Educational-Scientific Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences

Educational and Scientific Institute of Psychology and Social Sciences (NNIPSN) has been operating on the market of educational services since 2000.

The institute trains specialists at the first (on the basis of complete secondary education and junior specialist (related and unrelated)), second (on the basis of bachelor (related and unrelated)) levels of higher education .

For those who want to study at the third (educational and scientific) level, there are post-graduate and doctoral programs in the specialty 05 Social and behavioral sciences 053 Psychology.

Education is carried out in full-time, correspondence and distance forms .

More than 1,000 students, including from Azerbaijan, Iran, Cameroon, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Georgia, Cyprus, etc.

New principles of learning, the use of innovative methods and their active forms, receiving proper professional training and getting to know the modern global practice of working with people are the components that help our students confidently step into a complex social life.

Director of NNIPSN - Yana Mykolaivna Raevska , doctor of psychological sciences, professor. 

Author of more than 140 scientific and educational and methodological works.

Active member of the scientific organization "Center of Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation" (Certificate No. 121430 from 2021).

Member of the editorial board of the scientific and practical magazine "Scientific works of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology" (professional), included in the List of scientific and professional publications of Ukraine in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 1017 of September 27, 2021 ; of the journal "Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology" (professional), included in the List of scientific and professional publications of Ukraine in accordance with   the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 1017 of September 27, 2021 .

Teaches disciplines: "General psychology", "Basics of psychological practice (practical psychology)", "Personality psychology", "Basics of psychotherapy", "Psychology of traumatic situations".

Priority research interests : psychological counseling, psychology of social work, psychology of interprofessional interaction, catathymic-imaginative psychotherapy, art therapy when working with trauma.

He has 12 years of experience as a practical psychologist.



Web of Science Researcher ID C-8527-2019

Digital Library NAES of Ukraine:

Google Scholar Citations:


Deputy director of NNIPSN - Tamara Volodymyrivna Nych , Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Teaches disciplines: "Philosophy", "Logic", "Theory of knowledge".

Priority scientific interests : history of philosophy, logic, philosophy of education, philosophy of psychology, methodology of scientific research.

Author of more than 55 scientific and educational and methodological works.

Dean of NNIPSN – Svitlana Anatolyivna Palii , candidate of sciences in public administration.

Teaches disciplines: "Technologies of managerial decision-making and leadership", "Academic studies", "Personnel management in public service", "Regulatory and legal regulation of local self-government".

Priority scientific interests : the role of higher education in the development of the national economy, the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of information security

Author of more than 20 scientific and educational and methodological works.



The training of specialists at the Institute is carried out by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the graduation departments:


 Branch of knowledge


 Educational program

International relations

29 International relations

291 International relations, public communications and regional studies

International relations, public communications and regional studies

Foreign philology and translation

03 Humanities

035 Philology

Germanic languages ​​and literatures, the first is English

English language and literature, second language – German (for the second (master’s) level of education)


05 Social and behavioral sciences

053 Psychology


Clinical psychology


06 Journalism

061 Journalism


The main structural subdivisions of the Institute are:

  • faculty of full-time and part-time forms of education;
  • Department of Psychology;
  • department of foreign philology and translation;
  • Department of International Relations;
  • department of journalism;
  • Department of Philosophy and Social Disciplines;
  • psychological counseling and training center;
  • psychological counseling and psychocorrection center;
  • laboratory of practical psychology;
  • laboratory "Center for Translation and Study of Foreign Languages";
  • center for organization of language courses and certification;
  • "Telestudio" laboratory;
  • laboratory "Radio Studio";
  • "Editorial Studio" laboratory.

Today , the teaching staff of the departments is a highly qualified scientific-pedagogical team, capable of providing high-quality training for students of higher education and providing educational and research work at the modern level. Students have the opportunity to communicate with experienced teachers, famous scientists. 

The scientific and pedagogical composition of the departments is a guarantee of a decent professional level and demand for our graduates on the labor market. 

Departments of the Institute pay important attention to the study of disciplines of an innovative nature, aimed at increasing the level of competence and motivation of students to study, self-determination and self-improvement. All this helps to increase the efficiency and quality of education. 

Teachers of the institute's departments improve their qualifications in the form of internships and studies in domestic and foreign institutions of higher education; modern forms and methods of interactive learning (training, business and role-playing games, discussions, round tables, etc.) are used in the educational process, which contributes to the activation of the independent mental activity of future specialists, the formation of their organizational and communicative abilities, competence skills and abilities. Modern technical means, innovative and computer technologies are also used in the educational process.

Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Institute are constantly working on improving the educational and methodological support of the educational process. Together with the institute, more than 100 new names of scientific-practical and scientific-methodical developments are annually presented at the Academy.

Curricula for training specialists combine fundamental disciplines with practical training, which makes it possible to train highly competent professionals. Students of the Institute adapt their theoretical knowledge, skills of analytical work and applied research during educational, industrial, pre-diploma, assistantship, industrial-internship, diploma, scientific-research and pedagogical practices.

Graduates of the Institute can engage in the following types of activities: scientific-analytical, prognostic, advisory work in the field of international relations; public administration and administration; socio-psychological sphere; in the health care system; participate in negotiations and diplomatic talks; handle international information; research and development in the field of humanities and social sciences; market research and the study of public opinion; advisory and executive activities in ministries of Ukraine, international organizations, party bodies, state departments and institutions, self-government bodies, private structures, public organizations; planning and conducting advertising campaigns; representation in state structures and public relations; public activities in the field of recreation and entertainment, culture and sports; written and oral translation; editing sites, advertising, social and media projects, providing educational philological services.

Student life is also multifaceted. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" dated July 1, 2014 No. 1556-VII (Chapter VII, Article 40), student self-government operates in the institute . Students take a direct part in the management of the educational institution, protecting the rights and interests of students, solving issues of education, life, and leisure. They are active participants in mass sports events, art studios, various art competitions, regularly visit theaters, art workshops, and exhibitions. Students have the opportunity to realize themselves in 22 sports sections of chess, volleyball, basketball, mini-football, aerobics, etc.

The scientific and pedagogical team of the Institute carries out research activities aimed at the development and solution of both internal and modern international problems of the development of Ukraine, outside of which the students of the Institute are not left out. Together with their mentors, they organize conferences, seminars, round tables, attend lectures, in which guests of the Institute - well-known scientists of Ukraine and other countries of the world - participate.

Educational and scientific laboratories operate at the Institute: