About Academy


Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law

The Department of Administrative Law was established in 1996, from the moment of obtaining the license to train specialists in the specialty "Law", but as an independent began to work since September 1, 2000.

In 2017, it was renamed to the Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law, headed by an experienced specialist Doctor of Laws, Associate Professor Kirill Muravyov.

Deputy Head of Department:

Valentin Bortnik

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor

Professor of the International Academy of Personnel. Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law Prince Vladimir of the Great of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies from March 1993 to March 2005.

He has been working at the Interregional Academy since December 2005.

General scientific pedagogical experience from 1995 till present.

Provides training for private contractors. He is a scientific secretary of the specialized scientific council for the protection of theses for the degree of Candidate of Law. He is the head of the scientific group “Topical problems of administrative, financial and banking law”. He is the author of more than 50 scientific works (including three textbooks and one monograph).

Major scientific publications:

Monograph: Criminal protection of honour and dignity of a person K. Lesia MP, 2016 - 189 p.

1. Security of Entrepreneurs - K: “Lyudmila Publishing House”, 2019.- p. 303 / as a co-author .

2. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the study of honour and dignity of a person as an object of crime // Problems of Modernization of Ukraine. - K .: Staff, 2019. - Issue 8. - P.433-435

3. Honour and dignity as an additional direct object of crime Scientific works. - K .: MAUP. - 2015. - Vip. No. 1 (44). - P. 77-82. Professional Edition.

4. Social connections of social relations, which are the object of crimes against the honour and dignity of the person Our Law. - K .: UNESCO, 2015. - Vip. No. 2. - P. 96-101. Professional Edition.

5. Participants in public relations that are the target of crimes against the honour and dignity of the person European Perspectives. - Drohobych. - 2015. - Vip. No. 3. - P. 101-107. Professional Edition

Certificate of professional development 23.03.2018 PC No. 00127522 / 002633-18;

Topic: Honour and dignity of the person as the main direct object of the crime

Teaching staff of the department:

Julia Lisovska

Candidate of Law Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law Prince Vladimir of the Great Interregional Academy of Personnel Management.

She has more than 50 scientific works including 2 manuals.

Scientific interests include administrative law and cyber security

The main scientific publications of Julia Lisovskaya:

1. Julia Lisovskaya. Administrative and legal support of information security: an international aspect / Julia Lisovskaya // Legea și viața: International scientific and practical legal journal. - 2014. - No. 6/3 (270). - pp. 74–77.

2. Julia Lisovska State Policy of Information Security of Ukraine: Administrative-Legal Aspect / Julia Lisovska // Young scientist: Scientific journal. - 2015. - № 2 (17) - Part 3. - P. 177–180.

3. Julia Lisovska Current issues information confrontation in the modern world / Julia Lisovska // Nauka and Studia - 2015. - № 8 (139). - R. 91–95.

4. Julia Lisovskaya Information security in today's globalized world / Julia Lisovskaya // Bulletin of the BSU. - 2015. - № 2. - P. 93–97. - (History, Economics, Law series).

Elena Makhmurova-Dyshlyuk

Candidate of Law Sciences .

She has been working at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management since September 2019 as Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law.

Main scientific publications of Elena Makhmurova-Dyshlyuk :


Bezzubov D.O., Dobkin K.R., Klyueva E. M., Makhmurova-Dyshlyuk O. P., Ozel V.I., Khokhlenko O. M. , Khokhlenko V. M. Kulinichenko O. S. Administrative and legal guarantees for the safety of navigation in times of armed conflict: monograph / ed. Ph.D. Bezzubov D. O. Kyiv: DUIT, 2019. 220 p.

Publications in professional scientific editions of Ukraine:

Makhmurova-Dishlyuk O. P. Formation and development of the process of ensuring the safety of navigation in times of armed conflict. Scientific works of the National Aviation University. Series: Legal Bulletin "Air and Space Law". - No. 2 (39) / 2016 - P. 1924.

Makhmurova-Dishlyuk O. P. Administrative and legal guarantee of safety of navigation in the period of armed conflicts. Law and Society. - No. 4 Part 2/2018 - P. 120124.

Elena Makhmurova-Dyshlyuk. Counterterrorism mechanism of maritime transportation security. LEGEA ŞI VIAŢA - Publicaţie ştiinţifico-practică. Nr. 12/2 (300) 2016– С. 62-65.

Alexander Bandurka

Doctor of Law, Professor. Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law Prince Vladimir of the Great Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. He is a member of NAAU. Work experience of more than 30 years. Member of the Specialized Academic Council.

He is also a member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals: Rule of Law, European Perspectives.

Main scientific publications of Alexander Bandurka:

1. Bandurka O. O. Monetary policy of Ukraine. European perspectives. Research Practice magazine. K. №4. 2014

2. Bandurka O. O. Environmental tax. Our Law. K. №3 2015

3. Bandurka O. O. "Measures of administrative and legal protection of property" ("European Perspectives", № 1/2017),

4. Bandurka O. O. «Administrative and legal regulation of banking activity in Ukraine» («Prav.ua», №1 / 2017),

5. Bandurka O. O. “Administrative Treaty as a Form of Regulation of Administrative Relations” (“Rule of Law”, No. 2/2017).

Certificate of Excellence March 23, 2018. PC No. 00127522 / 002635-182

Subject: Subjects of administrative offenses.

Yuriy Rusnak

Candidate of Law Sciences. Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law Prince Vladimir of the Great Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Work experience of more than 30 years.

Member of the Kyiv City Council. Member of the Qualification Chamber of the Kyiv City Bar Association

Scientific Advisor to the All-Ukrainian Bar Association.

Certificate of Excellence March 23, 2018 PC 00127535 / 002622-18 Subject: Administrative and legal support of information security in Ukraine.

Main scientific publications Rusnak Yuriy.:

1. Rusnak Yu.I. The influence of political and legal factors on the formation of the investment climate / Yu. I. Rusnak // Law and Society. - 2016. - № 1 (2). - P. 101-105.

2. Rusnak Yu. I. Legal regulation of liquidity and solvency of banks / Yu. I. Rusnak // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod National University. - 2016. - VIP. 36 (2). - P. 58-61.

3. Rusnak Yu. I. Legal regulation of project investment activity: domestic and foreign experience / Yu. Rusnak // Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. - 2015. - Issue 6. Vol. 2. - P. 108-111.

4. Rusnak Yu.I. Features of tactics of interrogation of suspects during the investigation of thefts of oil and oil products from main pipelines // Bulletin of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs named after EO Didorenko. - 2017. - Vip. 2, pp. 260-268.

Today, there are 2 Doctors of Law and 7 Candidates of Law among the employees of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law. Among them is Doctor of Law, Associate Professor Muravyov KV, Doctor of Law, Professor Bandurka OO, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Bortnik VA, Candidate of Law, Professor, Baranov-Mohort SM, Ph.D. of Law Sciences Rusnak Yu., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Gotsalyuk S.Yu., Candidate of Law Lisovska Yu., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Malashchuk DV, Candidate of Law Ostrovna LV , and other employees. Assistant  of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law Rudenok M. I.

The Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law provides the teaching of the disciplines of administrative law, financial and banking. More than 27 subjects are taught in the department's staff. They are:

1. Administrative responsibility.

2. Administrative law.

3. Administrative law and the administrative process in the light of Ukraine's integration with the European Union.

4. Administrative process.

5. Administrative procedures and administrative implementation: problems of correlation

6. Actual problems of administrative and legal regulation in the spheres of public administration and local self-government.

7. Topical problems of financial law.

8. Banking Law.

9. Security of banking activities.

10. Exchange Law of Ukraine.

11. Budget and insurance law.

12. State building and local self-government in Ukraine.

13. Bankruptcy Law.

14. Information law.

15. Migration law.

16. Municipal law.

17. Tax Law.

18. Legal regulation of bankruptcy.

19. Legal regulation of the securities market.

20. Legal status of the manager.

21. Legal Aspects of School Management.

22. Legal principles of currency regulation.

23. Legal principles of activity of the stock market of Ukraine.

24. Legal bases of investment activity.

25. Problems of administrative responsibility of individuals and legal entities.

26. Current problems of administrative law and process.

27. Financial law.


The Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law was created with the purpose of providing at the level of the state standards of educational, methodical, research and educational work in fundamental and vocational-oriented disciplines.

The work of the department is based on the principles of law, democracy, humanism, science, integration of science with practice, publicity, protection of human rights and freedoms, personal responsibility of employees for the performance of their duties, professionalism, equality of working conditions of each employee for the realization of their abilities, freedom of creative search.

Scientific and methodological work of the department:

Scientific work is one of the main activities of the entire teaching staff of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Banking Law.

The main forms of scientific work of the department are:

  • carrying out scientific researches on actual directions of special disciplines and problems corresponding to the profile of the department;
  • preparation of monographs, textbooks, textbooks with schemes, scientific articles, reports on the main academic disciplines of the department;
  • preparation of candidate and doctoral theses;
  • analyses  and reviewing of dissertations submitted for defense;
  • organization and management of student research work and some others.

At the end of a separate stage of research, analytical reports, working materials and current reports are prepared, and at the end of the whole research - summary reports, suggestions, methodological recommendations, monographs, textbooks, manuals, etc.

Scientific work of students is carried out in scientific circles and problem groups and is drawn up in the form of abstracts, scientific messages, theses, articles, scientific papers recommended by the department for participation in competitions, Olympiads of higher, inter higher education institutions, republican or other level.

The research work of the teachers of the department covers the following areas:

  • theory of administrative law, administrative process, financial law, banking law;
  • innovative stages of the development of administrative law in the modern period;
  • innovative processes in the field of administrative law;
  • training areas for specialists in administrative, financial and banking law;
  • methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of administrative law;
  • innovative activities in the field of financial and banking law;
  • the evolution of the use of special tools in the field of financial and banking law.