.

    Phthisiology. Teaching aid. Kyiv. AUS MEDICINE.2012, 151 p.

    Practical works in physiology. Manual for practical studies and individual work for English-speaking students 222 "Medicine". Part 1. 2020.


    Major publications by direction

    1. Сравнительное исследование влияния активаторов КАТФ каналов – диазоксида и его фторсодержащего аналога на спонтанную сократительную активность изолированных неонатальных кардиомиоцитов крысы. Т.С.Лагодич, О.А.Линник, В.Г.Шевчук.Тезисы 3 съезда физиологов СНГ - Ялта 2011. – С.146.
    2. Сучасні підходи до виділення, культивування і реєстрації скорочень кардіоміоцитів тварин різного віку огляд літератури. Т.С.Лагодич, О.О.Лінник, В.Г.Шевчук. Проблемы старения и долголетия. – 2011. –т.20, №3. – С.273-290.
    3. Хроноінотропні реакції ізольованого папілярного м’яза лівого шлуночка серця старих щурів в умовах ішемії міокарду та при дії нових активаторів КАТФ каналів – фторовмісних аналогів діазоксиду // Тарасова К.В. Т.С.Лагодич, І.М.Карвацький.  Медичні науки України. Видання Національного медичного університету імені О.О. Богомольця. – 2015. – Том 11, №1, стор. 6-14.
    4. Порівняльне дослідження показників електричної активності серця (за даними електрокардіограми) у дорослих і старих щурів. А.М.Дмитренко Т.С.Лагодич, К.В.Тарасова, І.М.Карвацький. Серце і судини.- 2017. –№1 (57). – С.  50—58.



    Conferences and seminars

    1. 19th Congress of the Ukrainian Physiological Society. P.G. Kostyuk in Lviv 05.2015

    2. XIX All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of pediatrics" Poltava, 09.2017

    3. Scientific-practical conference with international participation "Latest technologies in pediatric science, practice and education" Odessa, 04.2019

    4. XXII All-Ukrainian scientific-practical internet-conference with international participation "Transformation processes in the training of modern medical and pharmaceutical worker, 03. 2020, Rivne.

    5. Basic sciences - practical medicine: morpho-functional methods of research of ontogenetic transformations, physiological and metabolic processes, simulated pathological conditions, in diseases of internal organs. 09-10.2020, Ivano-Frankivsk.

    6. XXII All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of pediatrics" 09.2020

    7. Scientific-practical conference with international participation "Modern medical technologies in pediatric science, practice, family medicine and education" Odessa, 04.2020

    8. II scientific congress with international participation "Psychosomatic medicine of the XXI century - realities and prospects" 11.2020, Kyiv.


    Advanced training

    In November 2017, a short-term professional development of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions (1 ECTS credit) took place. (certificate № 102 dated 21.11.2017 Topic: "Test tasks of multiple choice").

    In November 2017, a short-term professional development of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions (1 ECTS credit) took place. (certificate № 110 dated 28.11.2017 Subject: "Modern lecture").



    In October 2016, she was awarded a letter of thanks from the Kyiv Mayor for significant work achievements, high professionalism and on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the founding of O. Bogomolets NMU.

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  • RYBACHUK Larysa Mykolayivna - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Medical Disciplines

    RYBACHUK Larysa Mykolayivna - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Medical Disciplines.


    Email: [email protected]



    In 1996 she graduated from the Ukrainian M. Drahomanov State Pedagogical University., majoring in biology and chemistry. In 2006 she obtained the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences. He gives a course of lectures on the subject "Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry." and "Medical Chemistry".

    Total experience of 30 years. General pedagogical experience of 10 years.

    Research interests:

    Her research interests are devoted to the problems of medical, bioorganic and biological chemistry, methods of higher education.


    Training manuals

    Rybachuk LM Solving problems in chemistry. Tutorial. - Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2013. - 144 p. - 2000 пр. - ISBN 978-966-634-725-4.


    Research works

    1. Rybachuk L.M. Organization of the educational process in the training of future pharmacists. Thesis. ext. XXIV International. conf. Scientific and pedagogical workers. Problems of state building in Ukraine. № 27, vol. 2. - Kyiv: CMU– 2019. - P. 374-376.


    2. Rybachuk L.M., Bon V.V. Synthesis and spectral characterization of complexes of nickel (II) and palladium (II) with thiourea derivatives. Thesis. ext. XVIII Ukr. conf. with inorganic. chemistry with the participation of foreign scientists. June 27-July 1 - Kharkiv: KhNU. V.N. Karazina– 2011. - P. 117.


    3. Orysyk S.I., Rybachuk L.M, Synthesis and spectral characteristics of complexes of palladium (II) with 1-allyl-3-pyridin-2-yl-thiourea. Journal. неорг. chemistry. - 2011. - Vol. 56, №11. - S. 1830-1834.


    4. Rybachuk L.M., Repich G.G., Complexation of Fe (III), Cu (II) and Cd (II) with N- (pyridin-2-yl) morpholine-4-carbothioamide. Ukr. chem. magazine. - 2014. - V. 80, №8. - P.77-83.

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  • SOBOL Victoria Olehivna - Assistant of the Department of General Medical Disciplines, Candidate of Medical Sciences.


    In 2004 she graduated from the O. Bogomolets National Medical University, obtained a diploma in "Medical Affairs" with honors.

    From 2004 to 2005 she studied in an internship at the O. Bogomolets NMU Department of Internal Medicine №4, and at the same time in the magistracy, after which she defended her research work on "Dynamics of phospholipid metabolism in patients with coronary heart disease under the influence of metabolic therapy."

    From 2005 to 2008 she studied in the clinical residency at the Department of Internal Medicine №4 O. Bogomolets NMU in the specialty "Therapy".

    In March 2015 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic: "The effect of dopamine receptor agonists on clinical and hemodynamic, neurohumoral parameters in patients with hypertension with concomitant obesity and dopamine metabolism disorders" (specialty 14.01) .

    Since 2015 she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine №4.

    Sobol V.O. conducts practical classes with students of medical-psychological, pediatric, medical, pharmaceutical faculties, faculty of training foreign (Russian-speaking) students.

    Total experience of 15 years.


    He combines teaching with medical activities, namely leading patients of the cardiological and therapeutic department of KMKL №12, advises patients with cardiac profile.

    Publications: is the author of 33 printed works, of which 3 are declaratory patents of Ukraine for a utility model.

    In 2016, she studied at the faculty of advanced training of teachers of higher medical educational institutions of the Institute of Postgraduate Education "Psychological and pedagogical foundations of higher medical education. Internal Medicine". In November 2020, short-term refresher courses for research and teaching staff and teachers "Methods of conducting Internet seminars (webinars), trainings, simulation games in higher education."


    Research interests: hypertension, especially with various metabolic disorders, coronary heart disease, prevention of cardiovascular disease.

    Membership in professional associations: All-Ukrainian Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine.

    List of scientific publications included in the list of professional publications of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

    1. Ефективність агоністів дофамінових рецепторів у лікуванні хворих на артеріальну гіпертензію з супутнім ожирінням /  Соболь В.О.,  Лизогуб В. Г., Мошковська Ю. О., Бондарчук О. М. // Український науково-медичний молодіжний журнал. – 2014. – № 1 (79).- С. 115–119. 

     2. Особливості клініко-гемодинамічних та нейрогуморальних показників у хворих на артеріальну гіпертензію з супутнім ожирінням / Соболь В.О. // «Збірник наукових праць співробітників НМАПО імені П. Л. Шупика». – 2014. – Вип. 23. – Кн. 2. – С. 378–385.

    3. Лікування хворих на артеріальну гіпертензію із супутнім ожирінням: акцент на корекцію порушень дофамінергічної системи / Соболь В.О., Лизогуб В. Г.,  Мошковська Ю. О.// Медицина транспорту України. – 2014. – № 3 (51). – С. 51–57.

    4. Місце агоністів дофамінових рецепторів в комплексному лікуванні хворих на артеріальну гіпертензію з супутнім ожирінням / Соболь В.О., Лизогуб В. Г.,  Мошковська Ю. О.// Науковий вісник Національного медичного університету імені О. О. Богомольця. – 2013. – № 4. – С. 82–87.

    5. Вплив агоністів дофамінових рецепторів на клініко-гемодинамічні та нейрогуморальні показники у хворих на артеріальну гіпертензію із супутнім ожирінням / Соболь В.О.,  Лизогуб В. Г., Мошковська Ю. О., Бондарчук О. М.// Лікарська справа. – 2014. – № 5–6. – С. 67–73.

    6. Стан активності дофамінергічноїсистеми як один з факторів розвитку артеріальної гіпертензії та ожиріння/ Соболь В.О.,  Лизогуб В. Г., Долинна О. В., Богдан Т.В// Лікарська справа. – 2012. – № 3–4. – С. 41–47.

    7. Features of metabolic disorders in patients with arterial hypertension  associated with obesity: connection with dopaminergic system / Sobol V., Lyzogub V.G., Moshkovska J.O. // “Ліки України” - №1 (22). - 2015. - С.29-32.

    8. Особливості лікування хворих з артеріальною гіпертензією із супутнім ожирінням: невідоме про відоме /  Соболь В.О., Лизогуб В. Г., Мошковська Ю. О., Луценко А. О.// Кардиология: от науки к практике. -  №1 (39).- 2020.- С.64-77

    9. Polymyalgia rheumatica: concerted efforts of the European rheumatological societies / Puzanova O.G.,Moshkovska Yu.O., Sobol V. // Bol', sustavy, pozvonočnik . - Vol. 10, No. 3.-  2020.- Р. 118-126

    10. Метаболічні порушення у хворих на артеріальну гіпертензію із супутнім ожирінням / Соболь В.О., Лизогуб В.Г., Пузанова О.Г., Мошковська Ю.О. // Український терапевтичний журнал.- №3.- 2019.- С.34-39


    Articles in international scientific and metric databases SCOPUS, Web of Science, Google Scholar:

    1. Influence of dopamine receptor agonists on clinical-hemodynamic and neurohumoral parameters in patients with arterial hypertension with concomitant obesity / Sobol V.O., Lyzogub V.G., Moshkovskaya Y.O., Bondarchuk O.M. // Medical business. - 2014. - № 5–6. - P. 67–73 (SCOPUS)

    2. Treatment of patients with arterial hypertension with concomitant obesity: emphasis on the correction of disorders of the dopaminergic system / Sobol VO, Lyzogub VG, Moshkovskaya YO // Medicine of transport of Ukraine. - 2014. - № 3 (51). - P. 51–57 (Google Scholar)

    3. Metabolic disorders in patients with arterial hypertension with concomitant obesity / Sobol VO, Lyzogub VG, Puzanova OG, Moshkovskaya YO // Ukrainian Therapeutic Journal.- №3.- 2019.- P.34-39 (Google Scholar)

    4. Peculiarities of treatment of patients with arterial hypertension with concomitant obesity: unknown about the known / Sobol VO, Lyzogub VG, Moshkovskaya YO, Lutsenko AA // Cardiology: from science to practice. - №1 (39) .- 2020.- P.64-77 (Google Scholar)


    Participation in conferences and seminars:

    1. STALOWA WOLA INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE «Kiev issues of education and sciences Development prospects for Ukraine and Poland», - STALOWA WOLA Repablic of Poland, Yuly 20-21,2018

    2. XIX National Congress of Cardiologists of Ukraine (Kyiv, September 26-28, 2018.

    3. International online congress with ACCME accreditation "Stop the pandemic !!" April 24-26, 2020.

    4. «Topical issue of science and practice» // VII scientific and practical conference, - London, Great Britain, 02-06 November, 2020. DOI 10.46299 / ISG.2020.II.VII, ISBN 978-1-63649-929 -1

    5. «Science and practice of today» IX scientific and practical conference, - Ankara, Turkey, 16-19 November, 2020. DOI 10.46299 / ISG.2020.II.IX, ISBN 978-1-63649-920-8


    Advanced training:

    1. 14.11 .-. 19.12. 2016 - advanced training courses for research and teaching staff and teachers "Psychological and pedagogical foundations of higher medical education. Internal Medicine".

    2. 16.11.-20.11.2020 - short-term refresher courses for research and teaching staff and teachers "Methods of conducting Internet seminars (webinars), trainings, simulation games in higher education."

    3. 17.09.2018-12.06.2019 - practical English language course for teachers of O. Bogomolets NMU.

    4. 23.05-08.07. 2016 - TU "Echocardiography of the heart and main vessels" (initial course)

    5. 7.02.-21.02.2020 - TU "Outpatient ECG monitoring".

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  • TVERDOKHLIB Natalia Hnativna

    Education and career

    In 2014 she graduated from the Medical and Psychological Faculty of O. Bogomolets NMU.

    From 2014 to 2018 he worked as an assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy. Languages of instruction: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

    From 2018 to present – a lecturer at the Department of General Medical Disciplines IAPM.

    The total teaching experience is five years.


    Scientific works for the last 5 years:


    Problem accents in work with foreign students during the teaching of the discipline "Human Anatomy". Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference: "Humanitarian dimensions of the transformation of modern higher medical education". Kyiv 2018.S. 101

    Features of the mental state of students while studying at a higher medical institution at the Department of Human Anatomy. Collection of abstracts and reports of the Congress of the Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists, Embryologists, Topographers of Ukraine. Odessa 2019. P. 39-41.

    Factors in the development of self-actualization of personality. Collection of abstracts and reports of the congress of the scientific society of anatomists, histologists, embryologists, topographers of Ukraine. Odessa 2019. S. 42-43

    There are two paths in everyone's life - good and evil, and everyone chooses one of them. Religion and medicine. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. Kyiv 2019. P.107-108.



    Foreign language courses:

    2019 - English language courses "The first Kyiv state foreign language courses".

    2020 – “Speak up” language courses and passed the qualifying exam at B2 level.


    Advanced Training courses:

    In 2016 she studied at the faculty of advanced training of teachers of higher medical institutions of the Institute of Postgraduate Education "Psychological and pedagogical foundations of medical education. Human Anatomy "on the basis of O. Bogomolets NMU.

    In 2020 (19.10-23.10.2020) KKPK "Modern teaching methods in higher medical education".

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  • ULYANCHENKO Iryna Volodymyrivna

    ULYANCHENKO Iryna Volodymyrivna - endocrinologist of the Department of Radiation Endocrinology of the Clinic of the National Scientific Research Center



    In 1998 she graduated from the medical faculty of the O. Bogomolets National Medical University; majoring in medical business.

    In 2000 she took courses in specialization in endocrinology on the basis of P. Shupik KMAPE.

    In 2006 she took advanced training courses in endocrinology on the basis of P. Shupik KMAPE.

    In March 2006, the second qualification category in the specialty "Endocrinology" was awarded.

    In 2009 on the basis of Kyiv MAPO them. PL Shupika passed the pre-certification cycle in endocrinology, passing the exam in the specialty "Endocrinology" for the first qualification category.

    In February 2009, the first qualification category in the specialty "Endocrinology" was awarded.

    In November 2013, the highest qualification category in the specialty "Endocrinology" was awarded.

    Works as an endocrinologist of the Department of Radiation Endocrinology of the National Research Center of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

    She is directly involved in medical work, constantly improves her professional level, does the research work, published more than 20 scientific papers.

    Research interests: endocrinology

    Research work: participated as a research doctor in international clinical trials; participates in the research work of the Department of Radiation Endocrinology of the NSCRM.



    Scientific works

    1. Ульянченко И.В, Рожковская Л. В., Ваколюк Е.А., Теплая Е. В. «Этническая принадлежность влияет на имунный ответ при туберкулезе» //Новая медицина тысячелетия.- 2014.- №4.-С.33.

    2. Улянченко І.В. «Ещё раз о дефиците магния - внимание к нарушениям со стороны центральной нервной системы» //Новая медицина тысячелетия.- 2015.- №2.-С.3-6.

    3. Ульянченко И.В., Рожковская Л. В., Ваколюк Е.А., Муравьева И.Н., Чикалова И.Г., Теплая Е. В.,Каминский А.В., Копылова О.В., Афанасьев Д.Е., Самойлов А.А., Коваленко А.Н., Пронин А.В., Белингио Т.А., Грищенко Е.В., Цвет Л.А. «Радиационные эффекты эндокринной системы - последствия аварий на Чернобыльской АЭС, АЭС «Фукусима-Дайичи» … и не только…» //Новая медицина тысячелетия.- 2016.- №1.-С.41-48.

    4. Ульянченко И.В., Рожковская Л. В., Ваколюк Е.А., Муравьева И.Н., Чикалова И.Г., Теплая Е. В.,Каминский А.В., Копылова О.В., Афанасьев Д.Е., Самойлов А.А., Коваленко А.Н., Пронин А.В., «Радиационная чувствительность системы регуляции углеводного обмена» //Антропология - 2017.- №1.-С.19-21.

    5. Ульянченко И.В., Рожковская Л. В., Теплая Е. В., Самойлов А.А., «Антоцианины в кардиологии – комплиментарные средства терапии и профилактики атеросклероза» //Антропология - 2016.- №1.-С.2-11.

    6. Улянченко І.В., Муравйова І.М, Чикалова І.Г.,Ю Афанасьєв Д.Є., Копилова О.В., Камінський О.В., Рожківська Л.В., Тепла О.В., Самойлов О.О. «Зв΄язок вторинного гіперпаратиреозу та коморбідних станів серед постраждалих внаслідок аварії на ЧАЕС» //Міжнародний ендокринологічний журнал. 2020. Т.16. №2. С.87–92.

    7. Улянченко І.В., Муравйова І.М, Чикалова І.Г.,Ю Афанасьєв Д.Є., Копилова О.В., Камінський О.В., Рожківська Л.В., Тепла О.В., Самойлов О.О.Цвєт Л.О., Грищенко К.В. «Ендокринні наслідки крупномасштабних аварій на підприємствах ядерної енергетики та ефекти радіотерапії- з досвіду 30 років досліджень»//Антропологія. 2020. №2. С.10–14.

    Civic activity: Scientific reviewer and translator of the journal "Anthropology", Kyiv.


    Advanced training:

    In 17.02-18.03.2014 - TU "Current issues of clinical endocrinology" on the basis of Vinnytsia M.Pirogov National Medical University.

    28.10-28.11. 2016 - TU "Current issues of modern diabetology" on the basis of P. Shupik NMAPE

    18.09-02.10.2018 - TU "Modern methods of diagnosis of internal diseases and practical skills of a physician - therapist" on the basis of P. Shupik NMAPE

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  • HONCHARUK Oleksiy Olehovych

    HONCHARUK Oleksiy Olehovych - neurosurgeon, graduate student of the Department of Neurosurgery, NMU. O.O. Worshipers



    In 2012 he graduated from the O. Bogomolets National Medical University majoring in "Medical business".

    In 2015 he graduated from the internship in "Neurosurgery" on the basis of P. Shupik NMAPE.

    In 2017 he graduated from the clinical residency with a degree in "Neurosurgery" on the basis of P.L. Shupik NMAPE.

    Since 2015 he has been working as a neurosurgeon at KMKL К1.

    From 2017 to present – a graduate student of the Department of Neurosurgery O. Bogomolets NMU.

    In 2018 he obtained the second qualification category.

    Member of the Ukrainian Association of Neurosurgeons.

    Member of the European Association of Neurosurgeons.

    Fluent in English and good German.

    Research interests: minimally invasive spinal neurosurgery, neurooncology, pain medicine.

    Research work: dissertation topic - "Peculiarities of peripheral nerve regeneration in different variants of its connection in the experiment".


    Articles in international scientometric databases SCOPUS, Web of Science

    Goncharuk O, Savosko S, Petriv T et al. Epineurial sutures, polyethylene glycol hydrogel and fibrin glue in the sciatic nerve repair in rats: functional and morphological assessments in experiment. Georgian Med. News. 2020; 12 (309): 124-131. (SCOPUS)


    Advanced  training

    Internship in Germany at the Neurochirurgische Gemeinschaftspraxis Greifswald in 2015.

    Internship in Germany at the Städtisches Klinikum Dessau in 2017.

    He studied at the 2nd Cologne International Skull Base Course in 2017, Cologne, Germany.

    Studied at the Neurosurgery Anatomy Course in 2018, Athens, Greece.

    He took Basic Life Support courses in 2019.

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  • REZMAK Mohammed KF

    REZMAK Mohammed KF – otolaryngologist, assistant of the department of general medical disciplines of IAPM.



    From 2007 to 2013 he studied at the M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, majoring in medical business and obtained the qualification of "doctor".

    From 2013 to 2014 he passed a clinical residency at the Department of Otolaryngology, Donetsk National Medical University.

    From 2014 to 2015 he was transferred to the O. Bogomolets National Medical University.

    In December 2015, he entered the post-graduate course at the Department of Otolaryngology of NMU.

    Since 2020 – Candidate of Medical Sciences. Thesis: "Diagnostic value of determining the activity of matrix metalloproteinases in patients with cysts of the maxillary sinus."


    Fluent in Russian, English and Arabic.

    Research interests: modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of ENT pathology.

    Research work: Improving the effectiveness of treatment of inflammatory processes of the maxillary sinus.

    Articles in international scientometric databases and foreign publications:

    Mohammed K.F.Rezmak The content of MMP-9 in saliva in patients with cysts of the maxillary sinus / Mohammed KF Rezmak, A.N. Naumenko, Yu.V. Deeva // International scientific-practical journal Otorhinolaryngology Eastern Europe. - 2019. - №2. - with. 158-165.


    Articles in professional publications approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

    Mohammed K.F. Rezmak. The content of MMP-9 in serum, saliva, tissues in patients with cysts of the maxillary sinus / Mohammed KF Rezmak, O.M. Naumenko, Yu.V. Deeva // Ukrainian scientific and medical youth journal. - 2018. - -43-4 (108).

    2. Mohammed KF Rezmak Evaluation of air exchange in the maxillary sinus in the postoperative period with endonasal surgical access through the lower and middle nasal passages / Mohammed KF Rezmak, AN Naumenko, LR Krynychko // Scientific and Practical Journal of Otorhinolaryngology. - 2018. - №2 (1).

    Mohammed KF Rezmak Air exchange in the maxillary sinus in the postoperative period in patients with cysts of the maxillary sinus after maxillofacial sinusomy / Mohammed KF Rezmak, AN Naumenko, LR Krynychko // Ukrainian Journal of Medicine, Biology and Sports. - 2019. - №5 (21). - p.160-164.

    Mohammed KF Rezmak Treatment of patients with cysts of the maxillary sinus of odontogenic origin / Mohammed KF Rezmak, OM Naumenko, LR Krynychko, // Ukrainian scientific and medical youth journal. - 2019. - №1 (109). - with. 18-24


    Advanced training:

    In 2018, specialization at the Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. - otolaryngology

    In 2020, specialization in the Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. - pediatric otolaryngology.

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  • SHTANKO Vladislav Leonidovich

    SHTANKO Vladislav Leonidovich, phthisiologist, urologist



    In 1994 he graduated from the Ukrainian O. Bogomolets State Medical Universit, majoring in "medical business".

    In 2007 he graduated with a master's degree from Kyiv International University and received the title of "Master of Administrative Affairs".

    He has the highest category in the field of "organization and management of health care" and the first category in the specialty "tuberculosis".

    He has held various positions in the Ministry of Emergencies and Protection of the Population from the Consequences of the Chornobyl Accident. He has the 7th rank of a civil servant.

    He worked in medical institutions of the city of Kyiv, state and private forms of ownership.

    In 2013, as a result of scientific activity on the basis of the State Institution "Institute of Occupational Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" he defended the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences. Theme of scientific work: "Development of the system of prevention of occupational tuberculosis among health care workers of Ukraine"

    He currently works as the Deputy Director for the Quality of Treatment and Examination of Disability at the University Clinic of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.



    Publication of a professional textbook, textbook, monograph

    Section "Tuberculosis" / D.V. Varyvonchik, A.M.Nagornaya, V.L. Shtanko, A.V. Basanets, S.V. Kharkovskaya, A.B. Mishenin / "Occupational infectious diseases" - VD “Avicenna” Kyiv - 2014. - P. 139-231. professional textbook

    Publication of branch methodical recommendations, information leaflet, innovation proposal

    Improving the examination of the professional genesis of tuberculosis in health care workers./ D.V. Varyvonchyk, V.L. Shtanko // Information letter about innovations in the health care system № 118-2013 information sheet


    Publications in scientific journals

    • Київському міському центральному протитуберкульозному диспансеру – 50 років / В. Л. Штанько // Туберкульоз, легеневі хвороби, ВІЛ-інфекція. – 2010. – № 3. – С. 122–124.
    • Стан умов праці та їх вплив на здоров’я працівників протитуберкульозних закладів м. Києва / В. Л. Штанько // Зб. праць НМАПО. – 2012. – Вип. 21, Т. 4. – С. 166–173.
    • Умови праці в протитуберкульозних закладах України, як фактор ризику захворювання на професійний туберкульоз (національне дослідження – 2011 рік) / В. Л. Штанько, Д. В. Варивончик // Укр. журн. пробл. мед. праці України. – 2012. – №. 2. – С. 24–30.
    • Оцінка професійних ризиків  віл-інфікування працівників лікувально-профілактичних закладів хірургічного та фтизіатричного профілів / А.М. Нагорна, Д.В. Варивончик, А.М. Кальченко, М.П. Соколова, О.І. Ременник, В.Л. Штанько // Укр. журн. пробл. мед. праці України. – 2012. – № 4. – 3–10.
    • Оцінка контролю за туберкульозом в Україні за період 2006 – 2010 років / Ю. І. Фещенко, В. М. Мельник, В. Г. Матусевич, М. І. Линик, І. О. Новожилова, В. Л. Штанько, В. П. Дубров, В. П. Шурипа, В. М. Загорулька, О. Б. Єгорова, Н. В. Ліщенко, В. В. Камінська, С. П. Короченко // Укр. пульмонол. журн. – 2011. – № 4. – С. 5–10.
    • Медико-статистичні закономірності захворювання працівників закладів охорони здоров’я України на професійний туберкульоз / Д. В. Варивончик, В. Л. Штанько // Зб. праць НМАПО. – 2012. – Вип. 21, Т. 3. – С. 367–373.
    • Клініко-епідеміологічні особливості професійного туберкульозу в працівників охорони здоров’я України / В. Л. Штанько, д. в. Варивончик  // Укр. журн. пробл. мед. праці України. – 2012. – № 3. – С. 21-30.
    • Оцінка адекватності забезпечення профілактики віл-інфікування на робочому місці в галузі охорони здоров’я України, відповідно до рекомендації моп та вооз / А. М. Нагорна, Д. В. Варивончик, А. М. Кальченко, В. Л. Штанько // Профілакт. медицин. – 2012. – № 2. – С. 50–56.
    • Економічні та соціальні втрати від захворювання працівників галузі охорони здоров’я на туберкульоз та їх попередження / Д. В. Варивончик, В. Л. Штанько // Східноєвроп. журн. громад.  здоров. – 2012. – № 2-3. – С. 49-54.
    • Фактори ризику зараження туберкульозом персоналу стоматологічних установ. /О.В. Авдоніна, С.О. Дем’яненко, І.М. Ткаченко, В. Л. Штанько, Л.В. Петрова, О.О. Заципіна, Арлиндо Валерио Арао де Оливейра // Зб. матеріалів конференції «Сучасні проблеми епідеміології, мікробіології та гігієни». – 2014. – Вип. 11,– С. 265–268.
    • Prognostic features of the epidemic situation of tuberculosis and its concomitance with HIV infection in Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus. /A.P. Astrauko, V.L. Shtanko, O.V. Avdonina, Arlindo Valerio Arao de Oliveira // Фізіологічний журнал – 2013. – Т. 59, № 4 (Додаток).
    • Удосконалення експертизи професійного ґенезу туберкульозу у працівників галузі охорони здоров’я./ Д. В. Варивончик, В. Л. Штанько // Інформаційний лист про нововведення в системі охорони здоров’я        № 118-2013.
    • Доцільність комплексного застосування метамерно-сегментарної та стандартної електрокардіографії в діагностиці та лікуванні захворювань серця./ В.П. Невструєв, С.М. Камінський, В.Л. Штанько, О.І. Гай //Зб. матеріалів IX міжнародної конференції «Медична фізика-сучасний стан, проблеми, шляхи розвитку. Новітні технології». -2020. – С. 206-209.
    • Науково-практичне значення аналізу епідеміологічної ситуації з туберкульозом дорослого населення м. Києва./ В.Л. Штанько, В.А. Черняк, О.Є. Ареф'єва, В.П. Невструєв, Л.В. Карпенко//Зб. матеріалів ХІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції  "Сучасні виклики і актуальні проблеми науки, освіти та виробництва: міжгалузеві диспути".-2021. - С.162-169.
    • Применение лазерной аурикулярной пунктуры в комплексной терапии больных с патологией дуоденопанкреатобилиарной зоны./В.П. Невструєв, В.А. Черняк, В.Л. Штанько, С.М. Каминський//Зб. матеріалів ХІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції  "Сучасні виклики і актуальні проблеми науки, освіти та виробництва: міжгалузеві диспути". -2021. - С.144-146.
    • Наукове обґрунтування створення дезінфектанта-антисептика на базі технології активації води/В.А. Черняк, Д.В. Чарний, С.А. Вижва, Л.В. Карпенко, В.Л. Штанько, О.Г. Шамро, В.П. Невструєв//Зб. матеріалів ХІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції  "Сучасні виклики і актуальні проблеми науки, освіти та виробництва: міжгалузеві диспути". -2021. - С.158-161.


    Advanced training

    • Current issues of psychology, medical ethics and deontology in the organization of medical care Department of Health Management of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the Bogomolets National Medical University. 17.10.2017 - 20.10.2017
    • Counseling and testing for HIV with the use of rapid tests NMAPE. PL Shupika 12/14/2018 - 12/28/2018
    • Management of a case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis using treatment schemes with new drugs of the FG Yanovsky National Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine 09/04/2019 - 09/06/2019
    • Case management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis of the FG Yanovsky National Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine 26.02.2020 - 28.02.2020


    Scientific conferences, symposia, congresses

    National platform with stakeholder representatives to discuss and implement the recommendations of the Legal Environment Assessment on tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS. , m. Kyiv. hotel, 11/20/2018 - 11/20/2018

    National scientific-practical conference "Current issues of management of patients with chemoresistant tuberculosis. International and national experience", State University, March 25, 2019 - March 25, 2019

    IX International Conference "Medical Physics-current state, problems, ways of development. Latest technologies », online, Kyiv, 23.09.2020 - 25.09.2020 listener

    Eurasian TV bridge "Covid-19 - about the important", online TV bridge, 21.01.2021 - 21.01.2021

    XII International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Modern Challenges and Current Problems of Science, Education and Production: Intersectoral Disputes", online, Kyiv, 29.01.2021 - 29.01.2021

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  • KIRSENKO Larysa Leonidivna

    KIRSENKO Larysa Leonidivna - Head of the Department of the Children's Institution Children's Special (Specialized) Sanatorium "Barvinok" of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, TB doctor-pediatrician of the highest category, pediatrician



    She graduated from the Kyiv Medical Institute with a degree in Pediatrics in 1989. Since 1990 he has been working at the Periwinkle sanatorium.

    She studied in correspondence graduate school at the Department of Pediatric Tuberculosis at the Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology. FG Yanovsky National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

    Participated in research conducted at the Department of Pediatric Tuberculosis to study the effects of singlet oxygen therapy on children with local forms of tuberculosis and children with hyperergic sensitivity to tuberculin.

    Since 1994 - head of the department at the sanatorium "Periwinkle".

    Since 2016 he has been working as a pediatrician at the regional rehabilitation center "Father's House".

    Since 2019 he has been working in the private pediatric clinic "Multiclinic" as a pediatrician.

    Participant of the IV Congress of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology of Ukraine and the II National Asthma Congress of Ukraine.

    Member of the V Congress of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology of Ukraine.


    Fluent in English.



    Diploma of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine "For significant achievements in professional activities and many years of conscientious work"

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  • KIRSENKO Oleh Volodymyrovych

    KIRSENKO Oleh Volodymyrovych – doctor, surgeon - oncologist of the highest category.



    1. He graduated from Kyiv Medical Institute named after O. Bogomolets, Kyiv, specialty - medical business, oncosurgery in 1989.

    2. Postgraduate education:

    - Internship in Surgery, Kyiv Medical Institute in 1990, on the basis of the Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital in 1990.

    - From November 1999 to November 2001 he studied in correspondence graduate school at the Institute of AMSU.

    - Specialization in endoscopy 23.01-26.04.2017. Higher category /

    - Specialization in oncogynecology 23.01-26.04.2017. The doctor is a specialist.

    - Specialization in oncology 09.01-17.05.2018. . The doctor is a specialist.


    3. Employment:

    • • 01.09.1988 - 28.09.1989 - visiting paramedic of the Boyarka CRH ambulance station.
    • • 18.08.1989-30.07.1990 - intern of the first surgical department of the Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital.
    • • 01.08.1990 - 01.08.1991 - oncologist-surgeon of the polyclinic department of the Kyiv Regional Oncology Dispensary.
    • • 01.08.1991 - 03.05.2000 - oncologist of the hospital of the Kyiv Regional Oncology Dispensary.
    • • 03.05.2000- 01.04.2002 - acting head of the polyclinic of the Kyiv Regional Oncology Dispensary with a combined 0.25 rate of oncology surgeon and surgical department.
    • • 01.04.2002-20.07.2015- 0.75 rates of the oncologist-surgeon of the I surgical department and 0.25 rates of the oncologist-surgeon of the out-patient department.
    • • 20.07.2015 - Acting Deputy Chief Physician of the medical part and 0.25 rate of endoscopist of the Department of Functional Diagnostics.

    4. Research interests: the use of the latest technologies in the surgery of oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Carrying out of modern schemes of chemotherapy in treatment of lung diseases.



    5. Research work: Patent of Ukraine №60171. Method of specific immunotherapy with autovaccine of patients with gastric cancer / Potebnya G.P., Chorny V.O., Lisovenko G.S., Razumiy K, Kirsenko O.V., Cheremshenko N.L., Chekhun V.F. (Ukraine); Application 19.02.2003; Publ. 15.07.2005; Bulletin №7.


    1. Articles in professional publications:


    1. Кірсенко ОВ, Логвінова ІО, Чорний ВО, Валецький ВЛ, Потебня ГП, Лісовенко ГС, Черемшенко НЛ, Кохановська ЛМ. Результати використання протипухлинної автологічної вакцини у лікуванні хворих на рак шлунка. Сучасна гастроентерологія 2001; 2(4): 75-7.

    2. Чорний ВО, Потебня ГП, Лісовенко ГС, Розумій ДО, Кирсенко ОВ, Осинський ДС, Танасієнко ОА. Перспективи застосування протипухлинної аутовакцини в лікуванні хворих на поширений рак шлунка. Онкология 2003; 5(2): 107-10.

    3. Потебня ГП, Кірсенко ОВ, Лісовенко ГС, Чорний ВО, Розумій ДО, Танасієнко ОА. Ефективність протипухлинних аутовакцин у хворих на рак шлунка. Онкологія 2004; 6(2): 120-3.

    4. Кірсенко ОВ, Чорний ВО, Потебня ГП, Лісовенко ГС, Розумій ДО, Танасієнко ОА. Клінічні результати імунотерапії аутовакциною хворих на рак шлунка. Укр. хіміотерап журн 2005; 5: 66-70.

    5. Потебня ГП, Розумій ДО, Лісовенко ГС, Чорний ВО, Кірсенко ОВ, Танасієнко ОА. Вплив протипухлинних автовакцин, виготовлених за різними технологіями, на ефективність комбінованій терапії хворих на рак шлунка. Специфічна імунотерапія в онкології / За ред. Ю.Я. Гриневича. Київ: Здоров'я, 2008.  160-74.


    Academic mobility, international internship, advanced training


    7. Is a full member:

    European Union of Oncologists (ESMO).

    European Association of Oncology Surgeons (ESSO).

    All-Ukrainian Association of Endoscopists.

    Ukrainian Union of Oncology Surgeons.

    Russian Union of Oncologists - Chemotherapists.

    Union of Endoscopic Surgeons of Russia.

    Russian Union of Surgeons, Coloproctologists and Gastroenterologists.

    Russian Union of Surgeons.

    Russian Union of Colorectal Surgeons


    Advanced training


    8. Participation in conferences, seminars, trainings:

    - 01.06 - 15.06. 2016 on the basis of NMAPE. P.L. Shupyka TU "Endoscopic research methods in the diagnosis of malignant tumors of internal organs." October 26-28, 2016 - spoke at the IV Congress of Coloproctologists of Ukraine with international participation.


    - 20.02- 24.02.2017 on the basis of NMAPE. P.L. Shupyka TU "Endoscopic diagnosis and endoscopic surgery of precancerous diseases and early stages of gastric cancer, their morphological verification." Amulet Clinic.

    - 01.-04.11.2017 - Intensive course "Standardized lymph dissection in rectal cancer" on the basis of the "Center for Surgical Innovations".

    - In 2013-2018, taking part in the "I-V Moscow International Festival of Endoscopy and Surgery" - "Endosonography in surgical practice"; "Stenting in endoscopy"; "Laparoscopic surgery of the gastrointestinal tract"; "Laparoscopic liver surgery"; "Laparoscopic bariatric surgery"; "Endosurgical technologies in urologists".

     2001-2018 participation in the annual symposium of the All-Ukrainian Association of Endoscopists.

    - 2014-2015-2016 - ESMO 16, 17, 18 World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer.

    - 2012-2018 - ESMO World Congress.

    - 01-02.02.2018 participated in a master class: "Minimally invasive accesses in the surgical treatment of colorectal cancer." Moscow.

    - 07.02.2018 participation in the "Training on biomodels of the V International Festival of Endoscopy and Surgery". Moscow.

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  • DRAEVA Kateryna Olehivna

    DRAEVA Kateryna Olehivna, doctor specializing in "infectious diseases"




    She graduated in 2012 from the O. Bogomolets National Medical University.


    From 2012-2016 she passed an internship in the specialty "Infectious Diseases" on the basis of infectious departments of Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №9, Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №4, Kyiv City Hospital №15 and the National Military Medical Clinical Center "Main Military Clinical Hospital" of Kyiv.

    Since 2016, he has been working as an infectious disease doctor at the Infectious Diseases Department of the Kyiv Hospital № 15, Podilskyi District, Kyiv.

    The City Hepatology Center operates on the basis of the Infectious Diseases Department, where patients with acute and chronic hepatitis are consulted, diagnosed and treated.


    9 years of professional experience.


    Research interests: modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute and chronic hepatitis.


    Advanced  training :

    Thematic improvement courses "Viral hepatitis" 2009

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  • SHUMOVA Anna Serhiivna

    SHUMOVA Anna Serhiivna – lecturer of the department of general medical disciplines, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor.



    In 2008 she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Luhansk State Medical University with a degree in General Pharmacy.

    In 2009-2012 she studied in graduate school part-time at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National University of Pharmacy. Under the guidance of Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor Georgiants V.A. successfully defended her dissertation on the topic: "Development of methods for quality control of antiviral drugs" Immuno-viral with vitamin C "in the specialty 15.00.02 - pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy.

    Shumova G.S. conducts practical classes in the disciplines "Pharmacology" and "Microbiology, Virology and Immunology" with students of the Faculty of Dentistry and Medicine and Psychology. He lectures on pharmacology and microbiology, virology and immunology.

    She has more than 35 scientific papers, 1 publication in Web of Science, is the author of 3 utility model patents. Google Scholar Index - 2.

    Fluent in English – an independent user with an in-depth level of knowledge – at the B2 level (certificate №24945 dated 17.12.2018), upper-intermediate.


    Research interests:

    Research interests are devoted to the problems of pharmacology, microbiology, virology and immunology, methodological issues, problems of higher school pedagogy.





    Articles in international scientometric databases SCOPUS, Web of Science

    Investigation of the effect of xanthium strumarium l. extract on the level of thyroid-stimulating hormones and mass coefficient of rat thyroid gland / I. Vladymyrova, V. Georgiyants, T. Tishakova, H. Shumova // Bulletin of national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. - 2019. - Vol. 5, № 381. - R. 15‒22. (Web of Science)


    Articles in professional publications

    Savelyeva O.V. Standardization of grass myatochnika black by morphological and anatomical features / OV Savelyeva. Savelyeva, GS Шумова, Л.М. Gray, IM Vladimirova // Phytotherapy. - 2015. - № 4. - P. 63-68.

    Savelieva O.V. Analysis of the pharmaceutical market of nootropic drugs in Ukraine / OV Savelieva, G.S. Shumova, I.M. Vladimirova // ScienceRise. - 2015. - № 11 (16). - P. 30-36.

    Savelieva O.V. Investigation of the composition of macro- and microelements of Lavandula angustifolia mill flowers / O.V Savelieva, A.S. Shumova, I.N Vladimirova // Actual issues of education, science and production in pharmacy: materials of the republican scientific-practical conference (with international participation) / Tashkent University of Pharmacy. - Tashkent, 2015. - P. 69.

    Savelieva O. The quantification of hydroxycinnamic acids in the grass of black horehound / E. Savelieva, A. Shumova, I. Vladymyrova // Science and practice 2015: materials of the 6th International Pharmaceutical Conference, Kaunas, Lithuania, 5-6 November 2015 - Kaunas: LSMU, 2015. - P. 29–30.

    Savelyeva O.V. Investigation of morphological and anatomical features of stinking rhubarb grass (Thalictrum foetidum L.) / OV Savelyeva, GS Шумова, Л.М. Gray, IM Vladimirova // Phytotherapy. - 2016. - № 2. - P. 47-52.

    Savelieva O.V. Morphological and anatomical study of meadowsweet grass (Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill.) / OV Savelieva, GS Shumova, LM Sira, IM Vladimirova // Phytotherapy Journal . - 2016. - № 1. - P. 55-60.

    Shumova G.S. Study of antiviral activity of dietary supplement "Immuno-viral with vitamin C" against the strain of influenza A virus / Victoria / G.S. Shumova // ScienceRise. - 2016. - Volume 1. - № 4 (18). - P. 31-35.

    Savelieva O.V. Morphological and anatomical study of meadowsweet grass (Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill.) / OV Savelieva, GS Shumova, LM Sira, IM Vladimirova // Phytotherapy Journal . - 2016. - № 1. - P. 55-60.

    Savelieva O.V. Determination of numerical indicators of grass myatochnika black / OV Savelieva, G.S. Shumova, IM Vladimirova // Theoretical and practical aspects of research of medicinal plants: materials of the II International scientific-practical internet-conference , Kharkiv, March 21–23, 2016 / NUPh. - Kharkiv, 2016. - P. 215–2016.

    10. Savelieva O.V. Investigation of morphological and anatomical signs of stinking rhizome grass (Thalictrum foetidum L.) / O.V. Savelieva, G.S. Shumova, L.M. Sira, I.M. Vladimirova // Phytotherapy. - 2016. - № 2. - P. 47–52.

    11. Savelyeva OV Determination of the content of hydroxycinnamic acids in the grass of stinking basil / O.V. Savelyeva, G.S. Shumova // Innovations in medicine: abstracts of the 85th scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists with international participation, Ivano-Frankivsk, March 24–25, 2016 / Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2016. - P. 251–252.

    12. Савельєва О. В. Огляд лікарських засобів на основі сону лучного, представлених на ринку України / О. В. Савельєва, Г. С. Шумова, І. М. Владимирова // Хімія природних сполук : матеріали IV Всеукраїнської науково–практичної конференції з міжнародною участю, Тернопіль, 21–22 квітня 2016 р. / ТДМУ. – Тернопіль, 2016. – С. 115–116.

    13. Савельєва О. В. Вивчення мінерального складу трави та коренів Thalictrum foetidum L. / О. В. Савельєва, Г. С. Шумова, І. М. Владимирова // Актуальні питання фармацевтичної і медичної науки та практики. - 2016. - № 1 (20). - С. 57-59.

    14. Савельєва О. В. Вивчення амінокислотного складу трави сону лучного Рulsatilla Рratensis (l.) mill / О. В. Савельєва, Г. С. Шумова, І. М. Владимирова // Збірник наукових праць співробітників НМАПО імені П. Л. Шупика. – Київ, 2016. – Вип. 26. – С. 401–406.

    15. Савельєва О. В. Обґрунтування вибору екстрагенту для одержання екстракту сону широколистого / О. В. Савельєва, Г. С. Шумова, І. М. Владимирова // Фармацевтична наука та практика: проблеми, досягнення, перспективи розвитку : матеріали І науково-практичної інтернет-конференції з міжнародною участю, Харків, 24–25 березня 2016 р. – Харків : НФаУ, 2016. – С. 137–138.

    16. Савельєва О. В. Визначення вмісту моносахаридів у траві рутвиці смердючої Thalictrum Foetidum L. / О. В. Савельєва, Г. С. Шумова, І. М. Владимирова // Фармація XXI століття: тенденції та перспективи : матеріали VIII національного з’їзду фармацевтів України, Харків, 13–16 вересня 2016 р. / НФаУ. – Харків, 2016. – Т. 1. – С. 209.

    17. Савельєва О. В. Розробка методу ідентифікації фенольних сполук в траві Ballota Nigra L. / О. В. Савельєва, Г. С. Шумова, І. М. Владимирова // Актуальні питання теоретичної, практичної та експериментальної фармації : збірник тез наукових робіт учасників Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції, 16 березня 2016 р. / Вінницький національний медичний університет ім. М. І. Пирогова, Вінницький медичний коледж ім. академіка Д. К. Заболотного. – Вінниця, 2016. – С.109–110.

    18. Savelieva E. V. Possibilities of small pasque-flower herb using as perspective plant / E. V. Savelieva, G. S. Shumova, I. M. Vladymyrova // Topical issues of new drugs development : аbstracts оf XXIII International Scientific And Practical Conference Of Young Scientists And Student (April 21, 2016) : іn 2 vol. – Kharkiv : Publishing Office NUPh. – 2016. – Vol. 1. – P. 115.

    19. Савельєва О. В. Розробка методу ідентифікації фенольних сполук в траві Ballota nigra L. / О. В. Савельєва, Г. С. Шумова, І. М. Владимирова // Актуальні питання теоретичної, практичної та експериментальної фармації : Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція, Вінниця, 16 березня 2017 р. – Вінниця, 2017. – С. 109–110.

    20. Analys of hydroxycinnamic acids pulsatilla pratensis (l.) mill. / E. Savelieva, I. Vladymyrova, O. Levashova, G. Shumova // Scripta Scientifica Pharmaceutica. – 2017. – Vol. 4, suppl. 2 : Fourth Pharmaceutical Business Forum and Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations and prospects in pharmaceutical practice” : Book of Abstracts, Varna, Bulgaria, 27−29 October 2017 / Medical University Varna. – P. 42.

    21. Іnvestigation of fatty acid composition of herb and roots of fetid meadow rue (thalictrum foetidum l) / E. V. Savelieva, I. Vladymyrova, G. Shumova, T. S. Tishakova // Topical Problems of Modern Science : Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, Warsaw, Poland, November 18, 2017 / Scientific Educational Center Warsaw. – Warsaw, 2017. – Vol. 5. – P. 55–59.

    22. Shumova G.S. Phenolic compound composition of herb of pulsatilla pratensis (L.) mill / G. S. Shumova , E. V. Savelieva, I. N. Vladymyrova , T. S. Tishakova // World science. – 2017. – Vol. 4, № 12 (28). – P. 35–38.

    23. Шумова, Г. С. Огляд асортименту засобів на основі софори жовтіючої / Г. С. Шумова, А. Р. Тарасенко, І. М. Владимирова // Фармакоекономіка в Україні: стан та перспективи розвитку : матеріали X наук.-практ. конф., м. Харків, 21 трав. 2018 р. – Х. : Вид-во НФаУ, 2018. – С. 136-138.

    24. Шумова, ГС Визначення макроскопічних діагностичних ознак софори жовтіючої коренів/ГС Шумова, ЛМ Сіра, ІМ Владимирова//Теоретичні та практичні аспекти дослідження лікарських рослин: матеріали ІII мі

    жнар. наук.-практ. internet-конф., м. Харків, 26-28 листоп. 2018 р.–Х.: НФаУ, 2018.–С. 218-219.

    25. Shumova G. Determination of the content of amino acids in the roots of the sophora flavescens / G. Shumova, I. Nizhenkovska, I. Vladymyrova // ScienceRise. Pharmaceutical Science. – 2018. - № 5 (15). - С. 47-51.


    1. Patent for utility model № 62918 Ukraine, IPC A61K35 / 00. Biologically active supplement "Immuno-viral with vitamin C" / I.M. Владимирова, В.Б. Demyokhin, OV Dorovsky, GG Khorunzhiy, GS Напрасникова, В.А. Georgiyants (Ukraine). - № in 2011 00754; Application 24.01.2011; Publ. 26.09.2011, Bull. № 18.

    2. Therapeutic and prophylactic agent with sedative and hypnotic action on the basis of plant raw materials: US Pat. 110388 of Ukraine. № in 2016 02965; declared 23.03.2016; publ. 10/10/2016, Bull. № 19

    3. Therapeutic and prophylactic agent with neurotransmitter and antioxidant action on the basis of plant raw materials: US Pat. 111636 of Ukraine. № in 2016 00824; declared 02.02.2016; publ. 11/25/2016, Bull.№ 22.

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  • KRAVCHENKO Victoria Vitalievna

    KRAVCHENKO Victoria Vitalievna

    Specialization: bacteriologist (microbiology and virology)

    +380 (95) 4007489

    E-mail: [email protected]



    In 1998 she graduated from the First Kyiv Medical School

    Specialty: laboratory work.


    From 2000 to 2005 she studied at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv at the Faculty of Biology.

    Specialty: microbiology and virology

    From 2005 to the present - Bacteriologist of the highest category of Kyiv City Children's Hospital №1.

    Work experience in the specialty - 16 years.


    Research interests:

    Microbiological characteristics of pneumonia in newborns and their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs


    Advanced training

    P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education:

    April 11, 2014 - the first qualification category in bacteriology;

    December 3, 2018 - the highest qualification category in bacteriology.

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  • KONONIUK Alexander Anatolyevich

    KONONIUK Alexander Anatolyevich - anesthesiologist resuscitator of the highest qualification category.


    He graduated from the medical faculty of Odessa E. Pirogov Medical Institute in 1982. The internship was held at the Clinical Hospital №10, Kyiv, in the Department of Cardiology, specialty "Therapy".

    From 1983 to 1989 he worked at the city ambulance station in Kyiv. He specialized in Cardiology at the M.D Strazhesko Research Institute. Worked on the "cardio-resuscitation team".

    From 1989 to 2020 worked at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №1, in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. He took specialization and improvement courses every 5 years. At present, the anesthesiologist is a resuscitator of the highest qualification category.

    Since 1993 he has been a senior resident of the intensive care and resuscitation department at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №1.

    From 2004 to 2018 he worked part-time at the departments of "Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Disaster Medicine" of the Bogomolets Medical University under the guidance of prof. Tenacious L.P.,  and Medical Institute of UANM under the leadership of Prof. Karpenko A.S.

    From 2010 to 2020 - Head of the Department of Intensive Care and Resuscitation at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №1.


    Total medical experience - 39 years.


    Certification training:

    During his work at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №1 he was trained in advanced training courses in related medical specialties, repeatedly participated in scientific and practical conferences in Ukraine and abroad (Poland, Russia, USA, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Monaco, Israel).

    During his work he received administrative awards and incentives. He was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

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  • VORONKO Andrii Anatoliiovych

    VORONKO Andrii Anatoliiovych - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Colonel of the Medical Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, specialization - Military Medicine



    In 1986 he graduated from the Leningrad Suvorov Military School.

    In August 1986 he was voluntarily enrolled in the training of doctors for the Navy of the S.M. Kirov Naval Medical Academy in the city of St-Petersburg. On August 6, 1991, he became an officer.

    In June 1992 he graduated from the S. Kirov Military Medical Academy in St-Petersburg with honors.

    Another military rank of "Colonel of the Medical Service" was granted 12/14/2013

    He took the oath of allegiance to the people of Ukraine on July 5, 1992.

    From 22.06 to 31.08 1992 he served at the disposal of the commander of Black Sea Fleet.

    From 31.08 to 29.09.1992 he served as a doctor of the training station of technical support of the technical service of 1464 reconnaissance points of special purpose of the Black Sea Fleet.

    3 From September 29, 1992 to June 22, 1994, he served as the chief of the medical service of the Hetman Sagaidachny frigate.

    3 22.06 to 03.09.1994 - Head of Therapeutic Department 139 of the Naval Hospital of the Rear Headquarters of the Ukrainian Navy.

    From September 3, 1994 to November 15, 1997 - Associate Professor of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy.

    From 15.11.1997 to 04.04.1998 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Military Therapy of the Military Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy

    From 04.04.1998 to 05.02.2000 - Head of NDL (combat therapeutic pathology) of the Scientific Center (military medicine) of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy.

    From 05.02 to 28.12.2000 - lecturer, and from 28.12.2000 to 10.08.2001 - senior lecturer of the Department of Military Therapy of the Military Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy.

    From 10.08.2001 to 14.12.2004 - Associate Professor, from 14.12.2004 to 27.11.2013 - Deputy Chief, and from 27.11.2013 to 16.02.2021 - Head of the Department of Military General Practice - Family Medicine of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy.

    On January 17, 2021, he was discharged from military service due to his health condition. Since March 1, 2021 I have been working as an associate professor of the Department of Military General Practice - Family Medicine of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy.

    A participant in hostilities.

    Research activities.

    Author of 1 textbook, 65 scientific papers, 11 patents of Ukraine for a utility model.

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  • DENYSIUK Lyubov Ihorivna

    DENYSIUK Lyubov Ihorivna - Chief Physician of the Kyiv City Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital "Eye Microsurgery Center", Candidate of Medical Sciences since 2017, ophthalmologist of the highest category, works as an associate professor of ophthalmology at the O. Bogomolets National Medical University.



    In 2000 she graduated from the National Medical University. O. Bogomolets, majoring in "Medical Affairs" and qualified as a doctor.

    The internship in ophthalmology was held in the Department of Reconstructive Eye Microsurgery of the Kyiv City Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital "Eye Microsurgery Center".

    In 2002 she was transferred to the position of ophthalmologist of the Department of Vascular Pathology, where she worked for 7 years, and in 2009 she headed the Department of Vascular Pathology as the head.

    In early 2015, she was appointed chief physician of the Kyiv City Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital "Center for Eye Microsurgery".

    From the beginning of 2014 she worked as an external part-time assistant at the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education at the Department of Ophthalmology.

    From January 2, 2019 she was appointed and worked as an associate professor of ophthalmology at the National P.L. Shupyk Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

    Since 11.01.2021 he has been working as an associate professor of the Department of Ophthalmology of the O. Bogomolets National Medical University.

    Research interests: the use of the latest research methods in the diagnosis and prognosis of glaucoma, its treatment and monitoring of morbidity in Ukraine. The latest technologies in the surgical treatment of cataracts and pathology of the anterior segment of the eye.




    Shargorodskaya IV, Voronenko YV, Shekera OG, Rykov SO, Medvedovskaya NV, Denisyuk LI Current issues of ophthalmology in the practice of family medicine. // Training manual for general practitioners - family doctors edited by Voronenko YV, Shekery OG, Rykova SO - Kyiv. - 2018. - 258 p.


    Articles in international scientometric databases SCOPUS, Web of Science:

    Mogilevsky S.Yu., Rykov SO, Burdey AV, Petrenko OV, Denisyuk LI The value of indicators of the rate of development and progression of primary open-angle glaucoma. // Ophthalmological Journal. - 2018. - № 5. - P. 20-25. (Professional publication, SCOPUS).

    Petrenko OV, Rykov SO, Bourdai AV, Mogilevsky SY, Denisyuk LI The value of indicators of the rate of development and progression of primary open-angle glaucoma. // Article. Ophthalmological journal. - 2018. - № 5. - P. 20-25. SCOPUS.

    Articles in professional publications:

    • Могилевский С.Ю., Рыков С.А., Петренко О.В., Денисюк Л.И., Медведовская Н.В., Корытнюк Р.С. Новые возможности консервативного лечения первичной открытоугольной глаукомы. // Стаття. Український науково-практичний журнал «Вісник проблем біології і медицини». – 2018. – Вип. 1, Т. 2 (143). – С. 184-189. (Фахове видання).
    • Петренко О.В., Рыков С.А., Могилевский С.Ю., Денисюк Л.И., Медведовская Н.В., Корытнюк Р.С. Новые возможности консервативного лечения первичной открытоугольной глаукомы. // Стаття. Український науково-практичний журнал «Вісник проблем біології і медицини». - 2018. - Випуск 1, том 2 (143). - С. 184-189. Фахове видання
    • Петренко О.В., Моісеєнко Р.О., Голубчиков М.В., Михальчук В.М., Риков С.О., Заболотько В.М., Аліфанова Т.А., Алєєва Н.М., Барінов Ю.В., Бездітко П.А., Біляєва О.О., Венгер Л.В., Видиборець С.В., Горачук В.В., Гудзь А.С., Денисюк Л.І., Денисюк О.Ю., Дуфинець В.А., Завгородня Н.Г., Ковтун М.І., Коробова О.В., Лабунська О.Є., Лаврик Н.С., Малачкова Н.В., Мелліна В.Б., Могілевський С.Ю. Офтальмологічна допомога в Україні за 2014-2017 роки (аналітично-статистичний довідник). // Аналітично-статистичний довідник. – Кропивницький: «ПОЛІУМ». – 2018. – 314 с.
    • Риков С.О., Могилевский С.Ю., Петренко О.В., Денисюк Л.И., Медведовская Н.В., Корытнюк Р.С. Новые возможности консервативного лечения первичной открытоугольной глаукомы. // Стаття. Український науково-практичний журнал «Вісник проблем біології і медицини». - 2018. - Випуск 1, том 2 (143). - С. 184-189. (Фахове видання).
    • Риков С.О., Денисюк Л.И., Сук С.А., Зинченко И.Н. Определение IGF–1 в сыворотке крови глубоко недоношенных детей как ранний фактор диагностики развития задней агресивной ретинопатии недоношенных. // Матеріали VII науково-практичної конференції дитячих офтальмологів України з міжнародною участю «Своє дитинство треба бачити». - 14-15 червня 2018 року. - м. Київ. - С. 109-110.
    • Риков С.О., Денисюк Л.И., Сук С.А., Зинченко И.Н. Сравнение эффективности лечения ретинопатии недоношенных желтым (577 нм) и инфракрасным (810 нм) лазером. // Матеріали VII науково-практичної конференції дитячих офтальмологів України з міжнародною участю «Своє дитинство треба бачити». - 14-15 червня 2018 року. - м. Київ. - С. 111-113.
    • Риков С.О., Бурдей А.В., Петренко О.В., Могілевський С.Ю., Денисюк Л.І. Значення показників швидкості розвитку та прогресування первинної відкритокутової глаукоми. // Офтальмологічний журнал. – 2018. – № 5. – С. 20-25.
    • Шаргородська І.В., Моісеєнко Р.О., Голубчиков М.В.. Михальчук В.М., Риков С.О., Денисюк Л.І. та співавтори. Офтальмологічна допомога в Україні за 2014-2017 роки. // Аналітично-статистичний довідник. - Кропивницький. - 2018. - 314 с
    • Shargorodska I.V., Rykov S.O., Denisyuk L.I., Nikolaichuk N.S. Quantitative analysis of vitality of retinal ganglion cells in experimental low-pressure glaucoma in rats: the effect of polarized light therapy [Електронний ресурс]. // 36 thе Congress of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS). Vienna, 22-26 September 2018: abstractbook. – Vienna, 2018. Режим доступу:


    Civic activity:

    - Member of the Association of Pediatric Ophthalmologists and Optometrists of Ukraine (2004);

    - Member of the Society of Ophthalmologists of Ukraine (2010);

    - Member of the Board of the All-Ukrainian Alliance of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (2017);

    - Member of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (2006);

    - Member of the editorial board of the journal "Archive of Ophthalmology of Ukraine" (2015).


    Advanced training:

    February 22, 2018 - awarded the highest category in the organization and management of health care;

    12/16/2019 - confirmed the highest category in ophthalmology;

    04/24/2020 - Ophthalmology School - webinar for practitioners. The first meeting;

    24.04.2020 - Master class: COVID-19: Remote consultations with an ophthalmologist;

    04.05.2020 - Multidisciplinary master class "Look at glaucoma more widely";

    11-12.06.2020 - Scientific and practical conference: "One should see one's childhood 2020";

    11-12.06.2020 - Master classes within the framework of the scientific-practical conference: "One should see one's childhood 2020".

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  • KOKHANOV Igor Vadimovich

    KOKHANOV Igor Vadimovich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

    Email: [email protected]


     In 1990 - graduated from Kyiv Medical Institute. OO Bogomolets Medical Faculty;

    From 1990 to 1991 - internship in obstetrics and gynecology in the maternity hospital № 5 Kyiv;

     From 1991 to 1994 - obstetrician-gynecologist in the maternity hospital № 5 in Kyiv;

     In 1994–1998 - Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences;

    In 1998–2012 - Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology in the cycle of clinical pharmacology of the National Medical Institute. OO Bogomolets, Candidate of Medical Sciences;

    In 2008 he defended his dissertation on the topic "" in obstetrics and gynecology.

     In 2012-2015 - Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology in the cycle of clinical pharmacology of the National Medical Institute. OO Bogomolets;

      In 2015–2016 - Assistant of the Department of Industrial, Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology of NMAPE named after P.L. Шупика;

    2016 to present - Associate Professor of Industrial, Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology NMAPE named after PL Shupika.

    Areas of research:

     obstetrics and gynecology, pharmacology and clinical pharmacology

    Scientific activity: author of more than 69 scientific and educational works, including in foreign publications, 2 patents. Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category.

    Scientific works:

    Kokhanov I.V. Features of pregnancy in women with diabetes mellitus, with elevated levels of antiphospholipid antibodies.// Health of women. - 2006. - № 4 (28)

    Kokhanov I.V. A set of treatment and prevention measures for pregnant women with diabetes mellitus with antiphospholipid syndrome.// PAG. - 2007. - №1 (co-author)

    Kokhanov I.V. New diagnostic criteria for the formation of microsomia in diabetes mellitus in women.// "Prenatology and Pediatrics" 4 (40), Kyiv, 2009. (co-author).

    Kokhanov I.V. Prevention of prenatal losses in pregnant patients with diabetes mellitus with antiphospholipid syndrome.// "Neonatology, surgery and prenatal medicine". 2011, vol. 1, № 2. (co-author)

    Kokhanov I.V. Clinical experience in the use of injectable solutions of immunoglobulins in the treatment of neonates with intrauterine infections. // Pharmacological Journal № 2, 2013. (co-author)

    Kokhanov I.V. Methodical bases of teaching aspects of interaction of medicines and food in the course of clinical pharmacology.// Eastern European Journal № 1 (22) 2015. (co-author).

    Kokhanov I.V. Research of interaction of the doctor and pharmaceutical workers in management of drug therapy of out-patient patients in Ukraine.//Recipe. - 2017. - Volume 20, №2. (co-author.)

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  • DUPLYAK Larysa Mykolayivna

    DUPLYAK Larysa Mykolayivna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Doctor - Neurologist of the highest category.



    In 1989 she graduated from the Kyiv Medical Institute named after Acad. OO Bogomolets in the specialty "medical business".

    In 2006 - she defended her dissertation on the topic: "Features of clinical manifestations, course and diagnosis of multifocal lesions of the brain of vascular origin."

    Since 2002 - a doctor of the highest qualification category.

    From 1990 to 2007 he was a neurologist at the Kyiv Clinical Hospital on Railway Transport №2 and the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №12.

    From 2007 to 2020 - Head of the illogical department of the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №15.

    From 2014 to 2017 - Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care of the National Academy of Postgraduate Education named after PL Shupyk (part-time).


    Research interests: medicine, neurology, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases, postgraduate teaching of neurology for interns.

    Scientific research work:

    - diagnosis and treatment of vascular, infectious, degenerative, diseases, traumatic injuries of the central and peripheral nervous system.

    - early and late rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases.

    - application of thrombolysis technique in acute cerebrovascular disorders.

    - differential diagnosis of similar clinical manifestations of neurological diseases.



    Duplyak L.M. is author and co-author of 11 published scientific papers and 1 patent for an invention.

    Articles in professional publications

    1. Duplyak L.M., Tkachenko O.V., Gichka S.G. Pathomorphological changes of the brain in recurrent ischemic infarction // Collection of Sciences. works of employees of KMAPE named after PL Shupyk. - 2004. - Vip.13, Book 3. - P. 388– 391.

    2. Tkachenko O.V., Duplyak L.M. Clinical and neurovisual features and their pathomorphological equivalents in recurrent acute cerebrovascular disorders of the ischemic type // Ukrainian Journal of Neurology.- 2006, №1. - P.13- 18.

    3. L.F .Matyukha, O.E. Kovalenko, L.M. Duplyak. Rational use of clinical bases in postgraduate training of family doctors / // Collection of scientific works of NMAPE. PL Shupik. - 2015. - Vip. 24 (2). - P. 568-573.

    4. Kovalenko A.E., Gosteva G.V., Duplyak L.M., Dlugosh L.V. Current issues of etiopathogenesis of acute cerebrovascular disorders and differentiated treatment of patients in the most acute period of ischemic stroke // Ukrainian Medical Journal. -2 (1) (124) - III / IV 2018.


    Patent of Ukraine

    Patent of Ukraine for a utility model № 60891 "Method of evaluating the effectiveness of treatment of the consequences of acute cerebrovascular accident by ischemic type." - Bull. "Industrial property". - 2011. -№ 12. / Bychkova N.G., Sereda P.I., Prysyazhnyuk A.P., Petrichenko V.G., Duplyak L.M.

    Advanced training

    Numerous thematic refresher courses in neurology (1996-2019)


    Diploma of the Kyiv City State Administration.

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  • MAKARENKO Oleksandr Mykolayovych

    MAKARENKO Oleksandr Mykolayovych - Academician of the International Academy of Education and Science, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Medical Disciplines



    Total work experience - 45 years

    He is a full member of a number of international professional organizations and societies:

    Since 1992 - International Academy of Pathology (IAP).

    Since 1994 - Neurootological and Eqilibriometric Society (NES)

    Since 1994 - International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)

     In 2020 nominated for the honorary award of The International Stress and Beharior Society (ISBS) (Fellor-Elect)

    Fluent in English and teaching methods to foreign English-speaking students.




    1. Pathophysiology, Test control of knowledge Makarenko AN, Dorofeev VM, Kostenko VA, volume 1, volume 2. Textbook. Orel OSU Publishing House. - Eagle. - 2004.-307-312p.

    2. Neuroimmunology Makarenko OM, Molozhova OS, Pozur VV, Ermak PV A textbook for students of higher educational institutions. Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko National University.-2012.-200p.

    3. Neuroimmunopharneacology.- Hanbook for students. Alexander Makarenko.- LAP Lambert AcadPubl.- Saarberen.-2015.- 165 p.

    4. Medical and pedagogical control in physical culture and sports. Getmantsev SV, Bogush VL, Makarenko OM - educational and methodical manual. - Mykolaiv. - 2020.-190p.


    Articles in international scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science:

    1.Sciatic nerve regeneration after autografting and application of the bone marrowaspirate concentration. Glaiovych I., Savosko S., Labunets I., Utko N., Makarenko O., Chaikovski Y. // Georgian Med.News.-2019.-№ 10 (295) .p145-152

    2. Neuroprotective effect of a new nootropical agent Mitochondin-2. Dronska KA, Vitushynska MV, Chernyk YI, Makarenko AN, Matiytsiv //Physiology. - 2020.-T.66.№1-e.3-9

    3.Coutaibution of Glia Celis Specifically Astrocytes in the Pathology of Depression: Immunohistochemical Study in Different Brain Areas.//Eldomiathly M., Petrov Ph., Makarenko A., Almasry SA, Elnagger A., Hassan AZ // Folia Morphologica.- 2020.-vol.79.-№3.-p.419-428

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  • TROFIMENKO Serhiy Petrovych

    TROFIMENKO Serhiy Petrovych - Associate Professor of the Department of General Medical Disciplines (SMD), Candidate of Medical Sciences



    He graduated in 1987 from Kyiv O. Bogomolets Medical Institute, majoring in "medical business". Specialist - surgeon. After completing an internship at Brovary District Hospital, he worked from 1987 to 1994 at the Central District Hospital in Boyarka, Kyiv-Sviatoshynskyi District, Kyiv Region. He studied from 1992 to 1994 in a clinical internship at the O. Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, majoring in "surgery" at the Department of Surgery of the Faculty of Dentistry. After graduating from the residency he worked as an assistant at the Department of Surgery of the Faculty of Dentistry of O. Bogomolets NMU from 1994 to 2009.

    He defended his dissertation in 2000 "Origin, treatment, prevention of postoperative recurrence of endemic goiter and hypothyroidism."

    In 2009 he was elected associate professor of surgery at the Faculty of Dentistry of O. Bogomolets NMU. Working at the department, he was engaged in scientific and pedagogical work, conducted consultative and medical work on the basis of KMKL № 15, KMKLSHMD of the city of Kyiv. from 1994 to 2017. From 2017 to 2019 he worked in private medical centers "Agapit", "100% LIVE" as the head of the surgical unit and a surgeon.

    Since December 2020, I have been working at the Department of General Medical Disciplines of IAPM as an associate professor of the department.

    Research interests: modern methods of teaching disciplines in higher educational institutions, the use of the latest technologies in teaching disciplines, modern methods of treating patients with acute and chronic surgical pathology.



    Articles in professional publications:

    1. Патогенез, хірургічне лікування та профілактика рецидиву зоба - “Клінічна хірургія”, № 3, 1999.- С.31-33 // Черенько М.П., Трофименко С.П.

    2. До походження та лікування рецидивів нетоксичного зоба. - Збірник наукових робіт ІІ конгресу хірургів України, Київ-Донецк, “Клінічна хірургія”, 1998..- С. 566-567 // Черенько М.П., Трофименко С.П., Антонів В.Р.

    3. Причини виникнення. лікування та профілактика післяопераційного рецидивного зобу - Збірник робіт наукової конференції, присвяченої 80-річчю з дня народження академіка О.О.Шалімова “Актуальні проблеми панкреатогепатобіліарноної та судинної хірургії”, Київ, “Клінічна хірургія”.-1998.- С. 400-402. // Черенько М.П., Трофименко С.П

    4. Стратегія в діагностиці та хірургічному лікуванні і профілактиці післяопераційних рецидивів зобу і гіпотиреозу - Львівський медичний часопис,Том V, № 4.-1999.- С.40-43 // Черенько М.П., Трофименко С.П

    5. До питання патогенезу післяопераційних рецидивів зобу - Український науково-медичний молодіжний журнал, № 3, Київ. - 1999.- С.24-26. // Черенько М.П., Трофименко С.П

    6. Сучасні підходи у лікуванні гострого холециститу - Матеріали конференції “Нові технології в хірургії”, 27-28 листопада 2002.- С.224 // Тутченко М.І., Слонецький Б.І., Трофименко С.П., Лисенко В.М., Мохамед Х.С. Хассан

    7. Хірургічне лікування гострого холециститу у пацієнтів з високим операційним ризиком - “Хірургія України”- 2002, № 2 - C- 84-85 // Тутченко М.І., Слонецький Б.І., Трофименко С.П, Мохамед Х.С. Хассан

    8. Окремі аспекти втручання при виконанні лапароскопічної холецистектомії - “Хірургія України”- 2002, № 2 - C- 55-56 // ., Слонецький Б.І., Трофименко С.П, Мохамед Х.С. Хассан

    9. Нові технології в хірургічному лікуванні гриж живота - Матеріали І Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю “Нові технології в хірургічному лікуванні гриж живота”, 18 квітня 2003р.-С.105 // Фелештинський Я.П., Тутченко М.І., Інатовський Ю.В., Піотрович С.М,. Трофименко С.П.

    10. Особливості гемодінаміки при лапароскопічній холецистектомії у пацієнтів з високим ступенем операційного ризику - Наукова-практична конференція “Нове в хірургії ХХІ століття”. Матеріали конференції.- “Хірургія України”- 2003, № 3 - C- 64-65 // Слонецький Б.І., Тутченко М.І., Трофименко С.П., Мохамед Х.С. Хассан

    11. Лечение гнойно-деструктивных осложнений острых хирургических заболеваний и повреждений органов брюшной полости “Хірургія України” - 2005, № 4 (16). С.90-93. // Тутченко Н.И., Светличный Э.В., Трофименко С.П.

    12. Профілактика тромбоемболічних ускладнень у хворих з післяопераційними вентральними грижами з використанням клексана. - Матеріали ІIІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю «Сучасні способи хірургічного лікування гриж живота». Київ 14-15 квітня 2006р.-С.20-21. // Тутченко М.І., Піотрович С.М., Трофименко С.П., Мусієнко А.В., Коломієць П.В.

    13. Шляхи профілактики реперфузійних уражень тонкої кишки при гострому порушенні мезентеріального кровообігу.- Вісник Української медичної стоматологічної академії 2007, Том 7, -№ 1-2.-С.160-162 // Слонецький Б.І., Максименко М.В., Трофименко С.П., Руадзе О.О

    14. Негативні передумови хірургічного лікування гострої ішемії кишечника у людей похилого та старечого віку - Матеріали симпозіуму “Проблемні питання медицини невідкладних станів” (V школа-семінар).- 05-06 квітня 2007 р.- Київ.- с. 132-133 // Слонецький Б.І., Максименко М.В., Трофименко С.П., Руадзе О.О

    15. Мікробіологічні ракурси перебігу гострого калькульозного холециститу у хворих з високим ризиком оперативного втручання - Український журнал екстремальної медицини ім. Г.О.Можаєва.-2003.-№1.-С.42-45 // Слонецький Б.І., Трофименко С.П.,  Мохамед Хасан С.Х..

    16. Деякі аспекти лікування защемлених кил черевної стінки.- Матеріали І всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю ,,Нові технології в хірургічному лікуванні гриж живота”. К.,  2003.-С.73-74. // Слонецький Б.І., Трофименко С.П, Ночка В.Й., Щур І.В.,

    17. Малоінвазивні операції під контролем ультразвукової доплерографії в лікуванні хворих  з абсцесами печінки. - Клінічна хірургія”, № 1, 2009.- С.14-17. // Тутченко М.І., Светлічний Е.В., Трофименко С.П, Ткаченко О.О.

    18. Интервенционная сонография у пострадавших с политравмой - ІІІ Всеукраинская науч. практ. конф. «Полі травма – сучасна концепція надання медичної допомоги» - Сбірн. наук. праць.- 2006г.-с.18-19. // Тутченко Н.И.,Заруцкий Я.З., Барамия Н.Н., Светличный Э.В., Трофименко С.П,

    19. Застосування пункційно-дренувальних втручань під контролем ультразвукового дослідження в лікуванні псевдокіст підшлункової залози - “Клінічна хірургія”, № 6 , 2011, с. 62-64 // Тутченко М.І., Светлічний Е.В., Трофименко С.П.. //

    20. Гангрена Фурнье - Український журнал Хірургія, № 6, 2011, с. 118-121// Трофименко С.П.. Васильчук О.В., Крикливий Л.П., Яковченко Ю.В.

     21. .Лікувальна тактика при відмороженнях - Екстрена медицина: від науки до практики, № 3(04), 2013, с. 45 -51// Трофименко С.П.., Яковенко Ю.В., Кіндрачук В.І

    22. Сучасний погляд на інтенсивну терапію шлунково-кишкової кровотечі - Клінічна. хірургія. - 2015. - № 10. - С. 11-14.// М. І. Тутченко, Д. В. Рудик, Н. І. Іскра, С. П. Трофименко, І. В. Щур


    Patents and inventions:

    1. The method of applying clamps on the duct of the gallbladder - Patent 57409 A Ukraine 7 IPC A61B17 / 00 Publ. 16.06.20003.- Bul.-2003. - № 6.- P.4.25 - Tutchenko M.I., Lysenko V.M., Slonetsky B.I., S.P. Trofimenko, Mohamed H.S. Hassan

    2. The method of surgical correction of femoral ring insufficiency in patients with inguinal hernia - Patent of Ukraine №68142 A from 15.07.2004 - Slonetsky B.I., Harpola A.Ya., Trofimenko S.P.

    3. A method of modeling acute mesenteric ischemia. - Patent of Ukraine for a utility model № 21647 dated 15.03.2007 - Slonetsky BI, Trofimenko SP Maksimenko MV, Shushkevich Yu.M.

    4. Method of modeling acute mesenteric ischemia - Patent of Ukraine for utility model № 21647 from 15.03.2008 - Slonetsky BI, Maksymenko MV, Shushkevich YM, Trofimenko SP, Ruadze OO Kurtanidze ZA

    5. Method of tying the vessel of the intestinal mesentery after removal of the catheter - Patent of Ukraine for utility model № 21107 from 15.02.2007. - Slonetsky BI, Trofimenko SP Maksimenko MV, Gavrilenko NI, Shushkevich Yu.M., Ruadze OO


    Certification training:

    Training at the faculty of advanced training of teachers of higher medical educational institutions of the Institute of Postgraduate Education "Modern methods of teaching based on the competence approach in higher medical education surgery" at the O. Bogomolets National Medical University from 22.05 to 08.06 2017.

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  • KUZNETSOVA Larysa Volodymyrivna

    KUZNETSOVA Larysa Volodymyrivna, Doctor of Medicine, Professor of the Department of General Medical Disciplines




    In 1963 she entered the O. Bogomolets Kyiv Medical Institute to the Faculty of Pediatrics, graduated in 1969 and entered post-graduate school at the Kiev F.G. Janowski Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology in the Department of Immunology and Allergology.

    In 1985 she defended her dissertation, and was accepted to the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology at the P.L. Shupik National Academy of Postgraduate Education. She defended her doctoral dissertation in 2006. In 2007 she received a doctorate and the title of professor. From 2005 to 2015 she was the head of the Department of Clinical, Laboratory Immunology and Allergology.


    Research activities

    Supervisor of 13 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations. Author of 5 textbooks and more than 950 scientific papers.

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  • SISETSKY Andrey Petrovich

    SISETSKY Andrey Petrovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Medical Disciplines.

    Specialization-cardiology, rehabilitation, sports medicine. Cardiologist  of the highest category.



    1984 - Vinnytsia Medical Institute. Honors degree

    1991 - 1999 - Ukrainian N.D. Strazhesko Research Institute of Cardiology, researcher at the Department of Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease.

    Candidate of Medical Sciences (cardiology): "Functional activity of erythrocytes in the treatment of heart failure with mildronate in patients with coronary heart disease."

    1991 – The dissertation for the degree of doctor of medical sciences in cardiology, psychology: "Predictors of destabilization in patients with angina pectoris III FC, hypertension II, somatoform disorders and their correction. ”

    Since 1999 - Rehabilitation Center, cardiologist, rehabilitation specialist.

    1999-2018 - Kyiv City Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital №1.

    1999-2002 - Center for medical and social rehabilitation of the mentally ill, cardiologist, rehabilitation specialist. KMKETS, cardiologist.

    2001-2005 - Ukrainian-English charity organization "Care for the Elderly", cardiologist, rehabilitation specialist.

    From 2002 to 2010 - National Medical University named after OO Bogomolets, assistant of the department of therapy.

    From 2018 - Ukrainian-German clinic, cardiologist, rehabilitation specialist.

    2000 -2010 - International Rehabilitative Group, cardiologist, rehabilitologist.

    Since 2008 - The highest qualification category in the specialty of cardiology, confirmed in 2018.

    Medical experience of 36 years. The general pedagogical experience is 22 years.

    Research activities

    Author of 127 scientific works, 2 monographs, 2 patents.

    Soros Foundation grant. 1990.

    Grant from Cambridge University. 1995.

    Advanced training

    1.КМАПО. Specialization in sports medicine. Certificate №49. 2001

    2. Course: "Pharmacological correction in cardiac rehabilitation". 2002

    3. Course "Psychological aspects of cardiac rehabilitation". 2004.

    4. Course "Kinesiotherapy in cardiac rehabilitation". 2009.

    5. Method of image-associative correction. 2013

    6. Method of landscape-like kinesiotherapy. 2014

    7. Rehabilitation of anti-terrorist operation participants and volunteers. Lectures. Seminars. 2015

    8. Course "Image-associative correction and landscape-image kinesiotherapy in cardiac rehabilitation". 2015

    9. Course "Cardioholographic modeling". 2016

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  • ANDRIENKO Oleksandr Pavlovych

    ANDRIENKO Oleksandr Pavlovych, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Medical Disciplines

    Specialization: human anatomy, radiology.

    Email: [email protected]


    O.Bogomolets Kyiv State Medical University; postgraduate study at the Department of Anatomy, Kyiv State Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences science;

    Until 2015, a teacher of human anatomy at O. Bogomolets NMU.

    In 2015 he completed an internship at the Kyiv Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians (KMAPE) in the specialty "radiation diagnostics".

    Since 2016 - radiation therapist of the Kyiv Regional Dispensary,

    Since 2017 - radiologist-diagnostician of the Kyiv Scientific Center of Radiation Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,

    Scientific work: author of 25 scientific papers in professional journals and conference proceedings.

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  • GLUKH Oleg Ivanovich

    GLUKH Oleg Ivanovich, dermatovenereologist, assistant of the department of general medical disciplines.



    He studied at Odessa State University, majoring in medicine. He graduated from the university in 1998 and received a doctor's degree. He later specialized in dermatovenereology. He has the highest qualification category in dermatovenereology, which was confirmed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in 2017.

    Practical work experience in the specialty - 23 years.

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