Department of Management

The Head of the Department is Maria Bukovinskaya, Doctor of Economics, Professor

(building .2, office 21, ext.12-56)

The deputy head of the department is Kateryna Seredyuk, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Associate Professor

(building .2, office 21, ext.12-56)


03039, Kyiv, 2, Frometovskaya, building 2, office 21

Phone: +38 (044) 490-95-00, ext. 12-56

The task of the department is to train specialists in the field of knowledge 07 "Management and administration" specialty 073 "Management" at educational levels:

  • Bachelor in specialty 073 "Management" (educational programs "Organization Management", "Construction Management", "Management of Foreign Economic Activity", "Medical and Pharmaceutical Management");
  • Master in specialty 073 "Management" (educational program "Organization Management", "Construction Management", "Management of Foreign Economic Activity", "Medical and Pharmaceutical Management") and specialty 281 "Public Management and Administration" (educational program "Administrative Management")


The Department of Management was established in 2002. From 2003 to 2007, it functioned as the Department of Business Management, in September 2007 it was renamed the Department of Management of Organizations, from January 2015 – the Department of Management of Organizations and Logistics, and in 2016 – the Department of Management and Administration. In 2018, it was again renamed the Department of Management.

Today the department is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Maria Bukovinskaya. In 2000 she obtained a PhD in Economics.

In 2008 she defended her Doctoral Dissertation in Moscow (RAGS).

Scientific research of Bukovinskaya M. is dedicated to the use of social technologies in corporate governance, the quality of specialist training, human capital, social business policy, social reporting and social audit and more.

Main published works:

1. Research of social-labor relations and their development in the corporate sphere. Monograph Nizhny Novgorod, Russia: Parsek Publishing House, 2006, 197 p.

2. Social technologies in the management of employment relations in the corporation. Monograph. Nizhny Novgorod, Russia: Parsek Publishing House, 2007, 293s.

3. Personnel management: a textbook / M. Bukovinskaya, V. Sladkevich.- K: Kondor Publishing House, 2013, 704 p.


Educational work

Educational work is the main activity of the Department of Management. Its main areas are conducting training sessions with students and organizing the educational and methodological process.

The Department of Management in the year 2019-2020 provides 172 disciplines at the MAUP Presidential University. The disciplines under which the educational process is conducted are provided with work programs, training programs, methodical recommendations for organizing students' independent work.

The department provides carrying out of all kinds of educational classes, independent work of students, methodical providing, control of mastering of educational material in educational disciplines: "Management", "Fundamentals of management", "Management history", "Fundamentals of management in health care", "Organizational- legal bases in health care”, “Medical and pharmaceutical management ”, “Foreign economic activity management”, “FEA Advertising”,“ Business management in foreign countries ”,“ Fundamentals of investment management ”, “ Economy and finance health care ”, “ Analysis of the activity of medical institutions”, “Methods of managerial decision making”, “Organizational behavior”, “Medical equipment”, “Social medicine”, “Medical statistics”, “Technologies for production of health care services”, “Accounting and Reporting in Health Care”, ”Administrative Management”, “Administrative System”, ”Methods of Teaching Management”, “Conceptual Principles of Modern Management”, “Theoretical Principles of Public Administration”, “Management of Social and Environmental Safety of Activity”, “Management of information relations”, “Work Content management”, “Organization theory”, “Head of administrative service", “Technique of administrative activity”, Audit and evaluation of management activities” and others.


The scientific activity of the Department of Management is an integral part of the educational activity of the Academy and is carried out in order to integrate scientific, educational and practical activity. The department carries out considerable work on education of future specialists, development of moral qualities of students, formation of features of civic responsibility and patriotism in them, affirmation of social optimism and confidence in the future. The peculiarities of the activity of the department are, first of all, in the organization of research work. Priority tasks in the field of research activity of the department include: ensuring the unity of the content of the educational activity of the department with the plans of scientific activity; organization of scientific, scientific-practical, scientific-methodical seminars, conferences, student Olympiads, competitions of research, course, diploma works of all participants of educational process. The results of scientific research for the current year are implemented in the educational process in the preparation of management specialists in the form of adjusted curricula, work training programs and tests, programs of educational and industrial practices, as well as relevant topics of course and diploma works. The research of the department of management and administration carries out the research work of students, its results are schematically reported at scientific and practical conferences.

The department successfully operates a student scientific group "Modern Head of the Organization", in which classes with the students of the Academy are held monthly.

Professors of the department provide guidance to postgraduates, doctoral students, scientific work of students in the preparation of reports at conferences, in preparation for participation in the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in professional disciplines. The scientific guidance of the doctoral students of the department is constantly conducted.


The department staff

The professors’ staff of the Department of Management is formed of specialists with sufficient practical and scientific experience.

There are 29 lecturers in the department staff, including:

  • 5 Doctors of Economics;
  • 20 PhDs in Economic Sciences;
  • 1 PhD in Law;
  • 2 PhDs in Economics;
  • 1 assistant professor.