
Pre-medical and psychological first aid courses

The specialized medical and pharmaceutical college of MAUP has developed a series of courses on pre-medical and first psychological aid, which is intended for those who seek to gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the field of emergency medical and psychological aid.


The main characteristics of the courses:

l Professional Approach:

  • Our courses are developed by highly qualified specialists in the field of medical and psychological care who have extensive experience in scientific and practical work.
  • Training is carried out on the basis of modern medical and psychological approaches and standards of medical practice, which are based on international protocols.

l Practical experience:

  • Our approach is based on active learning, which includes the acquisition and assimilation of practical skills aimed at supporting and stabilizing the individual and providing pre-medical assistance to the population during martial law.
  • Course participants will have the opportunity to take part in training and practicing practical skills with the help of special tools and equipment, namely: anatomical models (norm/pathology); anatomical tables; educational models for cardiopulmonary resuscitation; multifunctional measuring devices; dummies; manipulation technique; modern diagnostic, therapeutic devices and devices that provide the ability to use theoretical knowledge and practical skills to provide pre-medical care in acute conditions and accidents, in accordance with clinical protocols.


Course topics:​

1. First aid for bleeding (30 hours, 1 ECTS credit, 10 BPR points) :

- anatomical and physiological features of the circulatory system;

- features of bleeding, signs of massive bleeding;

- methods of stopping bleeding: direct pressure on the wound, wound tamponade and hemostatics;

- initial examination of the wounded;

- putting a tourniquet on the upper limb, putting a tourniquet on the lower limb;

- wound tamponade;

- application of a bandage and compression bandage;

- peculiarities of transporting the patient to the medical institution;

- communication with the wounded;

- development of theoretical and methodological material on providing pre-medical care for bleeding;

- final lesson: testing.

Start date of studies: May 4, 2024.

Tuition fee : UAH 2,680 /month.


2. Provision of primary psychological assistance to the population during martial law (30 hours, 1 ECTS credit, 10 BPR points) :

- the concept of stress and stress resistance of a person during martial law;

- PTSD, acute reaction to stress, adaptation disorder;

- panic attack;

- stages of experiencing grief;

- earthing techniques;

- emotional stabilization techniques;

- techniques for restoring a sense of control;

- mental recovery techniques during traumatic events;

- recovery of productivity;

- psychological support and stabilization;

- development of theoretical and methodological material on providing psychological first aid to the population during martial law;

- final lesson: testing.

Start date of studies : May 18, 2024. 

Tuition fee : UAH 3,200 /month.


3. Provision of emergency care for acute circulatory failure (30 hours, 1 ECTS credit, 10 BPR points) :

- anatomical and physiological features of the cardiovascular system;

- GOS: shock, collapse;

- traumatic and hemorrhagic shock;

- burn shock;

- anaphylactic shock;

- infectious and toxic shock;

- cardiogenic shock;

- helping a patient with burn shock;

- helping a patient with traumatic shock;

- helping the patient in case of anaphylactic shock;

- helping a patient with infectious-toxic shock;

- assistance to a patient with cardiogenic shock;

- development of theoretical and methodological material on the provision of emergency care for acute circulatory failure;

- final lesson: testing.

Study start date: May 25, 2024.

Tuition fee : UAH 2,500 /month.


3. First aid in case of damage by chemical weapons; gunshot wounds (30 hours, 1 ECTS credit, 10 BPR points) :

- anatomical and physiological features of body systems;

- emergency situations of wartime, the threat of their occurrence;

- basic principles of providing pre-medical care in the conditions of hostilities;

- providing assistance at the stage under fire;

- provision of assistance in the area of ​​tactical conditions and evacuation;

- pre-medical assistance in the conditions of hostilities (tactical medicine);

- first aid for bullet wounds, medical manipulations;

- first aid for gunshot wounds and transportation of the victim; basic rules of pre-medical care;

- pre-medical assistance to the population when chemical weapons are used;

- medical manipulations at the pre-medical stage;

- processing of theoretical and methodological material from the course;

- final lesson: testing


Study start date: June 8, 2024.

Tuition fee : UAH 2,800 /month.




After successful completion of the course, participants receive a certificate of the appropriate type, 1 ECTS points, 10 BPR points.


Join our cycle of courses and become an expert in emergency medical and psychological care!

Phone for inquiries:  (044) 298-51-19, 490-95-15, 067-857-57-55
e-mail :  [email protected]

Address of training and registration for courses:  Kyiv, str. Frometivska, 2, building 24, room 15/2

To receive advice and register for the course,
please fill out  the form at the link