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 Світова наукова періодика у наукометричній  базі даних Scopus:

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Наукова періодика України у наукометричній базі даних Scopus та Web of science:

Інформація за посиланням: https://openscience.in.ua/ua-journals?fbclid=IwAR3JJ1a8vx2NEhHFKdCi-i3gEPthrHw3vvGYvUGv8TEURfZqcWUkPP5aCnc

Перелік українських видань станом  на 2022 рік, які індексуються  в SCOPUS за даними SCIMAGO.

На сайті SCImago Journal & Country Rank оновлено рейтинги періодичних видань 

До оновленого Scientific Journal Rankings  увійшло 102 українських журнали (за посиланням

Q1 - 2 журнали:

Progress in Physics of Metals

History of Science and Technology

Q2 - 11 журналів:

Nuclear and Radiation Safety

Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)

Mining of Mineral Deposits

Carpathian Mathematical Publications

Lex Portus

Problems and Perspectives in Management

Banks and Bank Systems

Access to Justice in Eastern Europe

East European Journal of Psycholinguistics



При подачі статей до видань, які індексуються в наукометричній базі Scopus

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Frometivska str., 2, Kyiv, Ukraine

Affiliation ID: 60104694

Якщо Вам потрібна допомога по перевірці видання або якщо маєте сумніви у заповненні анкетних даних  авторів при подачі до журналу, звертайтесь, до Центру організації наукової роботи та інновацій в освітньому процесі [email protected]


публікацій науково-педагогічних працівників МАУП, що рекомендовано для цитування у виданнях, що індексуються в Scopus, у 2024 році (січень)
(рекомендуємо орієнтуватися на цитування від ДВОХ-ТРЬОХ публікацій з наданого переліку, в яких ви не є співавтором).

  1. Hutsaliuk, O., Koval, V., Tsimoshynska, O., Koval, M., Skyba, H.Risk (2020) Management of Forming Enterprises Integration Corporate Strategy,TEM Journal,9(4), pp. 1514-1523
  2. Jiang, Y., Havrysh, V., Klymchuk, O., (...), Balezentis, T., Streimikiene, D. (2019). Utilization of Crop Residue for Power Generation: The Case of Ukraine. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(24),7004
  3. Kostiukevych, R., Mishchuk, H., Zhidebekkyzy, A., Nakonieczny, J., Akimov, O. (2020). The impact of european integration processes on the investment potential and institutional maturity of rural communities, Economics and Sociology, 13(3), pp. 46-63
  4. Iatsyshyn, A., Iatsyshyn, A., Kovach, V., (...), Radchenko, O., Turevych, A. (2020). Application of open and specialized geoinformation systems for computer modelling studying by students and PhD students . CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2732, pp. 893-908
  5. Akimov, O., Troschinsky, V., Karpa, M., Ventsel, V., Akimova, L.  (2020). International experience of public administration in the area of national security . Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issuesб, 23(3), pp. 1-7
  6. Bakhov, I., Opolska, N., Bogus, M., Anishchenko, V., Biryukova, Y. (2021). Emergency distance education in the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic: Experience of Ukrainian universities. Education Sciences, 11(7),364
  7. Bazaluk, O., Yatsenko, O., Zakharchuk, O., (...), Khrystenko, O., Nitsenko, V. (2020). Dynamic development of the global organic food market and opportunities for Ukraine, Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(17),6963
  8. Akimov, O., Karpa, M., Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, O., Kupriichuk, V., & Omarov, A. (2021). Entrepreneurship education of the formation of the e-commerce managers professional qualities. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 25(7) Retrieved from www.scopus.com
  9. Kryshtanovych, M., Akimova, L., Akimov, O., Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, O., & Omarov, A. (2022). Features of creative burnout among educational workers in public administration system. Creativity Studies, 15(1), 116-129. doi:10.3846/cs.2022.15145
  10. Kovaleva, V., Bukhteeva, I., Kit, O.Y., Nesmelova, I.V. (2020).  Plant defensins from a structural perspective. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(15),5307, pp. 1-23
  11. Popovych, I., Halian, I., Pavliuk, M., Kononenko, A., Hrys, A., & Tkachuk, T. (2022). Emotional quotient in the structure of mental burnout of athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(2), 337-345. doi:10.7752/jpes.2022.02043
  12. Popovych, I., Pavliuk, M., Hrys, A., Sydorenko, O., Fedorenko, A., & Khanetska, T. (2021). Pre-game expected mental states in men’s mini-football teams: A comparative analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(2), 772-782. doi:10.7752/jpes.2021.02096
  13. Kotenko, S., Nitsenko, V., Hanzhurenko, I., & Havrysh, V. (2020). The mathematical modeling stages of combining the carriage of goods for indefinite, fuzzy and stochastic parameters. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12(7), 173-180. doi:10.30880/ijie.2020.12.07.019
  14. Shytyk, L., & Akimova, A. (2020). Ways of transferring the internal speech of characters: Psycholinguistic projection. Psycholinguistics, 27(2), 361-384. doi:10.31470/2309-1797-2020-27-2-361-384
  15. Hubanova, T., Shchokin, R., Hubanov, O., Antonov, V., Slobodianiuk, P., & Podolyaka, S. (2021). Information technologies in improving crime prevention mechanisms in the border regions of southern Ukraine. Journal of Information Technology Management, 13, 75-90. doi:10.22059/JITM.2021.80738
  16. Popov, O. O., Iatsyshyn, A. V., Iatsyshyn, A. V., Kovach, V. O., Artemchuk, V. O., Gurieiev, V. O., . . . Kiv, A. E. (2021). Immersive technology for training and professional development of nuclear power plants personnel. Paper presented at the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, , 2898 230-254.
  17. Novak, A., Pravdyvets, O., Chornyi, O., Sumbaieva, L., Akimova, L., & Akimov, O. (2022). FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY IN THE FIELD OF FINANCIAL MARKETS AT THE STAGE OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 7(5) doi:10.26668/businessreview/2022.v7i5.e835
  18. Popovych, I., Semenov, O., Hrys, A., Aleksieieva, M., Pavliuk, M., & Semenova, N. (2022). Research on mental states of weightlifters’ self-regulation readiness for competitions. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(5), 1134-1144. doi:10.7752/jpes.2022.05143
  19. Levytska, O., Mulska, O., Ivaniuk, U., (...), Vasyltsiv, T., Lupak, R. (2020). Modelling the conditions affecting population migration activity in the eastern european region: The case of Ukraine. TEM Journal, 9(2), pp. 507-514
  20. Levytska, S., Pershko, L., Akimova, L., Akimov, O., Havrilenko, K., & Kucherovskii, O. (2022). A risk-oriented approach in the system of internal auditing of the subjects of financial monitoring. International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Accounting, 14(2), 194-206. doi:10.33094/ijaefa.v14i2.715
  21. Atstaja, D., Koval, V., Grasis, J., Kalina, I., Kryshtal, H., & Mikhno, I. (2022). Sharing model in circular economy towards rational use in sustainable production. Energies, 15(3) doi:10.3390/en15030939
  22. Bondarenko, S., Halachenko, O., Shmorgun, L., Volokhova, I., Khomutenko, A., & Krainov, V. (2021). The effectiveness of network systems in providing project maturityof public management. TEM Journal, 10(1), 272-282. doi:10.18421/TEM101-34
  23. Tsimoshynska, O., Koval, M., Kryshtal, H., Filipishyna, L., Arsawan, W. E., & Koval, V. (2021). Investing in road construction infrastructure projects under public-private partnership in the form of concession. [Інвестування інфраструктурних проектів будівництва доріг за державно-приватного партнерства у формі концесії] Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, (2), 184-192. doi:10.33271/nvngu/2021-2/184
  24. Popov, O. O., Kyrylenko, Y. O., Kameneva, I. P., Iatsyshyn, A. V., Iatsyshyn, A. V., Kovach, V. O., . . . Kiv, A. E. (2022). The use of specialized software for liquid radioactive material spills simulation to teach students and postgraduate students. Paper presented at the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, , 3085 306-322.  .
  25. Klochan, V., Piliaiev, I., Sydorenko, T., Khomutenko, V., Solomko, A., & Tkachuk, A. (2021). Digital platforms as a tool for the transformation of strategic consulting in public administration. Journal of Information Technology Management, 13, 42-61. doi:10.22059/JITM.2021.80736
  26. Dudnik, A., Kuzmych, L., Trush, O., (...), Leshchenko, O., Vyshnivskyi, V. (2020).Smart Home Technology Network Construction Method and Device Interaction organization Concept, 2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on System Analysis and Intelligent Computing, SAIC 2020, 9239220
  27. Gurieiev, V., Kutsan, Y., Iatsyshyn, A., (...), Artemchuk, V., Popov, O. (2020).Simulating systems for advanced training and professional development of energy specialists in power sector CEUR Workshop Proceedings,2732, pp. 693-708.
  28. Dutchak, S., Opolska, N., Shchokin, R., Durman, O., Shevtsiv, M. (2020). International aspects of legal regulation of information relations in the global internet network Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 23(3), pp. 1-7
  29. Semenets-Orlova, I., Shevchuk, R., Plish, B., Moshnin, A., Chmyr, Y., & Poliuliakh, R. (2022). Human-centered approach in new development tendencies of value-oriented public administration: Potential of education. Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 67(5), 899-906. doi:10.46852/0424-2513.5.2022.25
  30. Koliadenko, N. V., Zhyvago, K. S., & Bursa, A. I. (2022). Provision of medical-psychological and psychiatric care to patients with post-covid syndrome in telemedicine conditions. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 21(4), 719-730. doi:10.3329/bjms.v21i4.60256
  31. Bondarenko, S., Bratko, A., Antonov, V., Kolisnichenko, R., Hubanov, O., & Mysyk, A. (2022). Improving the state system of strategic planning of national security in the context of informatization of society. Journal of Information Technology Management, 14, 1-24. doi:10.22059/jitm.2022.88861
  32. Danyliuk, V., Riepina, I., Shafalyuk, O., Kovylina, M., Nitsenko, V. (2020). Functional and investment strategies of technical development of enterprises | [Функциональные и инвестиционные стратегии технического развития предприятий].Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2020(3), pp. 115-121.
  33. Zayed, N. M., Edeh, F. O., Darwish, S., Islam, K. M. A., Kryshtal, H., Nitsenko, V., & Stanislavyk, O. (2022). Human resource skill adjustment in service sector: Predicting dynamic capability in post COVID-19 work environment. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(9) doi:10.3390/jrfm15090402
  34. Nikonenko, U., Shtets, T., Kalinin, A., Dorosh, I., & Sokolik, L. (2022). Assessing the policy of attracting investments in the main sectors of the economy in the context of introducing aspects of industry 4.0. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 17(2), 497-505. doi:10.18280/ijsdp.170214

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