The psychological service provides psychological support for all participants in the educational process and the implementation of developmental, preventive, educational, and correctional programs, taking into account the individual, gender, and age characteristics of students and all employees of the institute in terms of mental health.
In its activities, the psychological service of IAPM is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", other laws of Ukraine, resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Regulations on the Psychological Service in the Education System of Ukraine, and the Charter of the Academy.
The purpose of the psychological service is to ensure timely and systematic study of the psychophysical development of students, the motives of their behavior and activities, taking into account age, intellectual, physical, gender and other individual characteristics; to promote the creation of conditions for the implementation of educational and upbringing tasks of educational institutions, social and intellectual development of students, mental health care, providing psychological and socio-pedagogical support to all participants in the educational process, respectively.
Tasks of the Psychological Service:
- daily psychological assistance and emotional support for participants in the educational process;
- improving the psychological culture of all participants in the educational process, humanizing relationships in the teams of students and academic staff, and helping to find ways to solve psychological problems;
- participation in providing an adaptive and comfortable educational space for higher education students, providing psychological and pedagogical support for their formation and development;
- providing affordable and high-quality services in the field of practical psychology aimed at preserving and strengthening the psychological health of all participants in the educational process;
- promoting the full personal development of applicants and creating the right psychological conditions for them to be motivated to learn, self-realize their creative abilities, self-educate and develop themselves.
Principles of the Psychological Service:
- priority of universal spiritual values;
- social determinism;
- accessibility;
- humanistic orientation;
- flexibility;
- scientific and competent;
- information sufficiency;
- feedback;
- unity of psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection;
- dialogic interaction between client and psychologist;
- personality-oriented approach;
- confidentiality;
- business initiative;
- continuing professional development;
- independence from political parties, public and religious organizations.
The types of work of the Psychological Service are:
- psychological counseling;
- psychodiagnostics;
- psychoprophylaxis;
- psychocorrection;
- psychological education;
- organizational and methodological work.
Risk assessment at workplaces
Every working person is exposed to certain risks during the performance of his work duties. There is a possibility of damage to the employee's health, which is determined by the degree of harmfulness and danger of working conditions and the scientific and technical state of production.
Risk is a combination of the probability of damage caused by a hazard and the possible magnitude of this damage. Risk is a measure of danger. Risk factors can be, for example, noise, slippery floors, chemicals or forced working posture.
When starting to identify hazards at the workplace, it is necessary to identify all the hazards that can lead to an accident, predict the severity of the consequences and the probability of an injury, illness, accident, or fire.
Systematic identification of hazards makes it possible to detect and eliminate them in a timely manner. Sources of danger can be technology, work organization, employee behavior, natural phenomena, and others. The risk can be acceptable or unacceptable. In the OHSAS 18001 standard, the term "safety" is defined as the absence of unacceptable risk. This means that the employee must know what safety measures should be applied in order not to exceed the level of acceptable risk. Supervisors and workers must be able to identify and assess risk.
Risk assessment refers to the identification of hazards arising in the work process, hazards, determination of the magnitude and significance of emerging risks. Risk assessment is the most effective preventive measure. When assessing risks, not only adverse events and accidents that happened earlier are taken into account, but also hazards that have not yet caused adverse consequences.
Thus, risk assessment allows you to identify the risks inherent in this work before they cause an accident or cause other harm to the employee. Risk assessment is a continuous and systematic process. It is carried out in stages, taking into account previously identified dangers that arose during work. If these hazards cannot be completely eliminated, their risk to the health and safety of workers should be assessed. Based on the assessment, informed decisions can be made to improve security.
An occupational risk assessment should be carried out before the start-up of the equipment, the introduction of the workplace into operation, and subsequently - in the event of changes in the design of the equipment, work organization, technological process, in the event of an accident or injury to an employee. The employee must be familiar with the results of risk identification and assessment and the measures taken to reduce them.
The decision to carry out a risk assessment is made by the manager. Risk assessment at the enterprise can be carried out by the forces of the labor protection service operating at it and the department responsible for the development of production. At the same time, you can form a separate evaluation group. The participation of employees in risk assessment is very important, as the risks to which employees are exposed are assessed. As an auxiliary force, the employer engages specialists in the assessment of such risks, about which he himself does not have sufficient information, also, he can use the help of specialists to assess special risks. Such are, for example, risks associated with psychological stress, use of harmful chemicals.
Therefore, risk assessment consists in a comprehensive and systematic identification of hazards and determination of the magnitude of risks. The overall goal of risk assessment is to increase the level of occupational safety.
The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management complies with all established requirements of Ukrainian and European legislation.
A guide to risk assessment in the workplace
On the approval of the Methodology of the employer's implementation of occupational safety and hygiene measures based on a risk-oriented approach
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Schedule of consultations of a practical psychologist
Responsible Fedosova L.O. (050-699-16-23)
Room 29. building 23 Or a ZOOM conference
Room 29 building 23. Or a ZOOM conference
Vidpovidalna Raevska Ya.M. (096-668-09-58)
Room 21 . building 23 Or ZOOM conference
Room 21. building 23. Or ZOOM conference
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Educational and scientific laboratories: