
Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics

Deputy Head of the Department Zgalat-Lozynska Liubov Alexandrovna, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.

(corp. 2, clause 34, ext. 15-14)

03039, Kyiv, 2, Frometovskaya str., building 2, office 34

Phone: +38 (044) 490-95-00, ext. 15-14

The task of the department is to train specialists in the field of knowledge 05 "Social and behavioral sciences" in specialty 051 "Economics" by educational levels:

  • Bachelor in Specialty 051 "Economics" (educational programs "International Economics and Personnel Management", "Personnel Management and Labor Economics");
  • Master in specialty 051 "Economics" (educational and professional programs "International Economics and Personnel Management", "Personnel Management and Labor Economics");
  • Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 051 "Economics".

The purpose of the activity of the department is to form students with modern knowledge, skills and skills in the effective management of human resources and to develop leadership skills in future managers of enterprises, organizations and institutions of all types of economic activities and forms of ownership.

The department trains specialists who successfully work in the departments of personnel management, planning and economic departments of enterprises, organizations (institutions) of different branch affiliation, both domestic and foreign; recruiting, outsourcing agencies, as well as in state executive bodies, institutions carrying out activities in the field of management, regulation and control of social and labor relations and social protection of the population, in particular, the State Employment Service, the Pension Fund of Ukraine, as well as organizations providing scientific activity in the sphere of labor, employment, demography, social protection of population, higher educational establishments.

Perspectivr job carreers for graduates of the first (bachelor) level of higher education of specialty 051 "Economics" under the educational programs "International Economics and Personnel Management", "Personnel Management and Labor Economics" include: Deputy Head of Human Resources, Senior Inspector of Human Resources; Personnel manager (middle level), career planning and staff development; Economist in the planning and production department, which is engaged in the planning and forecasting of labor indicators; Economist in the Department of Labor and Wages; Personnel Inspector; Engineer, technician for organization and regulation of labor; Engineer for training, for profadaptation; Recruitment and employment centers (development of recruitment, evaluation and adaptation systems); Economist - demographer, economist - statistician; Economist for work and advanced training; Professional consultant; Specialist in employment, labor market analysis, employment; Assistant to the head of the enterprise; Organizer of record keeping; Planning technician; Rationing Technician; Timekeeper; Appointment inspector, payment of pensions; Social assistance inspector.

Bachelor of Specialty 051 "Economics" under the educational programs "International Economics and Personnel Management", "Personnel Management and Labor Economics" participates in the calculations of the needs of the organization (institution) in the staff, in staff evaluation, carries out the normalization of work in the enterprise, organizes groups to improve the skills of the staff, make proposals for the placement, improve the system of remuneration and incentives.

Possible places of work for graduates of the second (master's) level of higher education of specialty 051 "Economics" under the educational programs "International Economics and Personnel Management", "Personnel Management and Labor Economics" may be: Head of Human Resources Department; Deputy Head of Human Resources Management Department; Deputy Director for Personnel and Life; Head / Deputy Head of Labor and Wages Department; Deputy Head of the Training Department; Deputy Head of Social Development Department; Head of Permit Bureau; Deputy Head of Laboratory of Sociology and Psychophysiology of Labor; Head of the Laboratory for Scientific Organization of Labor and Production Management; Specialist of the civil service (in the bodies of executive power of the sphere of social and labor relations); Head of Production Practice; Researcher in the field of labor and employment, social protection of the population; Economist - demographer, economist - statistician, economist at work; Assistant Professor of the Department at ZVO; Engineer for organization and regulation of labor; Engineer for training, for profadaptation; Professional consultant; Specialist in employment / labor market analysis; Working conditions expert.

Master's Degree in Specialty 051 "Economics" in the educational programs "International Economics and Personnel Management", "Personnel Management and Labor Economics" can work in the management positions of the departments of human resources and labor relations of all branches of economy of organizations (institutions), both domestic and foreign; manager for researching the international labor market and study of public opinion, specialist in the field of labor and employment, as a researcher in the field of labor, employment, social protection of the population; the head of divisions in the field of education and industrial training, the teacher of higher educational establishments of all levels of accreditation, in the positions of professionals in the field of social protection of the population, employment centers, the pension fund.


History of the Department

The Department of Personnel Management was created in 1996 to train Human Resources management specialists.

Now the task of the graduating department of personnel management and labor economics is to prepare applicants for higher education in the field of knowledge 05 "Social and behavioral sciences" in specialty 051 "Economics", which provides training for specialists in the first (bachelor's), second (master's) levels of higher education, which they study full-time, part-time and distance learning, as well as the third (PhD) level of higher education.

Since 2017, the head of the department is Doctor of Economics, Honored Worker of Education, Professor Dmitrenko Gennady Anatoliyovich. He is the author of a number of scientific and teaching materials with more than 32 years of scientific, management and teaching experience. He is the author of more than 300 publications, including monographs, textbooks, manuals, scientific articles and methodological developments.

1987-1993, All-Union Institute of Advanced Training of Management of Reclamation and Water Management, Head of the Department of Management;

1993-1996, Institute for Strategic Studies in Education of Ukraine, Head of Department;

1996-1998, Academy of Management Leaders of Education, Head of the Department of Management;

1998-2002, Head of Personnel Management Department;

2002-2015, State Educational Management University, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Economics and Personnel Management;

2015-2018. JSC «Higher education institution “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”, Professor of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics;

2018 is up to date – PJSC "Higher Education" Interregional Academy of Personnel Management ", Head of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics


G. Dmitrenko's range of scientific interests is connected with the rationale for the New Management Course for Ukraine, the ideological basis of which is environmentalism. Its core is the all-round promotion of the self-realization of the individual throughout life in harmony with the natural environment, that is, within the framework of universal morality and national consciousness.

G. Dmitrenko determines that the New Management Course has a threefold direction. The first direction is a clear orientation of the system of public administration on improving the quality of life of citizens and forming an external positive image of the country. The second is the transition of the authorities and other state structures to a culture of goal-oriented management for the end results, which will help to increase social responsibility and reduce corruption. The third is the modernization of the entire education system as a basis for large-scale reform in the context of the transition to a culture of purposeful management of preschool, school, and vocational schools.

Scientific adviser of research theme RК 0115U002063 "Socio-pedagogical technologies of management of the system of postgraduate pedagogical education in the conditions of innovative transformations", State Higher Education Institution "University of Management of Education" of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2015.

Responsible executor of departmental research work 0118U002244 «Economic mechanism of preservation and development of labor potential of Ukraine in the conditions of transition to innovative model of economy», JSC «Higher education institution« Interregional Academy of Personnel Management », 2018-2020.

Member of the Specialized Academic Council D 26.142.03 with the right of admission to the consideration and defense of the dissertations for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Economic Sciences in the specialties 08.00.04 "Economics and Management of Enterprises (by types of economic activity)" and 08.00.05 "Development productive forces and the regional economy. "


The composition of the department

The teaching staff of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economy is formed of specialists with sufficient practical and scientific work experience. The department employs 37 teachers, 5 of them are Doctors of Economics, Professors of the department of personnel management and labor economics; 16 PhDs in economic sciences, 1 PhD in Psychological sciences, 2 PhDs in pedagogical sciences, 3 employees without scientific degrees;

The course also includes 4 part-time employees, of whom 1 have a Docrort of Economics and 3 PhDs in Economics.