Department of Marketing
Head of the Department – Lidia Romanova Doctor of Economics, Professor (build. 2, off. 35, tel. 12-05) |
Deputy Head of the Department is Karbovska Lyubov Alexandrovna, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (build. 2, off. №35, tel. 12-05). |
Contact data: |
03039, м. Kyiv, 2, Frometivska str.,. office 35 tel: +38 (044) 490-95-00, int. 12-05 |
The task of the department is to train specialists in the field of knowledge 07 "Management and administration" of the specialty "075 Marketing" at the levels of higher education:
- Bachelor in 075 Marketing (Marketing and Marketing and Advertising Programs);
- Master in 075 Marketing (Marketing and Marketing and Advertising Programs).
The department trains specialists dealing in the problems of studying the subjects of market activity; formation of the company's image; organization of an advertising company; study of the situation on the market of goods and services, as well as competitors; preparation of a proposal to increase the effectiveness of the firm in the market, its image, participation in the organization and conduct of advertising campaigns; managing the work of a marketing team that studies international and domestic markets; management of advertising of the enterprise.
Possible jobs for graduates of specialty 075 "Marketing" are: domestic enterprises, industrial, intermediary and trade enterprises; investment and advertising companies, consulting firms; distribution companies, government agencies, enterprises of various legal forms; departments in the field of culture, recreation and sports, research institutes, educational establishments, consulting centers, wholesale and retail trade enterprises;
The Department of Marketing was founded on September 1, 1998 at the Institute of Economics and Information Technologies (IEIT) of MAUP. The chairman of the department was appointed Tatiana Primak, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of MKA.
In 2000 the head of the department was Titova Nonna Arkadyevna, Doctor of Economics, Professor.
In 2003 the department was headed by Didenko Anatoliy – PhD in Economics, Professor of MKA.
Since 2006 the department has been headed by Mykola Orlov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Since January 2011 the head of the department is Doctor of Economics, Professor Romanova Lydia. She is the author of a number of scientific and teaching materials. Has over 30 years of experience in scientific, management and teaching. She is the author of more than 350 publications, including monographs, textbooks, textbooks, scientific articles and methodological recommendations.
In 1970 she graduated from the Crimean Agricultural Institute, majoring in Agricultural Economics, has a qualification of an agro-economist.
In 1983, she defended her PhD thesis and received her PhD in Economics.
In 1998 he defended his Doctoral dissertation in the field of entrepreneurship, management and marketing, on the topic "Entrepreneurship formation in the agricultural sector (theory and methodology)".
In 2004 she was conferred the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Management.
In 2005, she was awarded the academic title of Professor of Marketing.
Scientific interests are theoretical, methodological and practical issues of managing the marketing activities of economic entities. Head of research project "Scientific principles and ways of ensuring the effectiveness of marketing activities in the context of innovative development of enterprises in Ukraine" (II.2 29.06.03, 2016-2020)
She is a member of the editorial board of the scientific professional edition “MAUP Scientific Papers”. Executor of research work 0118U002244 «Economic mechanism of preservation and development of labor potential of Ukraine in the conditions of transition to innovative model of economy», 2018-2020
Member of the Permanent Specialized Academic Council D 26.142.03 with the right to accept and review the dissertations for the degree of Doctor (PhD) of Economic Sciences in the specialties 08.00.04 "Economics and Management of Enterprises (by types of economic activity)" and 08.00.05 " Productive Forces Development and Regional Economy ”(PJSC“ Higher Education Institute “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”).
Member of the Academic Councils for the Defense of Candidate Dissertations at the European University
The department lecturers’ staff
The lecturers’ staff of the Department of Marketing comprises specialists with sufficient practical and scientific experience. There are 6 lecturers at the department, 2 of which are Doctors of Economics, and 3 are PhD in economics (including 4 associate professors).
6 part-timers are also involved in the teaching of the disciplines, 1 of which holds a D of Economics Diploma, 1 Doctor of medical sciences, 1 PhD in economics, 1 PhD in historical sciences, and 2 PhD in engineering.