SKIBINSKA Tetyana Rostislavivna

SKIBINSKA Tetyana Rostislavivna is the Head of the Department of General Medical Disciplines, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor


Since July 2020, he has been acting Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry.



In 1995 graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University with a degree in histology, cytology, embryology with the right to teach at the university. Since 1999 he has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Histology and Embryology. In February 2010 was awarded the academic title of "Associate Professor". T. Skibinska is a highly qualified teacher, conducts practical classes with students of medical-psychological, dental faculty. He delivers a course of lectures on general and special histology.

Total experience comprises 33 years. The total pedagogical experience is 22 years. Enjoys respect and authority among colleagues and students, disciplined, proactive.

T. Skibinska takes an active part in the scientific work of the department. Honestly performs his functional duties, constantly improves her scientific and professional level of knowledge. She has 67 scientific works. She is a co-author of 5 textbooks, 20 scientific papers. Google Scholar Index – 2.

In 2018, she underwent long-term professional development of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions lasting 108 academic hours (3 ECTS credits) and scored 164 points out of 200 maximum possible (certificate GDNP 18074).

In June 2020, a short-term professional development of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions lasting 30 academic hours (1 ECTS credits) took place. (certificate GDNP 20700 from 05.06.2020 Topic: "English for professional communication and teaching disciplines").


Research interests:

His research interests are devoted to the problems of histology, cytology of embryology, methodological issues, problems of higher school pedagogy. For several years she worked in the historical archives of Kyiv, studying the history of the formation of histology and the formation of histological schools.

For more than 15 years he has participated in international competitions "Eko-intel", works with gifted youth, is a member of the jury of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.



1. Test tasks in histology, cytology and embryology. General histology. N. Melnyk, Y. Tchaikovsky, L. Zaprivoda, G. Kozak, V. Raskaley, N. Ritikova, T. Skibinskaya. Textbook. Book-Plus Publishing House, Kyiv, 2019, 180 p

2. Test tasks in histology, cytology and embryology. Special histology. N. Melnyk, Y.Tchai1kovsky, O. Bozhko, L.Bidna., L. Zaprivoda. G. Kozak, V. Raskaley, N. Ritikova, T. Skibinskaya. Tutorial. Book-Plus Publishing House, Kyiv, 2018, 255 p.




List of scientific publications included in the list of professional publications of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


1.Scientist, teacher, organizer (to the 120th anniversary of the histologist, embryologist, parasitologist Semyon Dmitriyevich Shakhov).

Chaikovskiy Yu.B.,  Sokurenko L. M.


 2. Sokurenko, T.Skibinskaya, L.Shobat, Yu.Chaikovsky 150 Years of Histology and Embryology in Kiev Abstracts from the 9th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA), September 9–12, 2017 Innsbruck, Austria Surg Radiol Anat (2018) 40 (Suppl 1): 45.

3. Гистология. Труднее ли ее учить сегодня? Т.Р. Скибинская, Л.М. Сокуренко, Л.Б. Шобат, Ю.Б. Чайковский // Світ медицини та біології. – Полтава, 2017. – Т. 3.(61) – С. 204-208. 10.26724/2079-8334-2017-3-61-204-208 (Web of science).

4. Зміни фібринолітичної активності тканин на фоні субхронічної інтоксикації хлористим талієм у білих щурів. Olievska S.K.., Skibinskaya T.R. Participaling  in the International Scientific and Practical Conference & Prospects for the development of medicine in eu countries and Ukraine (21-22 december 2018), Wloclavek, Poland, P.92-95.

5. Sokurenko L.M. , Skibinskaya T.R. , Korsak А.V. Correction of organic mercury сytotoxicity species in human glioblasts (U-373 MG) BY MILDRONATUM The neurotoxic effects of lead nanoparticles. NEURONUS 2016 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum (22-24 April 2016), Krakow, Poland C95-96.

6. Зірки та тернії шляху кафедри гістології та ембріології (до 175-річчя Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця) / Т.Р. Скибінська, Л.М. Сокуренко, Ю.Б. Чайковський // Світ медицини та біології. – Полтава, 2016. – Т. 1.(55) – С. 209-217.


Articles in international scientometric databases SCOPUS, Web of Science


1. Histology. Is it harder to teach her today? T.R. Skibinskaya, LM Sokurenko, LB Shobat, Yu.B. Tchaikovsky // World of Medicine and Biology. - Poltava, 2017. - Vol. 3. (61) - P. 204-208. 10.26724 / 2079-8334-2017-3-61-204-208 (Web of science)


Major publications by direction


1.Тестові завдання з гістології, цитології та ембріології. Загальна гістологія. Мелник Н.О., Чайковський Ю.Б., Запривода Л.П., Козак Г.І., Раскалєй В.Б., Ритікова Н.В., Скібінська Т.Р., Навчальний посібник. Видатництво «Книга-плюс», Київ, 2019 р., 180 с.

2. Scientist, teacher, organizer (to the 120th anniversary of the histologist, embryologist, parasitologist Semyon Dmitriyevich Shakhov).

Chaikovskiy Yu.B.,  Sokurenko L. M.


2. Sokurenko, T.Skibinskaya, L.Shobat, Yu.Chaikovsky 150 Years of Histology and Embryology in Kiev Abstracts from the 9th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA), September 9–12, 2017 Innsbruck, Austria Surg Radiol Anat (2018) 40 (Suppl 1): 45.

3.Тестові завдання з гістології, цитології та ембріології. Спеціальна гістологія. Мелник Н.О., Чайковський Ю.Б., Божко О.г., Бідна Л.П., Запривода Л.П., Козак Г.І., Раскалєй В.Б., Ритікова Н.В., Скібінська Т.Р.,та ін. Навчальний посібник. Видатництво «Книга-плюс», Київ, 2018 р.,255 с.

4.Зміни фібринолітичної активності тканин на фоні субхронічної інтоксикації хлористим талієм у білих щурів. Olievska S.K.., Skibinskaya T.R. Participaling  in the International Scientific and Practical Conference & Prospects for the development of medicine in eu countries and Ukraine (21-22 december 2018), Wloclavek, Poland, P.92-95.

4. Sokurenko L.M. , Skibinskaya T.R. , Korsak А.V. Correction of organic mercury сytotoxicity species in human glioblasts (U-373 MG) BY MILDRONATUM The neurotoxic effects of lead nanoparticles. NEURONUS 2016 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum (22-24 April 2016), Krakow, Poland C95-96.А

5. Зірки та тернії шляху кафедри гістології та ембріології (до 175-річчя Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця) / Т.Р. Скибінська, Л.М. Сокуренко, Ю.Б. Чайковський // Світ медицини та біології. – Полтава, 2016. – Т. 1.(55) – С. 209-217.

6. Дослідження ефективності вивчення гістології, цитології та ембріології студентами-медиками Т. Р. Скибінська, О. В. Скибінський, Л. М. Сокуренко Актуальні питання якості медичної освіти (з дистанційним під’єднанням ВМ(Ф)НЗ України за допомогою відеоконференц-зв’язку) : матеріали XIII Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. з міжнар.участю (Тернопіль, 12–13 трав. 2016 р.) : у 2 т. / Терноп. держ. мед. ун-т ім. І. Я. Горбачевського. – Тернопіль : ТДМУ, 2016. – Т. 1. – 348 с./С.273

7. Гистология. Труднее ли ее учить сегодня? Т.Р. Скибинская, Л.М. Сокуренко, Л.Б. Шобат, Ю.Б. Чайковский // Світ медицини та біології. – Полтава, 2017. – Т. 3.(61) – С. 204-208. 10.26724/2079-8334-2017-3-61-204-208 (Web of science)

8. Сокуренко Л. М. Професоръ Владиміръ Бецъ въ Кіевѣ / Л. М. Сокуренко, Т. Р. Скибинская, Е. Ю. Кваско // Фундаментальна та клінічна медицина: матеріали наук.-практ. конф. – Киев, 2015. – С. 53–54.

9. Skybinska T.R. , Sokurenko L.M. , Olievska S.K., Apychtina E.L. The neurotoxic effects of lead nanoparticles. NEURONUS 2016 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum (22-24 April 2016), Krakow, Poland P.87.

Participation in conferences and seminars


1. NEURONUS 2016 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum (22-24 April 2016), Krakow, Poland


2. 150 Years of Histology and Embryology in Kiev Abstracts from the 9th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA), September 9–12, 2017 Innsbruck, Austria Surg Radiol Anat (2018) 40 (Suppl 1): 45. https: //


3. Current issues of quality of medical education (with remote connection of VM (F) NZ of Ukraine by means of videoconferencing): materials XIII All-Ukrainian. scientific-practical conf. with international participation (Ternopil, May 12-13, 2016): in 2 volumes / Ternopil. state honey. Univ. Gorbachevsky. - Ternopil.


4. Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference & Prospects for the development of medicine in eu countries and Ukraine (21-22 December 2018), Wloclavek, Poland,


5. VIII NATIONAL CONGRESS OF PATHOPHYSIOLOGISTS OF UKRAINE with international participation "Pathological physiology - health care of Ukraine", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Odessa School of Pathophysiology on May 13-15, 2020, Odessa.


Advanced training


1. In 2018, she passed a long-term professional development of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions lasting 108 academic hours (3 ECTS credits) and scored 164 points out of 200 maximum possible (certificate GDNP 18074).


2. In June 2020, a short-term professional development of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions lasting 30 academic hours (1 ECTS credits) took place. (certificate GDNP 20700 from 05.06.2020 Topic: "English for professional communication and teaching disciplines").




Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,

Thanks for the work in the jury of the All-Ukrainian competition "Eco-Ukraine 2020". February 4-07, 2020, NENC, Kyiv.

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